Early in the morning, as Kyon left the tent, he found a big drawn and dressed swan at his feet.

The hungry gaze of the huntress lying on the tree branch spoke for itself.

At a rough estimate, the participants would arrive in less than two hours. Kyon shrugged his shoulders and decided to use his great cooking skills to "feed his pet."

Soon the meal was ready.

«Purrr! So tasty! Gr-r-r…» – Dangling from a tree branch, Triana growled, eating with gusto a huge roasted piece of the swan. The meat was so tender it could melt in her mouth, and the flavor caressed all the taste buds of her tongue. Triana could swear that she had never eaten anything more delicious in her life. Another two or three meals like this, and she would get addicted to the food prepared by his magic hands. Her master was really gifted.

While the tigress was diligently licking herself with her rough tongue, Kyon caught a ring fallen from the sky with delivery from Boston.

«Come here, baby tiger.»

Satisfied tigress approached her master: «What can I do for you?» – The mouthwatering meal had put her in a good mood, so she didn't mind much being called a baby tiger.

Kyon pulled a pair of lingerie out of the ring: «Try it on.»

Triana arched her eyebrows, her eyes wide open: «Human… clothes? No way!»

The master's stern gaze made her pick up her new things and leave behind a tree.

Soon, the newly minted model approached Kyon looking like she had been smeared with sticky honey from head to toe. Thin lace panties and a dark-colored bra looked terrific on her, but she did not appreciate it. Her snow-white hair created a pleasing contrast with the underwear.

Kyon walked around the tigress, nodding to his thoughts. The tailored underwear satisfied all his secret fantasies and was ideal for his future goals. He didn't give her any upper garments for a reason. The tigress wasn't going to freeze due to her animal nature, and, without clothes, she would satisfy his aesthetic needs.

«It's the worst underwear ever!» – Triana growled angrily. – «The slit is meant for the tail, but why is it longer than necessary? What cack handed monkeys have made this disgusting abominable thing? I'd rather wear hedgehog needles!»

«It's alright. You'll get used to it. Get ready to meet humans.» – Kyon said coldly, pointing to the north.

Sweeping small trees in his path, the first prince of Liberia, huge as a mountain, was dashing at full speed. He'd been chasing the elusive opponent half the night but he hadn't found him. It drove the prince up the wall.

«Huh?!» – The prince stopped as soon as he saw the fat freak's back. – «It's you!»

Kyon turned around with a beaming smile, taking out the patterned staff: «Hello! Want to see a magic trick?»

«Fuck! I've been chasing this scum for six hours?!» – The best genius of Liberia (2) asked himself angrily, cutting down a thick tree with a powerful blow. He could have robbed two or three participants, making a good profit, but instead, he had wasted so much time! Now his chances to get ahead of Princess Haya were close to non-existent, all because of this penniless pig.

«Hey, what about the trick?» – Kyon insisted.

«Shut up, dickhead.» – The prince contemptuously as if talking with a cheeky slave. He had no respect for Dick Baker and considered it humiliating to waste an extra word on the future deadman. The one who had taken so much of his time, the one who had called him a fucking loser in front of everyone, signed his own death warrant long ago. As for the possible consequences, nothing would ever happen to him due to his authority.

The first prince took a fishing line from the ring, tied it to a branch, and made a noose. He pulled at it like a pensive executioner, checking the strength of the cord.

«Are you going to hang yourself?» – Kyon asked, appalled.

«Yeah, indeed. But first, I'll check the rope on your neck. You won't refuse to help the prince, will you?» – He asked with a venomous sneer.

«Count me out.» – Kyon adamantly refused. – «I save my neck for hickies from beautiful girls.»

«Then I have bad news for you. You have no choice!» – With a vicious grimace, the first prince rushed to the fat freak, intending to hang him like a pig before butchering. The ugly clown's screaming and twitching would raise his gloomy mood. Wasn't it the reason why the director of Cernos had admitted the freak to the tournament after all?

«BOOM!» – Kyon yelled as quickly as he could.

The prince in the lord phase didn't understand why everything went dark. Some time later, he woke up in sharp, stubbing groin pain. When he opened his eyes, the prince found himself in torn clothes hanging by the balls on the fishing line tied to a tree branch. A brown bear was scratching his bottom as if stirring up a hive full of honey.

«А-А-А-А-А-А-АH! FUCKING HELL!» – Screaming in pain, the prince first tore the fishing line, then the bear. He curled up on the ground, gritting his teeth and crying in unbearable agony. Every cell of his body was in overwhelming, intolerable pain.

