It took Kyon some effort to take his eyes off the former superior maid, beautiful like a divine work of art. He looked around to make sure that no one in the audience could hear him so that there would be no need in the soundproof barrier. He was still hoping to keep his personality of the goddess's messenger in secret.

Lovr removed the barrier and said with dignity, raising his eyes to heaven: «Goddess, I am about to start a vicious fight that might take my life while your student doesn't risk anything! I am begging for your grace and mercy to reward me for my victory! Five minutes of your protection will be enough for me to teleport from the Cernos away from Triana's claws! Only in this case, your student will be able to take revenge, otherwise, you will be teaching a girl who has never triumphed over her enemy! I am sure that it will have a negative effect on her future! I beg you to be reasonable!»

Dinah leered at him: «Who are you to beg my great master for anything? And why are you so confident that you can defeat me? Today, I won't let you go alive, arrogant bastard!» – She released a formidable pressure, characteristic of the second stage in the lord phase.

Thousands of stunned spectators started whispering excitedly: «She is at the beginning of the lord phase! No mistake about it! I've been to lots of tournaments and can tell the lord-phase pressure!» … «Gods, who is this powerful lady and what is she doing in Cernos?» … «What does she want from Dick Baker? Is she really fighting with him? He does not stand a chance against a lord phase! He could hardly handle the prince!» … «Who has set the barrier that even lady Triana can't break?» … «Can anyone here read lips? » – The students had hardly got over the fat freak's victory over the prince when out of the blue, there appeared another opponent, head and shoulders above him.

«I am not talking to you!» – Kyon snapped, turning his eyes from her to the sky.

His words hit Dinah like a bucket of cold water. When Kyon's power was suppressed, he showed at least some respect for her, but now his arrogance knew no bounds! How dared he talk to her so disrespectfully like she was no goddess's apprentice but his unfaithful wife!

Dinah took out an elegantly patterned black dagger and blurred with speed in the direction of the fat freak: «You will regret what you have said.»

As soon as they started fighting, Kyon noticed the invisible protective barrier had acquired a greenish tint. At the same time, he got a feeling of being pulled out of reality and placed in an isolated place. Even if the students could see him, as well as he could see them, he could not feel their presence with his soul. Did it mean that any auras, including the annihilation sphere, wouldn't leave this spot? Was it possible that the goddess decided herself what the audience would see? Why was she doing all this?

Without hesitation, Lovr increased the Scourge's weight to two tons and delivered an immediate counterstrike towards the rapidly approaching silhouette.


The collision impact didn't make Dinah budge a step while Kyon slid on the ground about three meters, nearly losing his balance.

Dinah grinned wickedly: «What a shame... I haven't attacked you at full strength, and you are already staggering... My great master told me not to underestimate you, but I will prove to you that you are no rival to me.»

«As you wish, darling.» – Kyon muttered through clenched teeth.

Dinah snorted and resumed her half-hearted attack, prodding the ground.

~bam~ ~ bam~ ~bam~ ~bam~ ~bam~

Kyon fearlessly fought her back, not worrying about the recoil, but she kept pressing him to the barrier. He analyzed the situation and came to a disappointing conclusion: he was on a losing streak for three reasons:

First, Dinah's allegedly half-hearted blows left dents on the sword Scourge despite the advanced enchant for strength! When Kyon created his carbon weapon, he arranged the atomic lattice so as the blade could take the blows with maximum efficiency, but it was of little use now. Dinah's dagger was too dangerous. If nothing changed, the Scourge sword would break, marking the end of its owner. He would have to use the earth element, restoring the sword in the heat of the battle.

Second, due to the high-ranking movement technique, the goddess's student was as fast as a lord phaser at the finishing stage. Competing with her in speed was tantamount to suicide, which left Lovr with a single working strategy: keeping the former superior maid at the distance, giving her timely counterattacks.

Third, although Dinah was at the 2nd stage, the full power of her attacks was equal to a lord phaser at the 4th stage. Apparently, the goddess hadn't cleaned her keys to the maximum. There must be some restrictions even for Her Holiness.

All in all, Kyon was fighting an opponent 18 stages stronger than himself, just like when he had a battle with Timothy, only Dinah made an impression of being whole 20 stages stronger. Besides, she was frighteningly fast for her level. The goddess must have taught her student something scary and dangerous over the last year. The precious black dagger in the hands of the beautiful opponent was the icing on the cake.

{It's… fucking… no good…} – Lovr concluded glumly.

~bam~ ~ bam~ ~bam~

Dinah had acquired five battle fists, but no matter how hard she tried, whatever tricks and maneuvers she used, she couldn't find a breach in Kyon's defense. It was incredibly annoying, even humiliating. Dinah was ready to use the shadow style, but there was still time for that.

