Kyon gave Triana a two-hour lesson on lying that she struggled to understand. The tigress even gave him a few percent of the darkness. Of course, Kyon did not expect to reach his goal with the very first lesson. He had prepared an action plan, the first three steps of which were as follows: convince the tigress that her mentality had some significant flaws; prove to her that the skill of deception had a lot of advantages, giving her a couple of good examples; show to her the thin line between lies and truth, including the slightest change in intonation that could drastically change the meaning of the phrase (for example, sarcasm).

Supreme beasts were so simple-minded and straightforward that they couldn't understand irony. They didn't get jokes, were over-trusting and easily fooled. When hearing some absurd information or sarcasm, they would bare their teeth while any human being would laugh at it or show a you-are-nuts gesture. Lovr knew perfectly well that he was not only teaching Triana the art of deception, he was also changing her worldview.

Probably, no one had ever tried to teach a supreme beast to lie. It took at least some faith in achieving success in the process that was equal to convincing a pebble it was sharp. Even if someone did try to do it, they would never succeed without a vast knowledge base and tremendous motivation like Lovr's.

At the end of the first lesson, Triana curled up in bed. She was as pale as chalk, her body soaked with cold sweat. She was shaking, tears welling up in her eyes. The wretched owner made her look at the world through different lenses. He had provided her with vivid examples of the drawbacks in her worldview. He had masterfully presented lies, manipulations, and treachery as an "invaluable skill for every self-respecting, selfish and powerful leader."

Her head was swarmed with rapidly flowing terrible thoughts. His words had imprinted in her mind and echoed like rolling thunder, resonating with each other, making her tremble, crushing her strong mental state.

Kyon had destroyed everything she knew about her sacred noble culture. As she had promised to learn to lie, Triana could resist the chaos in her head. She had to go with the flow.

Kyon touched Triana's forehead and frowned. She was unconscious and had shaking chills! The tigress seemed to be fading away like a delicate flower under the scorching desert sun. She was completely defenseless at the moment!

First of all, Lovr undressed her and treated her with the help of the wind, the water, and the cold elements. Her sweaty forehead, the hurt expression on her face, her painfully closed eyes made his heart hurt. He had no idea that he had become greatly attached to this beautiful girl: {I must have overdone it.}

Three days had passed. Triana was still running a fever.

{I promised to make her more human: teach her to lie, understand sarcasm and jokes, see through treachery and manipulation, but... Wouldn't it help her ignore the harness effect? I guess I am digging my own grave.} – Kyon bit his lip. This extremely important thought had never occurred to him because he firmly believed in his plan and didn't allow himself to have the slightest doubt. However, now he had a good reason to think about Triana's fate again.

{If she learns to cheat, then... I am in big trouble! Triana isn't attached to me enough to be confident in my safety!} – Lovr decided to delay their next lesson for an indefinite period of time. First, he had to make the tigress dependent on him, both emotionally and physically. He had no control over her. No subjugating formations or any other nonsense would affect the king phaser.

{I guess I am jumping the gun. Again.} – Lovr heaved a sigh and touched Triana's smooth forehead. No more fever. Finally!

Triana opened her clear amber eyes.

«How are you feeling?» – Kyon asked kindly.

«Like dried meat…» – Triana stretched and yawned like a cat. – «Gr-r-r-o-ow…»

«Do you remember our last lesson?»

She frowned at once: «Too well… I wish I didn't! But I gave you my promise…» – She sighed deeply. – «I am ready to continue…»

«Speaking of that… I've changed my mind. I can't stand to see you suffer. You must forget about your promise. I order you to forget everything that you heard during the lesson. We will reschedule our lessons for the indefinite future when you are ready.»

«But why? I can't take my words back!»

«You will take them back. I order you.» – Lovr said sternly.

«Okay…» – Triana nodded uncertainly, casting a predatory glance over his neck and swallowing hard.

«Are you hungry?» – Kyon understood her without words and took various goodies out of the ring.

Triana finished a juicy chunk of meat and demanded: «Do you have more?» – Her gaze slowly lowered to Kyon's groin. Seeing the evident bulge down there, she licked the goose fat from her lips and crawled for more with feline grace.

Kyon closed his eyes, longing for oral pleasure.

Two and a half months had passed unnoticed. Fluffy snow adorned the territory of Cernos.

«Dratted parrot, I spent almost six months teaching you to recite poetry, and all I hear from you is a stream of profanity!» – Some frustrated, furious student swore out loud. A few months ago, Dick Baker's romantic way to conquer Princess Kara's heart inspired him to train a parrot, too.

«Nitwit, dimwit, I love you! Pea-brain bird, you love me too! Dumbo, dum-dum, fathead goof! Drongo, plonker, nincompoop» – The multi-colored parrot squealed, proudly fluffing up its feathers.

The downhearted young man in the white uniform locked the bird in the cage and left the dorm. He had an important meeting at Triana's fan club tonight. The leader had told all middle and high-ranking members to be there to clear up an important issue.

In the most prestigious building of the shopping district, three dozen students were sitting behind a massive round table in a poorly lit spacious room, nervously exchanging glances. Five of them were in the journalism club.

«Alright, bring us up to speed!» – Alex Grand, late Arthie Grand's brother and the former leader of Kara's fan club, barked, banging his fist on the table. He had started his own fan club with a firm conviction to succeed after his brother had suffered a crushing defeat.

