Julia woke up late in the evening. Awakening medicine quickly reduced drowsiness. She rubbed her eyes and looked around: {Did I fall asleep in the palace?} – She realized with a shock. – {Am I late for the meeting?}

The redhead drew back the curtains and saw the sunset glowing on the horizon. She felt panicky. Did she sleep through the meeting until the evening? The Queen would never forgive such disrespect! How did it happen? Why did she fall asleep? She had never had sleeping problems!

Julia heard the door opening and turned to see who was coming in. She expected to see anyone, be it Kara or Vlada, but definitely not Franz.

«You? Why are you here?» – She glowered at him.

Franz closed the door and stared at the hated beautiful girl in a bewitchingly bright dress. His gaze lingered at her bare feet, slender hips, delicate shoulders and seductive collarbones. At the sight of all this beauty, he didn't know what to do next. He was seething with hatred, but at the same time he had butterflies in his stomach and ants in his pants. It had happened each time when he was anxious to eat the forbidden fruit, for example, having the first sex with Marina.

Julia lifted her chin, defying him: «I don't know how and why you have come here, but you'd better say something before I get angry.»

«Do you take pride in beating those who are weaker than you and getting away with it?» – Franz asked emotionlessly.

Julia snorted in disdain: «I am not going to explain myself to someone as worthless as you.»

«When I ask you a question, you give me an answer, bitch!» – Franz interrupted her imperiously, surprised at his own reaction.

Julia's mouth quivered slightly with indignation, her fists clenched. She muttered under her breath: «Who are you to talk to me like this? My father's bed warmer? Show respect to your elders, fucking cunt! Or maybe you think that you can do anything if my dad fucks you in the ass? If you hadn't run away like a cowardly dog the day before yesterday, I would have beaten you once more, and even harder!» – She approached him with her hands on her hips. – «But since you have come to me alone, with no support… Don't beg me for mercy!»

«Freeze! I order you!» – Franz cried out just in time.

The enraged fury was about to attack when, to her horror, she found out that her body did not move. She couldn't utter a word, gaping in shock.

Franz breathed a sigh of relief. Anyway, his anxiety only grew, his heart almost jumped out of his chest. He slapped the stunned girl in the face and growled with hatred: «My patron is not Nulan, but someone a million times more terrible and dangerous!»

Franz took off his pants, bent speechless Julia by her neck against the nearest wall, lifted her skirt, pulled down her panties and mercilessly penetrated her sweet pussy, taking her virginity. He got swept away into an ocean of bliss. He had never expected that his revenge on this pretty girl would be as intoxicatingly delighted as strong rum. His every move was filled with primal rage, his desire to hurt the red bitch, and insane pleasure. Her shrill screams only fired up the lustful dragon inside his soul ...

After a long intercourse with the freckled bitch, Franz created a cage of orders for her, following Kyon's advice. From now on, Julia would support his made-up story that he had seduced her, making her his girlfriend. Her admirers may choke with jealousy.

Julia's life became a waking nightmare. She was mad with rage. She realized that someone had imposed a subjugating formation on her while she was sleeping, but she could not find out who it was or why they had done it to her. The fucking bastard had forbidden her to ask questions or take any initiative. Julia was bound hand and foot by his orders, which made her his thing, his toy...

Franz arrived at school late in the evening with his redhead girlfriend, just in time for the fight club opening. Following his order, Julia was holding her owner's hand, leaning her head against his shoulder as if she were madly in love with him. Everyone the couple met could not believe their eyes. Julia's admirers looked like stone idols.

When the couple approached the dorm, Julia kissed him on the cheek, leaving numerous students dumbfounded. Then they parted and went to their rooms.

«What was it? WHAT DID I SEE?» – Julia's disheartened admirer screamed desperately, clutching his head.

«Why did Julia kiss Franz!? Is she really his girlfriend?» … «What?! Julia is Franz's girlfriend?! He is married! Does he need a second wife?» … «NO NO NO! Shut up, everyone! YOU'RE MAKING IT ALL UP!»

The news that the principal's daughter had a boyfriend spread throughout Cernos like fire in dry, windy weather. Many girls envied Julia, others did not understand her decision. Wasn't it humiliating to be a second wife? The guys couldn't get it: why did a weakling get the second most popular girl in the school? There were lots of stronger students after all! Did it all come down to his handsome looks and charm? Julia's fans went totally mad.

Soon the Cernos students came to obvious conclusions. Why did the principal let everyone know that Franz was his favorite student? Why did Julia beat him up because of the alleged harassment? Why did she glom onto him today and kiss him on the cheek? It was obvious! She was nuts about Franz, and her father knew it! There's a reason why they say that beating is a sign of affection.

