The students whispered excitedly: «Don't tell me that he is going to show another recording of his wedding night with the demon!» … «Hell no… Never again! You must be kidding me!» … «What if he will?» – An emaciated boy said hopefully, swallowing hard.

The duellist went to the center of the arena but as he turned around, he saw a hefty knight instead of Dick: «Huh… Wait, I am not fighting with…»


The judge gave a signal, and the protective barrier covered the arena.

«What the hell? What's it all about?» – The scared boy yelled. – «I am fighting with HIM! WAIT! Don't come anywhere near me! Gods, no! I GIVE UP! АА-ААА-ААH! DON'T BEAT ME!»

Half a thousand students witnessed the mighty knight completely defeat the poor boy. His heart-rending screams and pleas were completely ignored. He kept yelling "I give up," but the judge cleared his ears deep in his thoughts, taking his time to announce the winner.

When the unfortunate duellist looked like mincemeat, the judge deigned to raise the flag: «Dick Grand has won an ultimate victory! He is awarded the first rank! Congratulations!»

His words left everyone speechless: «Whaaaat?» … «How come victory? The knight fought instead of Dick Baker! Are you blind?» … «The judge needs specs!» … «First rank? It belongs only to Kara… I mean to Prince Charles!» … «You have no scruples! Are you really the unbiased and fair Cernos judge?» – The audience was outraged.

Charles, who was watching the duel, squeezed the window frame till it cracked. After the disappearance of the demonic bitch, he should have received the first rank in Cernos, but the fat freak had bribed the judge and once again undeservedly appropriated the title of the strongest student! The asshole had taken his room and stolen the first rank! This unforgivable impudence must be severely punished. Alas, Prince Charles didn't have the power to administer justice. He would have to wait until the tournament and catch the freak alone, without his strong guards, if, of course, he decided to participate. Otherwise, he would have to wait until the official coronation that would give him an ocean of opportunities.

«I've been fighting like a lion, but you don't even applaud me! What's the matter with kids today? Alright, never mind! Who else wants to have a duel with me? Come out! Don't be shy! I can fight with everyone!» – Dick announced proudly, showing off his biceps barely visible under the fat.

The top three Cernos students deserved to be called the best of the best in the kingdom, and now pathetic Dick Baker was number one! The students gritted their teeth louder than the wind howled. They wanted to beat the weakling to death, but no one dared to fight with his knights! That's why everyone stood silent, gloomily exchanging glances with each other.

«No one? Bother.» – Dick sighed and casually went to his room to continue experiments with the spatial attribute.

Now that all Cernos students were UNDER Dick, this school could be officially titled the most worthless in the world. First, the respected princess turned out to be a despicable demon, then the director's daughter became the cute weakling's girlfriend, and now the meanest, ugliest, and the most odious person in the world had become student number one!

In the morning Marina found out about the princess's true nature and immediately felt dirty and stained. Like all the children in this world, she considered the horned creatures to be perverted and immoral, which she learned from experience.

Marina had this nagging feeling that Kyon had known about everything but said nothing. How else should she explain his prediction about Kara's escape? Unfortunately, there was no way to find out the truth. He didn't answer her calls, ignored her letters, and she would not dare to speak to him in public. He kept their friendship secret… She couldn't reveal it.

Anyway, Marina couldn't be angry with Kyon and beat herself up for too long. All her thoughts were occupied by Franz and his relationship with Julia. It was all she cared about.

Marina decided to act. The day before yesterday she ran away from Franz. She ignored his calls yesterday, but today, she went to the fight club to be with him as if nothing had happened. On the way there, a group of hostile girls from the Grand family surrounded her with mean, evil grins on their faces.

Marina was scared to death! They would tear her from limb to limb for being under the protection of a demon! She trembled with fear, tears welling up in her eyes, her thin eyebrows arched plaintively. Marina was expecting a blow at any moment when suddenly Franz and his red-haired, freckled girlfriend appeared at the scene of the failed assault.

Julia's very presence drove away the bullies as if she were a shark and they were little fish. She coldly warned the girls that if they lay a finger on Marina, they would be expelled from school in the best-case scenario. In the worst, they would feed the worms in the ground.