A few minutes later, the hefty prince came to his senses, checked the integrity of his genital organ and exhaled with relief. There was no damage. All that remained was burning humiliation. Suddenly, he noticed the absence of most of the rings on his fingers. When he inspected the rest, he found them were empty!

{HE ROBBED ME! HOW? Did anyone help him? ASSHOLE!} – The first prince was shaking with anger and shame. Someone had knocked him out, robbed, and hanged by the balls! All his clothes were torn, and he had no spare ones!

Suddenly, a carrier pigeon landed next to him with a note tied to its leg. The message read: "Did you enjoy the trick? I think it was amazing! I have even recorded it on the visual formation. If you want to watch it together with your family, feel free to contact me. Forever yours, charming Dick Baker."

The big prince spat out blood. His eyes bulged like those of a toad, his face turned purple. He started emanating chaotic aura. The prince nearly lost a stage of cultivation. The most talented person in Liberia (2) and the first prince rolled in one was being blackmailed by a pathetic clown!

What should he do? If he followed the fat freak in the forest, he would have to deal with his powerful secret bodyguard, who could knock out a lord phaser out of the blue! If he delayed his revenge, his dignity would be ruined! Whoever Dick Baker was, he'd better not mess with him!

Meanwhile, Triana stepped out of invisibility and enquired: «Why did you order me to hang that big man by the balls? You have deprived him of the chance for leaving behind offspring. It was too cruel of you. He's a human too!»

Kyon explained one of his reasons: «A fishing line won't harm the tough lord phaser. Anyway, what was cruel about it? The prince wanted to hang me first! Beasts would have eaten my skeleton clean. He should thank me for not castrating him.»

{The prince?} – Triana wanted to object, but she agreed with the master's decision in her heart. – «By the way, I wanted to ask you yesterday. Why are the other participants always after you?»

«Because some bright spark messed with the tournament formation.»

«Some bright spark? So, you have enemies?»

«I have lots of ill-wishers, but I would pay them too much honor if I call these losers my enemies. I have one enemy, though…» – Kyon suddenly fell silent.

«Really? Who is it? Why? Tell me!» – Triana was eager to know.

«You will find out one day.» – Kyon waved her off.

Half an hour later, they heard a deep, male voice behind them.

«Aren't you the Cernos clown? I wish I knew it before I had been after you for seven hours! Shit!» – The next furious screamer was the second prince of Liberia. He could have robbed two or three participants while he was chasing the pathetic clown. His anger was well understood.

Kyon turned around with a crooked smile on his face and took out his staff: «Hello! What about a little trick?»

«Shut up, pig!» – The prince thundered in a contemptuous tone as if addressing a cheeky servant.

Kyon burst out laughing as he saw the second prince pull a gutting cleaver out of the ring. If the prince was a bit bigger, he could easily be confused with his elder brother. They looked like each other and shared the same impulsivity.

«Do you think it's funny?» – The huge like a mountain prince muttered through clenched teeth. – «It's my turn to laugh!»

A few minutes later, the naked bully woke up with a cleaver in his ass. After he got over the hellish pain and patched up the holes, he found a note in the heap of his torn clothes and read it: "Something tells me that there's a better treatment for hemorrhoids. Your masochistic inclinations are rather alarming! You'd better do something about it before I show the recording with the cleaver in your ass to your parents and the citizens of Liberia. From Dick Baker with love. P.S. Take good care of yourself."

The second prince roared like a big grizzly bear.

Ten hours had flown by. Kyon had robbed a pretty number of participants with Triana's help, among whom were the first, the second, and the third princes of Liberia (2), the second prince of Auston (3), and a dozen other ordinary opponents, even a member of Kara's former fan club.

He came into possession of tens of thousands keys. It was a colossal amount, but it wasn't enough for Cernos to take first place.

Triana got curious once again: «Why do you mess with every prince of your empire you meet, but only rob the others? Are you so jealous of those in power? You hung one by the balls, put a cleaver in the ass of the other, smeared the third with lipstick. I guess that's how the thing your females use is called... And why did you undress all of them? Don't you have enough ill-wishers, or what?»

Finally, Kyon decided to satisfy her curiosity: «You see, baby tiger, I'm going to take first place in the tournament. When I win, everyone will get butthurt. I don't think anyone would be able to restrain their emotions of disappointment, shame, and anger. The royal families of the other six kingdoms will hate me and want to punish me. The only way to avoid the consequences is to get some dirt on the most authoritative of them, that is, princes and princesses. When they realize that I have a recording that could ruin their dignity, they will think twice before confronting me. They will calm down the masses of the butthurt participants.»

