«Idiot!» – Timur said disdainfully and confidently grabbed the sword hilt flying at him, but the sword didn't stop. Before he knew it, the weapon knocked him down and fell above him.


With the characteristic crunch of broken ribs, Timur Grand was pressed to the ground with the sword.

«О-О-О-ОH!» – Timur let out a painful groan as if trying to lift a box full of bricks. A shock and horror were written all across his face. He felt like a multi-ton rock had fallen on his chest!

«What's going on?» – The audience stared at them with disbelief. Timur was one of those who could sacrifice his life to take Dick Baker along, but now he was lying on the ground, in no hurry to get up.

«T… Take… Take it away…» – Timur wheezed, begging for help.

Kyon approached him, took the sword by the hilt and easily raised it as if it was made of styrofoam: «Are you kidding me? Is it your limit? My fucking weapon has beaten you even without my help! What were you talking about a single blow?»


A ten-ton sword hit Timur's chest again, turning his ribs into crumbs.

Timit spit out a clump of blood and passed out. He would live but with lots of pain.

«You have been picking on me for a whole year, but in fact, you're not worth anything. I have wasted my time on a scumbag like you.» – Dick Baker spat in Timur Grand's face with disgust and gave Triana an inquiring look: are you still underestimating me?

Triana opened her mouth in shock. She expected to see a ten-minute bloody battle, where one wrong move could turn into a fatal trauma, where Lovr busted a gut to win, but the jerk had won without lifting a finger, spectacularly reducing his opponent to dust! The tigress was trembling with delight. Lovr had surpassed all her expectations. She elegantly leaned against the windowsill, arching her back and sticking out her butt.

A sudden silence fell over the dorm. The audience dropped their jaws, not believing their eyes. This development of events was less possible than the sudden appearance of goddess Danna!

After the judge announced the winner, Timur Grand was taken to hospital on the stretchers.

«I get it! Triana Baker had helped her master, releasing her pressure! That's why Timur couldn't stand up!» – Cait Brown uttered. – «It's his level of cheating! We all know that the Dick Baker can't do anything by himself!»

Only a few people had heart Timur's ribs crack, the Hot Sun's idea resonated with the students: «Of course! It's obvious! Dick Baker is up to his old tricks!» … «The fat freak has arranged a show again! He is playing mind games with us!» … «Can you do anything on your own?» … «Go to the dumpster where you belong, smelly trash! You can't fool us!»

These statements made Triana furious. She wasn't angry because they had given her all the credit, she was angry because they still considered Dick Baker a pathetic omega! He had defeated all three opponents! His sword was also a part of his skills!

«Have you lost your sense of fear, pipsqueaks?» – The tigress growled.

A part of the imperial pressure reached the audience. The weakest students dropped to their knees, the strongest only felt their knees quiver.

Kyon flashed a happy smile. He had achieved the desired result. Two final strokes and Triana wouldn't forget him until the end of her life. On the other hand, it wasn't part of his escape plan. But why not? It would be his backup plan! Besides, he was going to meet her in the future, even if it was too early to think about that. He had to escape first.

Triana continued: «I will never stoop to interfering with an honest battle for the rank in the hierarchy! Dick Baker had defeated those weaklings by himself! I didn't help him! Let someone else prove it!»

Everyone wanted to believe the school idol even if they didn't see any logic in her words.

«I will do it.» – Someone cried out in a cold voice. A black-haired, handsome man jumped off the fifth floor, and everyone recognized the infamous Prince the Hot Pants. A girl humbly peeked out of his window.

Triana scanned the elegant young man and nodded, pleased. She had noticed him long ago as the strongest Cernos student, the leader of the school hierarchy. The tigress was sure that he was the one who would make her former owner give it his all and then perish in an unequal battle. According to Triana, to die for the place of the leader was the best death ever. It would also spare her from the necessity of killing him herself.

The students whispered among themselves: «I hear the prince Has reached the tenth stage of the noble phase... It must be humiliating for him to duel with a weakling in the advanced phase!» … «Could he fall any lower?» … «What is he after?» … «He wants to become famous!» … «No way! His perverted Highness wants to get Triana as his servant!» … «How dares he!» – Having come to this conclusion, the audience drilled the despicable bastard with angry eyes.

Prince Charles tried to ignore numerous whispers and condemning glances. Over the past year and a half, he had lost his power and respect of the kingdom citizens. He did not have anything to be proud of apart from his strength. Today he had a unique opportunity tomake up for all his failures: to kill the wretched bastard and enslave beautiful Triana!

Charles Grand hated Dick Baker for many reasons. Dick had taken away his room, humiliated him in public more than once, took first place in the forest tournament, and above all, he had slept with the sexy demoness and was fucking every day delicious Triana! It concerned His Highness more than anything else, and the reason for this was the damned medicine that had corrupted his character. Because of it, he was tormented by the restless flame of lust that gave him intolerable pain in the groin.