«We have evidence that Dick Baker sleeps with Triana Baker…» – Cait Brown, the head of the journalism club, said in a trembling voice. Despite the fact that she was addressing someone in the black uniform, Cait was filled with awe. After all, Alex Grand was respected elder Grand's last son.

The fan club members shouted all at once: «Bullshit! It can't be! A lady of her level will never let the fat monster anywhere near her body, even if she is his servant!» … «It's been three months since we didn't have a single piece of evidence. Why would we believe you? You just want to earn some fast cash, no doubt!»

Alex Grand looked more anxious than anyone else. He cleared his throat and put on a calm face: «I have an urge to tell you to get lost, but I will try to be reasonable. Show us your evidence, and if it turns out to be true, I will give you the promised reward!»

Cait, nicknamed Hot Sun, placed a nephrite with the visual recording on the table and activated it. A stream of light created a bright screen against the ceiling.

Three dozen people saw someone enter the men's restroom with a recording formation in his hand and raise the nephrite over the booth, where the hated fat freak was doing indecent things with the school idol.

All the fan club members stood white and speechless. The news seemed to have sucked out their soul and burst their hearts. The nephrite with the visual recording couldn't be forged, which means that the girl they worshiped was really fucking the fat freak, moaning with pleasure. Their envy, jealousy, and hatred were suffocating.

Someone grabbed his head, someone swayed from side to side, others threw their heads back with a blank stare: «I don't believe it… I don't believe it! I DON'T BELIEVE IT!» … «А-а-а-а-а-аh! How come? Why didn't the goddess stop him from blasphemy?» … «Everything is lost… My life has no meaning.»

«No… No… No…» – Alex muttered, clutching at his head with a blank stare.

Two hours had passed.

Kyon and Triana were returning from the training room when he led her to the basement instead of the fifth floor.

Triana was a little surprised: «Where are we going?»

«Wait and see. Until then, get rid of the tail.»

Triana released some of her pressure, and the crowd of not very skillful pursuers scattered, screaming with horror.

With a sleight of his hand, Kyon opened the locked door and saw a guy standing on the chair in the dimly lit room, putting a noose around his neck. It was Alex Grand, the leader of Triana's fan club. Plunged into the abyss of depression, he decided to end his life.

Long ago, Lovr allocated a little Synergy for several zombie birds just in case. That's how he noticed Alex Grand's state as he was returning to the dorm. In fact, Kyon had leaked the video of sex in the booth on purpose. It was time to gather some emotions from the students.

«It's you!» – Triana exclaimed Triana when she saw the annoying pesky boy.

Alex froze to the spot. He did not expect to see the gorgeous girl before dying. He'd been slaving away at the fan club day and to attract the attention of this goddess, all to no avail.

«You don't have to do it.» – Kyon said calmly.

«I don't? Ha… Ha-ha… I have no reason to live. I am disappointed with life. Get lost and leave me alone.» – Alex mumbled, as white as snow.

«What disappointed you?» – Kyon asked kindly, trying to get the silly boy to talk.

Alex Grand cast a glance full of love at the beautiful girl and lowered his head: «The wretched bastard like you always gets the best: free admission to Cernos with accommodation in the best room, getting married to Princess Kara and having sex with her without any commitment, getting first prize in the forest tournament on a silver platter. And now the powerful and stunningly beautiful girl I am in love with warms your bed! I deserve all this and much more! But…»

When Triana heard about some "wife Kara," she stared unkindly at the owner.

«And that's it?» – Kyon flashed a big smile and said: – «Triana, I order you to kiss him without tongue. Three seconds will be enough.»

«What?!» – She exclaimed indignantly.

«Huh?!» – Alex gasped, taken aback.

The tigress obediently approached Alex, took him off the chair, and kissed him on the lips.

Alex blushed, feeling overwhelmed.

Kyon said coldly: «Would you dare to compete with me on equal terms if I were dashingly handsome with unlimited potential?»

«I… Ehm… I… Uhm…» – Alex couldn't come to his senses. His heart was about to leave his chest and run away to distant lands. Triana's tender lips had imprinted in his soul, heart, and mind until the end of time.

Lovr held out his hand and demonstrated the nine elements: «The world is unfair. Get used to it.» – He balled his hand into a fist and warned Alex. – «If you ever cross my path, you will regret that you haven't finished what you started here.» – Then he left the basement.

Kyon couldn't care less that Triana had kissed someone under his order. It didn't matter that he had revealed his identity as the goddess's messenger to some Cernos student. Alex was just a teenager in love. No one would believe a word of his if he came up with some nonsense to spite his rival. Dick Baker, the goddess's messenger? It sounded really crazy. They would think Alex Grand was a raving lunatic.

What Lovr did should be enough to prevent the fool from committing suicide. He wasn't worried about Alex's life that much, but he didn't want to disappoint his masters, who had spent many years preparing the future god. Of course, he was self-serving and egocentric, but Alex's committing suicide was entirely Lovr's fault. Letting him do it was the same as killing him himself. Kyon wasn't the man who killed intelligent beings for no reason.

A few months ago, two Kara's fans committed suicide after watching the sex scene, but it was different. They had repeatedly tried to finish him off or were planning to do it. Alex Grand suffered because of him, without making any attempts to take revenge.

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