«That's why you used the nephrites and the messages!» – The tigress had changed her opinion of the master. She didn't see him as a silent idiot with a collection of enemies anymore. Triana started looking at him with understanding and a certain amount of respect. – «I have to admit your method might work! But won't they disqualify you after the tournament? You mentioned that help from outside was strictly forbidden. How are you going to explain your victories over the opponents who are overwhelmingly stronger than you? After all, you couldn't have done it without me!» – Triana puffed out her chest proudly.

«I got everything covered.» – Kyon interrupted her without going into details.

His tournament bracelet with the wiretapping formation was still under the soundproof barrier that blocked any sounds. Synergy would fake everything he needed, which meant that the administration would never prove the presence of his assistant. Lovr had forbidden the tigress to make any sounds with a 100-meter distance from the participants for a reason. Their wiretapping formations were in order, after all.

Triana frowned and bombarded him with new questions: «Why didn't you get anyone disqualified? Why did you tear the princes' clothes into rags? I didn't think you were a pervert?» – She said conspicuously.

«Every second key the participants get will end up in my ring. It would be pure madness to disqualify my sponsors. As for their torn clothes, I can't stand the sight of those princes. They won't find clothes to fit them anytime soon. Alright, it's time you turned into a tiger. We must lose the tail.» - Kyon ordered. - «Don't forget to take off your underwear or you will tear it!» – He hurried to add.

Triana did as he said.

Kyon saddled the graceful tigress and in a few hours, they overcame a thousand kilometers in the southwest direction. Kyon stopped near a small lake and set up a tent. With a spacious ring of ten cubic meters, he could afford to take a whole bed with him.

The tigress took a human form and bathed in the clean cold lake. Then she caught some huge trout.

Kyon cooked the fish. Two of them he took for himself and handed the other six to Triana. He could not take his eyes off the fur-eared girl enthusiastically eating fish. Kyon got a lump in his throat when she licked her lips with her long tongue. Even the moon and the stars faded in the night sky in the presence of this beauty. She was irresistible with her snow-white hair, long fluffy tail, pointed ears, and long fangs. It was an unusual but surprisingly attractive combination of human and animal appearance. Her mentality, so alien to Lovr's, excited his curiosity. He wanted to talk to her more and more, which he often did in his free time, learning details about her past, her family, her dear Fenrir, and not only this.

Unlike Juno, Dinah, and Kara, Lovr didn't want to harm the tigress, but he enjoyed teasing her, messing with her, arguing with her.

On the one hand, the tigress was his slave. On the other hand, she was a harnessed trophy. From yet another perspective, she was his pet, but above all, she was a girl, a charming foreigner with whom he wanted to spend more time.

«Thank you for the treat.» – Trisna said, throwing off the last fishbone. – «By the way, why are you always staring at me? Are you challenging me? Your fish is already cold… Can I have it if you're not hungry?»

Kyon came to his senses, warmed his fish with the heat element and started eating it.

It was Triana's turn to stare at him with a wild, predatory look.

Lovr swallowed his fish with some effort and said indignantly: «What are you staring? I gave you three times more! Do you want my share? Have some decency!»

Triana didn't say anything. Instead, she came close to the master and suddenly licked him on the neck three times. Her long tongue was covered with cat papillae designed for scraping the fur from her prey, but they could also be soft and tender, just like they were now.

Kyon's heart missed a beat, a shiver ran down his spine, and his hair stood on end. It felt like a bloodthirsty predator was tasting its prey. A rather feeling… And it was just a beautiful obedient pet cat.

Kyon swallowed hard: «What the fuck?»

«Three consecutive licks mean our highest degree of gratitude. I just wanted to thank you for not taking advantage of me last night. You've kept your word..» – Triana answered calmly, lifting her little chin.

Her unbearable gullibility made him feel uneasy. She was so naive that he almost felt a twinge of conscience. She wouldn't be too happy about his plans for tonight…

«Also... I can't help it. I must say you have an appetizing smell, completely opposite to your looks, like you're wearing someone else's skin. I wanted to taste you. I could eat you if I had a bad vision.»

{Beasts can do it?} – Kyon wondered and said. – «Thank you for the compliment.»

«I could hear your heartbeat. You were afraid of me like a little bunny, and you said that I would never scare you. I have won, after all.» – Triana smiled triumphantly. Defeating a human? No sweat!

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