Principal Kael came out of the tent with an irritated look and stepped up the platform.

Nulan stood next to him and said: «Dear Iron Throners and our guests from other kingdoms, thank you for waiting. We failed to detect Dick Baker's fraud, but it would be disrespectful of us to keep you waiting until we finish a thorough investigation. So, we've decided that a simple test of Dick Baker's abilities would be enough to reach a consensus.»

«Dick Baker, show us your power.» – Kael demanded in a stern tone.

Kyon, who was still standing on the platform, released some pure energy.

When princess Haya sensed the energy he released, she stood rooted to the spot: {How is it even possible?}

She knew that practitioners revealed themselves when they released energy. No objects of concealment or natural cultivation could hide the truth! There was only one option besides the most obvious one... Had the fat freak intentionally suppressed his cultivation (just like Kara did once)? But even the highest quality formations could suppress only one phase, not three and a half! And why would he do it? Decreasing cultivation would help him win!

«I thought so.» – Kael smiled coldly. – «The ninth stage of the advanced phase! This result says it all. You've broken the rules and will be disqualified.»

Numerous spectators booed, some cheered happily.

King Vladimir rose from his seat, setting the silence in the audience, and said calmly: «Kael, haven't we agreed that you will press the charges if Baker fails to defeat a lord phaser?»

The principal arched his brows, perplexed: «But… isn't… this information enough? I don't understand… Do you really believe that he could ever defeat a lord phaser being in the advanced phase?»

Vladimir smiled faintly: «The world is full of miracles. Not so long ago, the famous goddess's messenger beat the opponent eighteen stages stronger than himself. A miracle can happen again!»

The king's words sounded utterly ridiculous. Many in the audience laughed and even questioned his sanity. The principal did not even know what to say.

Vladimir carefully looked at the fat guy standing on the platform: «Dick Baker, how did you manage to defeat lord phasers?»

«Yeah! Tell us how you did it!» – The third prince of Liberia shouted furiously.

Kyon was faced with a challenge. He had to convince everyone of his overwhelming power. However, he had run out of the shots in the rings, and using Triana would be the height of stupidity. There was no way he could defeat anyone except the weakest participants, and even those he could beat only with the annihilation sphere that would reveal his personality. What should he do?

Kyon flashed a mocking grin and hit the floor with his staff encrusted with a nephrite on its top: «Magic! I can do anything with my magic trick, even defeat all the participants here combined, which I already mentioned before the tournament started. Do you want to see my magic trick again?»

The word "trick" made all the participants shudder.

The third prince jumped onto the platform. His trembling knees betrayed his fear. The poor guy was ready to die: «Who do you think you are? A magician from fairy tales? Come on! Show me your trick! I'm ready to meet your secret helper! I will take the blow for everyone!»

Like everyone in the audience, princess Haya focused all her attention on Dick Baker's next step.

«Fine. This time, you won't get off easily. I will use deadly force.» – Kyon warned him and began to recite the notorious magic spell.

The third prince tensed, infusing his entire body with pure energy, just in case.

Meanwhile, the tip of the staff lit up with a tiny green light, emitting characteristic vibrations of a spatial attribute. It materialized something that moved at an amazing speed and sent it straight into the prince's face…


A powerful explosion threw the hefty prince about ten meters away and destroyed the base of the platform. The prince did a couple of somersaults and landed among the spectators, breaking some seats and bones.

The sudden thunderous rumble made a few people faint. Some even wet themselves. Those with at least some cultivation got scared out of their wits. And the most powerful people, including the king, jumped to their feet.

«What was that?» – Haya asked everyone present in shock.

Earlier at the dwarf factory, a subordinate received an order to pull the ring igniter. The shell instantly got teleported to the top of the staff and hit the prince straight in the forehead. Kyon had teleported spatial energy to his subordinate's formation the way he always did when he transmitted signals via Synergy.

Unfortunately, Kyon could not charge the ring without his personal presence at the factory. The teleportation distance decreased the accuracy of measurement, and the slightest error in energy expended per nanogram of mass could be fatal. The ring could erupt and, as a result, get him wounded with an artillery shell.

The third prince struggled to his feet, rubbing his red forehead. He saw bright stars floating before his eyes, his ears rang. Half of the hair on his head had burnt, the rest stood on end, which made him look like a bald hedgehog with patchy bald spots. But all in all, there wasn't any major damage.

«The third prince!» – Kael rushed to his student, appalled.

«I… I am alright… Damn it!» – The hefty prince gritted his teeth angrily, and in one jump, appeared on the platform again: «Son of a bitch, you've used an attacking formation!»