Even if Kyon was significantly weaker than his opponent, his half-upgraded right hand moved much faster than the rest of his body, that's why he managed to fend any attack. However, he couldn't even think of parring Dinah's blows.

Dinah approached him even closer and delivered a roundhouse kick to the Scourge.

Kyon did a double somersault and flew off to the barrier... Or so he thought. In fact, he flew in from the opposite side as if where the barrier began just where it ended.

{An enclosed space! Is there any limit to what this goddess can do?} – Lovr scratched the back of his head, perplexed. He was still working on teleportation while the goddess could turn space into a donut or an infinite loop.

«Shake in the knees? Can you feel death slowly but inexorably getting to your stinky, disgusting body?» – Dinah whispered in a scary voice and licked her dagger.

Kyon stood up and claimed confidently: «It's you who is locked with me in this cage, stupid fool.»

«Empty words, considering what you can do nothing but defend yourself.» – Dinah pressed another attack, this time at 75% of her maximum strength. However, Kyon wouldn't let his heavy weapon out of his hands.

~bam~ ~ bam~ ~bam~

Each collision might have sent Kyon flying many meters away if he hadn't been using the best sticking to the ground technique. Using it, he slid about five meters and stopped, keeping his balance. Most of the recoil went into his carbon bones enchanted for strength.

Dinah stopped and smirked: «You've dug fifteen traps under the ground, but I haven't got into any of them... How dumb of you!»

«I will bury you alive.» – Kyon snapped.

«Not in this life. Anyway, it's nice of you to dig your own grave. I'll throw your lifeless body into one of them!» – Dinah's gray eyes sparkled as she approached Kyon at an incredible speed and hit him with all her might.


Kyon did not expect such a strong attack. An elephant, racing at full speed, would have hit him with the same force. The Scourge flew out of his hands as he rolled on the ground for about fifteen meters. Dinas wasn't going to get him. She rushed to the sword instead, but the weapon sparkled green and disappeared at the first attempt to grab it.

«Huh?» – Dinnah gasped. She turned to her sworn enemy and saw the scarlet sword in his hands.

«You shouldn't take something that isn't yours! You will be punished for that.» – Kyon took an attacking stance and drew the Scourge back by the right side. All his muscles were ready to perform the Scourge Fracture.

Dinah made a tsking sound: «Are you strong enough for this, boy?» – She instantly reduced the distance between them with a blank expression on her face. As soon as she was within Kyon's reach, the Scourge turned into scarlet lightning pointed at her chest. In response, she began to use the shadow style.

Kyon's eyes widened. He was sure that he had hit the target until Dinah dispersed in a black haze like a shadow and materialized a half-meter away from him, throwing her black dagger at his stomach.

{Fuck!} – In a fraction of a second, Lovr had grown a thin layer of adamantium, but the dagger pierced his stomach through the rock and the carbon skin like a hot knife through butter.


The impact sent Kyon flying more than ten meters away. He painfully clutched at his side while the earth element started growing new carbon skin on the place of the cut. It would have been over if Dinah had aimed at his heart or his tendons, but she wounded him in the stomach, intending to prolong his suffering. The bitch wanted to enjoy her victory, taking her revenge for the past.

The goddess's student cleaned the blood from the blade with a wave of her hand and turned the dagger, admiring its patterns: «The shadow dagger… I couldn't even dream of such a great weapon. It would be priceless in our world. It's so sharp that your tough skin is no better than a sheet of paper against its blade…»

«It won't help you.» – Kyon said confidently, standing up with his hand pressed against his stomach.

Dinah looked up from the dagger and glared at him: «Look who's talking! If I had aimed at your heart, you would have already taken your last breath!»

«But you aimed at my stomach because you still love me deep inside... That is why you are not my enemy. You will lose.» – Kyon said with conviction.

«Bullshit!» – Dinah got furious, wrinkling her delicate nose. – «Your strength is nothing against me! Your lightning protection does not bother me! You can't use your hypersonic weapon from the ring! Your explosives are useless against me! What else remains? The pathetic flashes of light and darkness that I am ready for, and a nine-element sphere that I can destroy with a counterattack. You can't use your liquid light, which leaves you with increased physical strength and a heavy sword. All this is no use against me, a lord phaser at the second stage. I am much stronger than you in all respects! So, where does your confidence come from?»

{She knows everything about me… The worst opponent ever.} – Kyon smiled in spite of his pessimistic thoughts. – «My confidence… It's nothing. I have two choices: I will win, or I will die, and if I die, it doesn't really matter! It means I have only one choice: I will win! Whatever it takes.» – He pointed his sword at his opponent like a knight, defending the most precious princess - his life.

Dinah clenched her: {What a freak! He won't give up!} - She wanted to undermine Kyon's moral to see the despair on his wretched face, but it was too thick-skinned. What a disappointment! Well, next time, she would thrust her dagger even deeper.

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