«Where do you think you are going?»

When Kyon heard the well-known icy voice, he turned around, keeping cool, and saw the bright yellow eyes a hundred meters away. This gaze she gave at him at the moment when he approached the net to harness her. How could she approach him unnoticed? Had she learned the silent steps technique?

Lovr squeezed a smile: «Well, I'm just going out for cigarettes…»

«Sly mouse, you aren't going anywhere from the big angry cat.» – She said, strolling towards the fugitive, her ears pricked up. She was flicking her tail vigorously, being completely naked as if defying him. Even the grasshoppers fell silent at her perfect beauty.

Kyon could feel the intimidating killing intent of the approaching alpha predator in the imperial phase. His instincts were screaming RUN. However, even if all his strength returned to him, he couldn't defeat her anyway.

Kyon pulled himself together and said sternly: «I order you to return to our room!»

The tigress frowned, turned around and even took a few steps back, but then, after a moment's hesitation, she stopped and answered firmly: «No. You are not my owner anymore. You're just a despicable, cowardly mouse that decided to run away from me!» – She released the full pressure of the imperial phase.

Kyon fell to his knees. Everything was lost. She no longer kept her word given under the harnessing formation. All restrictions had been lifted. The tigress didn't consider him her owner anymore. He was a tyrant who had been brazenly taking advantage of for the last eight months.

«You'd be wise not to resist.» – Triana grabbed the fat freak by the leg, threw him over her back and carried him back to their room.

Triana's heart was beating with joy as if she had caught the most precious, juicy prey in the world. She could feel a burst of euphoria spreading through her veins. Triana had learned to deceive, use sarcasm, and other despicable human tricks, but she did not feel dirty! Quite the opposite, she was bursting with pride! She was the first supreme beast in the world who had bypassed the harnessing effect!

Many months ago, Triana promised Dick Backer to learn to lie. If she had not kept her promise, she would have kept it anyway. It was a mental trap with no way out. Under the influence of this promise, Triana's mind soaked up the lesson about lies like a sponge. The owner had ordered her to forget about all that, but her subconscious thought otherwise. It decided that the promise was more important than the order and kept processing and analyzing the received information. Kyon's recent stunt became the catalyst of understanding lies, the final touch.

It still hurt her to realize that she had lost her innocence to this scoundrel, but it wouldn't ruin her happiness. If Triana had to resort to faking her virginity, it would never be a problem for her. She could put a sachet with blood inside and be done with it!

Еverything blurred before Kyon's eyes at the incredibly high speed his former slave was running... He wanted to change his life, but not this way! How many times had he been kidnapped? The goddess was the first, then Dinah, Valeera. He came to the demons himself, and now it was Triana's turn. There was a consistent pattern. Could he make any plans based on it? Kyon was completely confused. He just wanted to fall asleep and wake up with a harnessed tigress who couldn't lie.

As soon as they returned home, Triana threw her captive onto the bed.

Kyon looked at the table but did not see the nephrites that he had left for the tigress as a farewell gift. Things took a turn for the worse. He had lost his trump card - the movement technique! He could only reveal his other personalities, but was she interested in them?

«Are you going to kill me?» – He asked dryly.

«We'll talk tomorrow.» – Triana answered, yawning. She lay on the bed and hugged her victim from behind, tickling the back of his head with her warm breath.The tigress was in a wonderful mood. She even started to purr.

«Triana…» – Kyon started.

«Another word…» – She warned him with a quiet growl.

Kyon fell silent. He could not sleep a wink all night long. He felt like a fawn up a tree with a playful tigress beneath who was in no hurry to eat him. The ferocious, bloodthirsty predator had broken free from the harnessing formation! It was him who used to sleep with Triana, hugging her like he owned her. Now she turned the tables on him! What an irony.

The first thing Triana saw when she opened her eyes in the morning was a screen created by Synergy. There were 102,000 points on her account. The first service on the list said: "Freedom. The offer will expire in fifteen minutes! You can get freedom and return to the forest now or never again! Don't miss your chance! The price is 102,000 points!" There was a postscript in the corner - "Murdering Dick Baker is punishable by a million points and one broken heart!"

The tigress bared her fangs and giggled: «Nice try…» – She turned around and unceremoniously pushed the fat freak out of bed, reaching for her school uniform.

«Good morning, baby tiger! Did you sleep well? Would you like some coffee! With cream?» – Kyon asked politely, rubbing his hands.

«You're wasting your time.» – Triana said, pulling up her white stockings. – «I won't let you go alive, and no amount of begging will make me change my mind. By the way, I will have black tea with lemon.»

A cup of hot tea (from the ring) instantly materialized in Kyon's hand. He placed it on the table next to him: «Your words are sharper than a knife, baby tiger! Let me give you a massage! Just the way you like it…»

Triana growled angrily: «I'll break your neck if you call me a baby tiger once again! My wrath will be terrible, and you're out of immunity to my rage.» – She said, adjusting her skirt. – «I don't need your massage. No cowardly omega who tried to escape at the first sign of danger will touch my body.»

{Stop pulling my leg! You need it!} – Kyon thought indignantly and said. – «Don't be mad at me, Triana. Revenge won't change anything. Do you really want to kill the one who made you a genius among geniuses? I have opened your eyes to the cruelty of this world and set you on the right path. I've taught you to lie, use sarcasm and understand jokes. I've changed your outlook! I've made you stronger, not only physically but also mentally! Just think of thousands of interesting videos and other pleasant moments of our time together! Don't be so unkind and forgive my silly egoism!»