«An attacking formation?» – The principals, the king, and many others exclaimed in unison. Now it became clear how the fat freak had been defeating and robbing everyone. The audience decided that his victims had been stunned. If any of them had received a direct blow, most of them would have been decapitated. Even the third prince, ready for any surprise, had lost a fair amount of hair!

{He used a formation?} – Triana, who was hiding half a kilometer away, understood the reason behind her master's power. It made her feel bitter. She wanted to believe that her owner was strong and mighty, but he turned out to be an ordinary cheater. Her worst suspicions had been confirmed, which was disappointing.

«Is it all you have? I will beat you to a pulp! You will never say again that you have robbed my brothers and me on your own!» – The third prince of Liberia growled.

Kyon burst out laughing: «Alright, alright. Here it comes. Try and survive my next attack.»

«COME ON!» – The third prince roared and tensed, ready to take the blow.

Dick started to recite his spell: «Hocus-pocus, mumbo-jumbo…» – About a hundred green lights lit up over his staff.

All spectators caught their breath at once, scared out of their wits. If each light meant the recent attack, there would be nothing left of the platform and the stands! They would start a local Armageddon!

«Stop him! HE WILL KILL US ALL!» … «А-аа-а-а-ааа-а-аh! I DON'T WANT TO DIE!» … «Goddess, save me! I didn't even have time to sin!» … «Mummy, daddy, I want to live!» – Uncontrollable panic broke out in the stands. The spectators ran over each other's heads, trying to leave the arena as soon as possible.

The Cernos students knew how reckless Dick Baker was, but they did not suspect that he was a crazy psychopath! The Stones, Franz, Marina, Julia, Prince Charles, the participants, the principals, and the king broke out in cold sweat all at once.

The color drained from the third prince's face, his animal pelts leaked yellow liquid. With shaky legs and trembling voice, he managed to say: «Wait! Don't!» – When he saw that the fat freak continued doing his magic, he left the platform with a yell, leaving a wet trail behind him, heading towards the forest.

Kyon put out the lights and let out a loud and creepy laugh: «It was only to be expected! Look at the brave, great and powerful third prince of Liberia! Isn't he worthy of his position!» – He suddenly wondered if he had been bluffing too much. A dozen green lights would have been enough.

King Vladimir took a breath and tried to calm the audience. It took him a few minutes to restore order. Dick's actions would leave an indelible impression on everyone's psyche. As for the participants and guests from Liberia, they felt incredibly ashamed of their cowardly prince.

«Who else wants to check my power? You? Come on up here!» – He waved to the participants, inviting them onto the stage. – «No? Alright… What about you? No? What are you so scared of?»

The participants huddled in the corner of their zones. They were afraid of Dick Baker as if he were a demon of death. Didn't he say that he could beat all of them combined? Didn't they take his words for the dumbest joke ever? The value of a single attacking formation like this was beyond comprehension, and the fat freak could recharge it many times! Moreover, he could shoot dozens of them at once!

Back in the forest, Kyon took his time to react when someone of the participants appeared. Otherwise, it would have been too conspicuous. An advanced phaser would never notice a noble first. After casting a spell, he uttered a loud BOOM, pretending to use an attacking formation, not a secret assistant.

«I have a question.» – Princess Haya stood up, swaying awkwardly.

Kyon encouraged her with a quick motion of his hand: «Shoot away.»

«What about the pressure?»

No one except the two of them understood the question. They stared at each other for a long minute.

Kyon bared his teeth: «It's easy to fool a stupid girl by a cheap pressure-generating formation.» – He arrogantly winked at her.

The first princess froze on the spot. Was she undressing and taking those humiliating positions under false pressure? Did the fat, perverted bastard wrap the first genius of Athens around his little finger? The sad realization of a bitter truth made the princess cough up blood. Her aura was in chaos. It was as if a hundred-ton rock pressed on her mind with humiliation, hatred, resentment, despair, rage… Haya leaned against the wall, trying to calm down. She might lose a stage of cultivation working herself up like this.

The audience looked blankly from Haya to Dick.

«Well… Does anyone else here doubt my power?» – Kyon asked with a vicious grin. He was rejoicing at the huge harvest of darkness he had gathered in a couple of minutes.

Kael wiped the sweat from his forehead and growled: «What power, idiot? You used an attacking formation in the tournament where the participants must show their talents, not their family's wealth! Cernos will face a huge fine for this insolence, and you will be executed!»