The prince realized his hatred vile, but he had lost his pride and dignity long ago, so what was the point of defending what he didn't have? None at all.

As for Triana, Charles had long lost his head over the fat freak's servant. Her strength, personality, and beauty were bewitching. His paid girl was no match for the beautiful blond girl, even Kara the demoness was significantly inferior to Triana in beauty and charm. Such a wonderful sex slave would turn his life into a fairy tale.

Prince Charles said confidently: «Dick Baker, if you think that everyone around is too weak for you, then the strongest Cernos will fight with you. I mean, if you don't chicken out.» – He finished defiantly, daring his opponent.

Kyon rolled his eyes: «No problem. Let's fight.»

«Let's make it even more exciting. The condition you gave the previous opponents stands: the loser obeys whatever the winner orders. What do you say?»

Kyon shrugged: «Why not? I don't mind.»

Charles threw up his hands: «Great! However, anything can happen in battle. What if someone loses consciousness, gets a serious injury, or worse... How would he meet the terms of the deal then? It's only reasonable to ask Triana to obey my order in this case.»

Kyon looked at the tigress, then at the prince: «So be it. If I am too injured to hold up my end of the deal, my servant will do it.» – {If she wants to!}

Many students began to bite their nails nervously, keeping their anger to themselves: {The goddess must punish you for your arrogance, son of a bitch!} ... {Triana will never be yours, perverted bastard! Even Dick Baker is a better owner than you!} ... {I would cut off your dick if I could have it my way, fucking degenerate!}

Charles was thrilled deep inside, but his face stayed calm. He stood in the center of the arena and made a gesture to show that he was ready for battle: «Let's get started. Show everyone what you're capable of, fat freak.»

«I am not fat, just big-boned!» – Dick Baker retorted, taking out the Scourge.

The judge activated the protective barrier and announced the beginning of the duel.

Kyon focused on his core and tried to use the Cut of Light, but it didn't work. He couldn't use this feature unless he was in the bright state of soul. He could not simulate it, which meant he had to fight with his sword.

At the Stone Party, Kyon fought with Kara, who was 13 stages stronger than him. He had technically won the battle, even if he hadn't even left a scratch on her. If they had been allowed to use weapons, he would have died by all means.

At the families' Tournament, Lovr had killed Brown number two, who had an advantage of 15 stages with a grenade that was as powerful as the Annihilation sphere.

His victory over Timothy Brown, who was 18 stages stronger than him was a pure miracle, no less. Kyon was hoping to defeat him with a trick, handing Timothy the wonderful grenade, but he had to use it on the previous opponent.

Now Lovr had to fight an opponent 16t stages stronger than himself, and he was not going to use any grenades because they were completely useless against a peaking noble phaser. It was time to find out what he was capable of!

Charles breathed in the warm summer air, anticipating breaking the hated jerk's spine. With a calm, almost indifferent facial expression and devilish fire in his eyes, Charles came up to Dick Baker totally unarmed. It was below him to use a sword against this wretched bug. Then he accelerated half-way, aiming with his hand at Dick's neck. The bastard wouldn't even have time to understand why he died.

Kyon's pupils narrowed. He instantly accelerated, using pure energy and hardened his sword up to 2.000 kilos before delivering a blow. Then he hit with all his might Charles's stretched arm.


After the collision, everyone heard a loud cracking of bones breaking into fragments. Blood splashed in all directions, painting the protective barrier scarlet.


Almost at the same moment, Charles hit the protective barrier, shock and disbelief written all across his face. He cast a blank stare at his maimed left hand that looked like a poorly chopped mincemeat made of bones, flesh, and a piece of sleeve. Right then, the royal prince felt an unbearable acute headache. He couldn't hold back a piercing cry: «АА-А-АА-А-АА-АH!»

The prince's loud wail broke everyone's stupor, but they couldn't believe their eyes. Was it possible that everyone in the audience was having visual hallucinations?

Triana squeezed the windowsill until it cracked and stared at the yelling prince, her beautiful head sticking out of the window: {WHAT? Did Lovr ruin his hand with a single blow? Is he that strong? How haven't I seen it before?} – She was expecting to see her former owner crippled and leaving for the better world, but it was the other way around! Her heart was about to jump out of her chest.

The prince's eyes were bloodshot like those of a furious beast. He had been too careless. Underestimating his enemy had cost him a hand. Charles stopped the bleeding with pure force, soothed the unbearable pain. It was followed by the feeling of disgusting numbness at the place of the injury and annoying pulsation in the temples.

«Have you been hiding your strength for a whole year to catch me by surprise, son of a bitch?» – Charles muttered through his gritted teeth, releasing an aura of killing intent.

«You are so full of yourself, Charlito.» – Kyon grinned, laying his sword on the shoulder.

The prince took out a long straight sword with his only working hand, pointed with it at the fat freak and said resolutely: «You'll die today.»

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