Triana bared her teeth and growled: «How dare you ask me for forgiveness, damned freak? Your white liquid is still coming out of my pussy! Every single day, you forced me to have sex with you! And you knew that supreme beasts couldn't stand having sex with omegas! Everyone here humiliates you and curses you in the face, but you do nothing about it! I have asked you a thousand times to beat at least one student and rise from the bottom of the hierarchical ladder, but you do not care about things important to me, selfish monkey! Anyway, I swore to goddess Ceres that I would kill you, and I'm not going to take my words back. Live with it. Everything has already been decided. It's a done deal.»

Kyon threw his head back: «Triana…»

«I don't need any excuses from omega!» – The tigress interrupted him and took out the nephrites he had left to her. As she scanned the first one, Triana heard: "A farewell gift to my dear baby tiger - the movement technique."

Triana gladly activated it, after which the nephrite cracked and shattered. She had used the only copy of the technique she had been dreaming of! She still had to acquire it, but it should not take too long. Heaven had been favoring her lately.

Next, Triana activated the second nephrite and heard a recording with Kyon's voice: «My dear baby tiger, I'm saying goodbye to you, but in a few years, we will see each other again. I will keep my identities as Kyon and Lovr a secret to make you eager to see me as soon as possible, and I will tell you about Kara so that jealousy kept company to your loneliness…»

Kyon cleared his throat nervously: «Triana, you'd better turn it off…»

«Shut up!» – The tigress snapped and took the cup of tea, listening carefully to the recording.

Lovr gritted his teeth. Things had gone south. Triana should never have heard this recording in front of him! The whole point was to put pressure on her possessive instinct and show her his great, far-sighted plans!

Five minutes had passed.

Triana grimaced in disgust when she heard that Kara was a demon. When she learned that the princess was also Emperor Lucius's daughter, her feline eyes glowed with bloodlust. After the details of the fake wedding, the suppressing collar and following sex and pregnancy, Kara's escape to her homeland and Kyon's large-scale plans for her, the cup of tea in Triana's hands fell to pieces under the imperial pressure. The tigress couldn't understand why she was overwhelmed with seething rage! She got out of bed with a fierce expression on her face and walked towards Dick Baker, releasing sharp claws that shone with a golden glint.

{Shit!} – Improvising, Kyon held out his hand and released all the nine elements at their full power. A multi-colored flower rose into the air and illuminated the room.

The tigress retreated, stunned: «Is it real?» – Triana could clearly feel the nine elements. She scanned him to make sure it wasn't a trick but couldn't find any hidden nephrites, which could only mean that he really bended all the nine elements!

Suddenly, the elements rushed to the center of his palm, creating a little crystal clear sphere that distorted light like jelly or a lens. It emanated a supreme aura, but it wasn't suppressing at all. It seemed to be above all that existed.

The tigress raised her eyebrows in amazement. Full of curiosity, she reached out and stuck her finger inside the mysterious sphere. Incredible! The technique that contained only a tiny amount of energy caused a tingling sensation in her finger!

Kyon breathed a sigh of relief. He had to keep her distracted: «Triana, please, give me a chance! In five... no, in three years, I will surpass your Fenrir! And in the future, I will become the alpha you deserve! You must understand that my potential is limitless! I am the goddess's messenger you've heard about!»

Triana resolutely shook her head: «What potential are you talking about? Your level hasn't budged in eight months! You have some amazing abilities, but it only makes you a little stronger than your current stage! You will still remain a worthless omega for the rest of your life... At least for me, a supreme beast with unrivaled talent.»


«But I will give you a chance to die with dignity. Go to the arena and fight the students until you meet an overwhelming enemy. The higher you climb the school hierarchy, the better I will think of you. At best, you'll die trying to impress Princess Tyrindun. I think it's a worthy death for a pathetic monkey.» – Triana said dryly.

«Triana…» – Kyon continued. – «My power is suppressed by the unique body... It's been eight months already! That is why I am not evolving! I'll be a powerless punching bag if I go down to the arena…»

Triana let out a sigh of disappointment: «I don't want to hear your pathetic excuses… Get ready to die.»

«Wait!» – Lovr put out his hands, stopping the tigress. – «You want to know how I really look, don't you? My other two personalities are really handsome! That will make you drool! Do you want to see them?»

It was written all across Triana's face: she opened her mouth, losing the desire to kill Dick Backer on the spot. She had always wanted to know what Kyon and Lovr looked like, how delicious her former owner was. His smell was really mouthwatering!

Triana looked closely at him and commanded: «Show me them!»

«Give me a week! Just a week and I will show you both personalities!» – Kyon was trying to buy some time. There was no better way out.

«You must be kidding me? Turn into Kyon now!» – Triana ordered, releasing the imperial pressure and baring her fangs.

Kyon stomped his foot: «NO! Just one fucking week! One week until the exams are over! Show some patience, it's the last will of your former master!»

Triana snorted, but then she bit her lip thoughtfully. Her master was stubborn and persistent. She saw the proof of it at the forest tournament. The tigress could torture him, but it was unworthy of her status. Besides, she did not want to do it, and she did not really know how. What was left? Did she have to make another deal with him?

After a moment's hesitation, Triana made a decision: «Alright, you have five days. But you should know that tonight your body might be cut into pieces if I deem it necessary! It all depends on your behavior. Don't you dare to piss me off…»

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