Kyon breathed a sigh of relief, left the department, and transformed into Zosimos in the restroom of a city restaurant. Soon, he appeared in his room at the Garden of Eden hotel:

«Hello, my sweet ones!»

«Hi, daddy! How was your day?» – Eve said tenderly, running up to him.

«He...llo… da..ddy…» – Leila said abruptly, never taking her eyes off the screen.

«I'm good, and you?» – Zosimos asked.

«The elder sister almost pissed herself because she couldn't get away from the cartoons. Also, the young gentleman dropped by and brought me a bouquet!» – Eve boasted, pointing at the vase.

Leila let out a vicious roar: «What did he see in her?..»

Kyon got down on one knee and said with genuine concern: «Don't call him gentleman, my love. It's too much honor for a kid in love. You are so much better than him, both in terms of strength and intelligence. You are the most beautiful and stunning girl in the world, the goddess' daughter! And he is just a servant in the hotel, longing for a miracle... If Romeo ever gives you something or showers you with compliments, just ignore him. Do not give him any hope, or you will only hurt him in the end.»

Eve nodded shyly, tossing a mane of her wavy fair hair.

Leila jumped up from the sofa and stamped her foot: «When are you going to teach us to fight? What if this idiot wants to kidnap my little sister and you aren't home! I am not going to save her! It's all her fault that she… that she attracts freaks.»

«I won't let anyone hurt you, my sweet ones. I am going to work tomorrow. We'll practice some fighting moves the day after tomorrow.»

«Why not now?» – Eve asked, brushing her hair.

«Your power is so great that you can destroy the entire hotel! Daddy doesn't want any trouble, that's why we'll go to the countryside.» – Zosimos said. – «And now go to the bathroom and then to bed!»

«Yes, sir!» – Eve smiled, giving him a playful salute.

«Stop ordering me about…» – Leila grumbled, shaking crumbs off her skirt. – «I'll see how you talk to me when I learn to use my power…»

«What are you mumbling about?» – Kyon said sternly with a sly smile.

«Nothing! You're hearing things!» – Leila said under her breath and rushed to the bathroom.

When the girls fell asleep, Kyon went to the poor area of ​​Dantes to replenish his collection of slaves with his subjugating formations. His Boston subordinates were still in the closest city to the capital. They couldn't cross the border for two reasons: first, the customs officers' sensitive devices would detect the formations on their heads; second, they would be imposed obligatory tracking formations. Kyon decided that it would be easier for him to anonymously transport his subordinates to Dantes when he became an investigator of the 2nd rank and could use his authority. Unfortunately, he couldn't use the dwarfs for this task. Dealing with his assistants (scientists) was much easier.

Early in the morning, Lovr returned to the hotel. After breakfast, he took the girls to the roof, the miniature Garden of Eden. He was in no hurry to get to the department.

Eve opened her green eyes wide in amazement: «It's so beautiful!» – She skipped happily around the garden, stroking the flowers and the bushes on her way. For some reason, they turned their leaves and buds towards her as if she were a walking sun. She was pleased to feed the swans, and they carelessly basked in her hands. The little fairy squealed with delight when butterflies tickled her fingers with their proboscises as if they had found a flower full of nectar. It felt like paradise to Eve.

Leila was in the completely opposite situation: the plants scornfully turned away from her, and the living creatures scattered away as if from the messenger of death. Shel stamped her foot in frustration: «What the heck? Why can't I do the same? I want butterflies to lick my fingers, too!» – Her envy was so strong that Leila could not resist taking nasty revenge. She began to pluck leaves and flowers. Leila looked like a vicious pixie, chasing the butterflies and the swans away. Her behavior was unacceptable.

Kyon had to step in and put a stop to it.

Leila came to her senses and stopped brawling only when her father took out from nowhere three beautiful birds that were not afraid of her touch. She calmed down, stroking the birds. Daddy ... How did he do it? He is so… cool.

For some reason, Eve was apprehensive about these birds and tried to stay away from them as if she could sense the aura of death emanating from them. Her reaction only amused her elder sister. Leila showed Eve her tongue and continued to caress the birds.

{The light and the dark. Now I see why they are called so. All living things reach out to the light and keep away from the darkness…} – Lovr concluded.

«Dimitry Bolohov, old genius, how did you guess who the criminal was and how to pin them down?» – The head of the investigation department patted the old man on the shoulder.

«What criminal are you talking about, sir?» – The old investigator of the second rank gaped.

«What criminal?» – Milan repeated, baffled. – «Didn't you take case A-3?»

«No… It wasn't me!» – Dimitry shook his head.