Kyon snorted: «The participants must show their talents, not the family wealth? But even an average pig can become a demigod with abundant resources! Everyone knows that power is talent multiplied by the family wealth. Doesn't it mean using formations as well? I thought you were smarter, Kael... Anyway, who am I talking to? Just tell me the rule that prohibits using formations, and I will shut up.»

«You…» – The principal stared at Dick with an urge to pound his thick face into the ground. The last time Kael was so pissed off was many years ago, but not to this extent.

«Dick Baker is absolutely right.» – Nulan interfered, feeling suddenly brave. – «The rules don't say anything about attacking formations. The ones that could change the battle between lord phasers cost an arm and a leg. I can't remember any of them being used. Dick Baker has revealed a loophole in the rules: if someone is rich enough, they can defeat any opponent. We will do our best to fix it, but until then, his actions are completely legitimate.»

Kael glared at Nulan: «Are you saying that Dick's victory is legitimate? Then explain how he could collect eight hundred thousand keys in the forest with the animal population several times lower than usual!»

«You've convinced yourself it's true, Kael.» – Vladimir said in a calm but imperative tone. – «The forest is full of animals, I know it firsthand. The participants claimed otherwise to justify their poor performance. You shouldn't judge them. Anyone would do that in their place.»

{Two against one? Are you fucking kidding me?} – Kael thought indignantly. Those two were defending the interests of their kingdom, which was quite understandable. But why did he have to question the tournament legitimacy alone? As he glanced at Jezzaya, Kael understood everything. The old snake was enjoying his helpless attempts! She wasn't going to interfere.

The king added: «I suppose that someone messed up with the tournament searching formation that drew all the participants to Dick Baker like moths to a flame, and he met them with open arms. Am I right, guys?» – He asked the participants in a kind voice.

The spectators and the principals focused their attention on their lowered eyes. Their sullen faces spoke for themselves. Now everyone understood what had happened, and it was hard to believe! Dick Baker turned out to have robbed each of them... Even several times in a row.

Kael seized an opportunity to pick at him: «So, you admit that he forged the tournament formation! Well, it simplifies everything! I wonder what the imperial authorities' reaction will be. Who will go to prison and who will get executed?»

Vladimir laughed carelessly: «Only an imperial formacist can forge the tournament formation, which is officially approved by the imperial authorities. Can you question the legitimacy of this action even if the Bakers have paid for it? Go ahead! You may write a complaint, collect signatures, and we will watch the events unfold. Let's see who will be jailed and who will be executed.» – He laughed again. Vladimir felt surprisingly at ease being the king.

The Iron Throne liked his razor-sharp words. They had crowned a wonderful man, worthy of replacing king Michael!

Kyon stroked his chin thoughtfully: {He is right… Neither Charles nor Nulan could have done it. Then who could it be?} – He looked up against his will. – {Goddess?} – Something told him that this terrible deity would not be engaged in such nonsense. But were there any other options?

Kael couldn't find the words. He opened and closed his mouth but couldn't say anything reasonable. The bastard had used attacking formations? They were allowed! The tournament bracelet had been forged? Only the imperial formacist could do that! The Bakers had bribed the imperial authorities? Suing them would be more trouble than it was worth! To go against Vladimir and Nulan? It would be insane. He was on their territory with no support! All that remains was to admit his defeat... Too bad. Liberia had lost. They had to give away the main prize to the insidious swindler.

The participants of Liberia looked pitifully at their principal, especially the three princes. They begged him with puppy eyes to do everything possible for their victory...

But the principal shattered his students' hopes when he said humbly: «I understand... I get it... Cernos has won. Congratulations on winning first place.»

«Cernos has won? We are victorious?! HOOR-А-А-А-А-АY!» … «Dick Baker is the champion! Dick Baker is our hero!» … «Ye-а-а-а-а-аh! Cernos is the best! Cernos is the best of the best!» – The Iron Throners were terrified not so long ago, now they rejoiced at their victory.

They had despised Dick Baker. They had insulted him, dragged him through the mud, considered him a wretched scum, but then they radically changed their minds because Cernos had taken first place thanks to him and his wealthy family! It was an dishonorable victory, but who was going to judge the winners? As expected, money could buy everything! And if not everything, then a lot...

In this motley crowd, only Diana Stone intuitively felt that there was something familiar about this unsightly fat boy.

Vladimir met Dick's eyes and winked at him. An admiring smile didn't leave his lips. Damned bastard... He was capable of anything! Thanks to Kyon, he became king yesterday, and on the second day of his reign, his kingdom became famous in the international arena! How could he not admire this wizard?

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