After such a frightening threat, the cowardly students scattered. Did the blonde have a new patron now? They would never have thought that the director's daughter would be nice to her lover's first wife! Usually, it happened the other way around.

Franz held out his hand and helped Marina get up: «Are you alright?»

«I am fine… Thank you.» – She blushed and glanced shyly at him.

«Great. Let's have some fun in the club.» – He offered, smiling tenderly.

«Okay…» – His former maid nodded. Her heart started beating faster. Her eyes sparkled with intense emotions. She felt completely safe next to him, thanks to his newly acquired girlfriend. His decision to seduce the redhead didn't seem so wrong now.

On the way to the club, Marina felt sorry for yesterday (ignoring him). She wanted to apologize, but she could not find the words and the right moment. Besides, Franz didn't seem to care about such trifles. He had become so strong!

At the entrance to the club, Julia shamelessly kissed Franz on the lips and left. Without a family formation, she couldn't get inside.

Seeing them kiss, Marina wanted to run away in tears, but she held back the inappropriate anger. She no longer had the moral right to throw a tantrum. Julia was Franz's girlfriend, she had all the aces! Plus, she even protected them!

Marina and Franz went into the basement.

After the next few hours spent with him at the club, Marina was impressed more than ever before. He was so tender and romantic, holding her hand, flirting, staring at her with a burning gaze. Marina wanted even more attention, affection, tenderness from him. She wanted to return his feelings, and come what may! A single kiss would be enough! Just like Julia did! Come on, it's just a kiss... But no matter how hard Marina tried, she could not force herself. She couldn't take the initiative.

After closing hours, the red-haired girlfriend met Franz with a hot kiss in front of the Stones, pouncing on him like a hungry lioness! She showed no modesty or decency! Everyone was jealous of their leader and watched with interest the reaction of his "wife."

Marina blushed up to her ears a thousand times. She wished she were more determined. Julia took away what she had so longed for! The red-haired bitch sucked on Franz like a leech! Oh, how Marina wished to be as relaxed, straightforward, and confident as she was! Marina was about to hit the roof! She could hardly restrain herself from pouncing on the kissing couple to separate them!

The nightmare was soon over. Franz and his girls said goodbye to the Stones and walked around the park till late at night, talking about abstract topics. Julia looked detached. She gave only short and indifferent answers, but at the same time, she constantly clung to Franz, holding his hand as if deliberately playing with Marina's feelings.

When they approached the dorm, Franz kissed the girls on the cheeks goodbye and went to his room.

Marina did not quite understand what was happening between her, Franz, and Julia. On the one hand, polygamy wasn't uncommon in this part of the world, but on the other hand, she wasn't his girlfriend, not even his wife! She hadn't figured out her feelings yet!

All these thoughts disappeared from her mind as soon as Marina saw Julia furtively follow Franz into the male part of the dorm. Her mouth quivered with indignation, she instinctively tried to catch up with the insolent girl, but the doorkeeper didn't let her in. The director's daughter could enter the male part, but Marina couldn't!

Marina bit her lips till they bled. Gradually the anger gave way to resentment. She waited for Julia for a minute... Five minutes... Thirty minutes later, she ran to her room in tears.

Marina's heart was breaking. It would be naive to believe that the redhead stayed over in Franz's room, in his bed, without having sex! Was Julia really going to take her "husband" from her? What could a miserable rootless weak girl do against the best (at the moment) student with reputable parents?

The next morning, it was announced that the redhead would live with Franz despite the internal dorm rules that prohibited opposite-sex students from living together. The news drove Marina mad with despair. Why? Someone stop this nightmare! Punish Julia! Enlighten Franz! Julia used to have so many admirers. Why weren't they doing anything?

Marina lost heart. She was losing the will to fight. She just wanted to disappear, to run away from all this nightmare. Even in those days when Flitz took her by force, her heart ached less. But now... It was unbearable!

The disheartened girl would go on skipping classes, unable to leave in her room if Franz had not called her and asked out on a date, this time without Julia! Marina's eyes sparkled with hope. Of course, she said yes.

Marina understood that there was no point in giving up as long as Franz loved her.

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