When Marina heard the shocking news, she refused to believe it. She hurried to the fight club to see Franz as soon as possible... Soon she wished she hadn't arrived! The Stones surrounded their leader, bombarding him with endless questions about Julia, but he did not deny anything! He waved them off saying that she was totally hooked on him!

Marina felt like there was a hole in her chest, like she had lost something precious. Franz had always treated her like she was one and only, the goal of his entire life, the ultimate dream. It turned out that he had been deceiving her when he suddenly found another one, his real love...

The heart-broken girl ran out of the fight club in tears.

When Kara disappeared, Marina lost confidence in herself. She had lost the most talented and popular patron in the kingdom. As soon as everyone understood that Kara wasn't coming back, the boys would start pestering her again, and the girls from the Grand family would insult her. She would have to ask Kyon for help... She was so pathetic and good for nothing while Julia was the fourth strongest and the second most popular student in Cernos! Her father was a principal, and her grandfather was a military officer! She was talented, smart and of noble origin! It came as no surprise that the fight club leader had dumped the plain weak girl with no family!

All these thoughts made Marina whine in self-pity. She needed a shoulder to cry on, but she had no friends, and Kyon didn't answer her calls.

Suddenly, someone hugged her from behind her and murmured in her ear in the pleasant familiar voice.

«Don't cry, Marina. It hurts me to see you cry.» – Franz whispered tenderly.

«Let go of me!» – She tried to writhe herself free.

«Marina, you must understand. I need Julia as protection from the Grands! I've made her my girlfriend so that the principal would become my patron! Don't be mad with me for doing my best to avoid further humiliation!»

«I don't need to hear any of this! Let me go!» – Marina struggled to break free, sobbing hysterically.

Even if Kyon had convinced him to position himself as a man worthy of the best girls, Franz couldn't stand to hurt his dear Marina. He spent another ten minutes trying to justify his actions. He seemed to have succeeded.

«Are you… Are you serious?» – Marina muttered, still sobbing.

«I am! Julia is my girlfriend out of necessity, for my selfish reasons! I want to be only with you, I always have! I want to be near you, go out with you, have fun and... win your heart!»

Marina wanted to believe what she had heard. She understood that anyone in Franz's place would want to fix their deplorable situation, but there was something else that worried her. He owed his sudden increase in self-confidence to his relationship with Julia, not his leadership in the fight club!

«Do you… Well… Do you feel anything for her?» – She asked expectantly.

«Nothing!» – Franz exclaimed fervently, then he remembered Kyon's words and stopped short. – «Well, not really. She agreed to become my girlfriend. She is sincere and has feelings for me. I'm not a complete jerk to turn her down. I have to treat her right…»

«You…» – Marina burst into tears again, broke free and ran away.

Franz was about to run after her when a parrot sat on his shoulder out of nowhere and chirped clearly: «Hold on!». When he listened to Kyon, who had contacted him through the bird, Franz realized that he should Marina be alone. She had to change her attitude towards him and start acting. Why was the bird talking? Franz was no longer surprised at anything.

Marina cried in her room, tortured by conflicting emotions. She no longer felt that Franz had been deceiving her about his intentions. Instead, she had a burning, searing sensation that had a name of jealousy. Marina understood that she had no right to be mad with Franz. He did what he had to and never deceived her at that. He honestly explained everything to her. He acted like a man, protecting the feelings of the girl in love with him, but it didn't make things any easier for Marina! She didn't want to lose such a great man! Why would this trifle ruin their friendship? Friends were allowed to have dates, after all! But why did it hurt so much if he was just a friend? Where did she feel jealous? Why was her heart breaking?..

The sleepless night full of doubts and self-examination was nearly over, but Marina didn't understand if she really loved Franz. What if she was just emotionally attached to him, the way she felt about Kyon. She didn't know how she should treat her former master. Should she let her intense emotions lead her? Should she resent him like a fool, refusing to understand his perspective? No! Should she break up with him and wait until he crawled back to her and apologised? He could as well dump Julia to make it up to her! It felt wrong too! Marina couldn't play with his feelings to indulge her ego! Why would Franz break up with Julia, depriving himself of precious patronage? He would never choose to return to those days when the Grands beat and humiliated him! Why would he trade a stupid, capricious blonde for a smart red-haired beauty in love with him? Then what should she do? Marina had no idea, but she was sure that she would never give Franz to the red-haired bitch, who dared to kiss him on the cheek in front of everyone!

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