«Who then?» – Milan asked, puzzled.

«Who knows?»

Milan recoiled, discouraged. He went to the next investigator, whose initials were D.B. After several unsuccessful attempts, Milan returned to his office and sat at his table, deep in thought.


Milan was glad to hear the signal. He had no doubt that it was the one he was looking for! Who else would dare to bother the head of the department at lunchtime for no good reason?

He pressed the button, the green light lit on the outside wall, and the fat investigator immediately rushed inside. His three pursuers stopped short behind the door, their faces twisted with anger. They must have been chasing Dick, but he managed to escape again.

«What the hell are you doing here?» – Milan asked angrily.

«It was me who helped you solve case A-3! Didn't you get it? D.B. stands for Dick Baker!»

Milan looked dazed: «No… It can't be… YOU?»

«Of course, it was me! The head of the department couldn't slip you an incompetent pig! Have you read my recommendation letter?» – When Milan gasped, Kyon added emotionally. – «Oh, higher powers! You should have at least asked him about his opinion of me! It's disrespectful for your boss in the very least!»

«Enough!» – Milan interrupted him angrily. – «I get the message. I hardly ever have a chance to talk to the boss face to face more than once a year... I'll be honest, I don't even know what he looks like! I admit I have underestimated you... It was too soon to jump to conclusions. We'll see about that.»

Milan made a call and ordered to bring him Dick Baker's recommendation letter. After which, he gave the fat guy a fresh look, trying to see him as a promising personality, not a sickening mountain of foul-smelling garbage or a monster from the crazy executioner's nightmares: «So, tell me how you did it.»

«Well, I got the case with my persuasion skills, studied and solved it, wrote down the solution and sent the letter to your desk. In fact, that's all.» – Kyon shrugged.

Milan shook his head: «I want to know how you realized that there was more than one culprit! Where did you learn the method that can get a confession without blackmail or violence?»

«I came up with the method myself. It all comes down to the basics of human psychology. As for your first question, it's simple: such a crime can't be committed alone. The suspects knew each other well, and they all had their reasons. The victim's daughter could unite them all, she has the right personality for that. By the way, did my method work?» – Kyon asked.

«You bet!» – Milan exclaimed, spreading his arms. – «I've never seen anything like this! You have a good head on your shoulders, son! I didn't expect such creativity!»

This morning, Milan personally interrogated the suspects to avoid the publicity that could compromise the family. Following the instructions, he put the seven suspects into separate dark rooms, took a pause and then went to each of them, shining a bright crystal in their eyes and declaring in a harsh voice that "someone" had confessed to the crime and gave away the names... They had two options: remaining silent and waiting for the verdict or cooperating with the investigation and get a suspended sentence.

The helpless suspects cracked one by one. If someone had turned them in, the subjugating formation would only confirm their guilt. Why not take the chance and get a suspended sentence?

«In the end, it turned out that everyone except the butler was guilty! The scoundrels had set him up. They had arranged his motive for murder when the patriarch punished him for a fake misdeed! Fucking assholes made him a scapegoat!» – Milan chuckled, being in a great mood. This case was of great importance for him as many high-ranking family members had pinned their hopes on him, and there were no results for many months. He was really desperate when Dick Baker appeared.

«So, I want to describe my career goals.» – Kyon began.

«Don't rush things. Let's have some tea first.» – Milan interrupted him, pouring water into the cups.

Soon, they brought in the recommendation letter. Milan's eyebrows raised as he read it: «Caught all the robbers?.. Identified the perfume brand and found the thief and through him the leader of the thieves?.. Got rid of the three main issues in the kingdom represented by the criminal of the century?...» – He looked at Dick with surprise. – «Is it all true?»

«I wouldn't have been admitted to sit the exam if the recommendation letter hadn't been approved. Anyway, you can call Vladimir and ask him personally.»

«You're right.» – Milan agreed. – «I am not going to waste my time. Everything will become clear in a month or two of your work. If you don't turn out to be as talented as you claim to be, you're on your own! Anyway, congratulations! From now on, you are a full-fledged investigator of the third rank! Room 13 is at your disposal! I'm glad to welcome a talented person to my team!»

«It's an honor to work with you.» – Kyon shook his hand and said. – «I have three requests that will help me do well in my job. Without them, I won't be able to reveal my unlimited potential. May I?»

«You have a lot of nerve, young man… Go ahead, I'm all ears.»

«I need your protection from annoying envious guys. I want to work without interruption or distraction.»

Milan remembered the three investigators at the door that had been chasing Dick and nodded: «No problem, son. What are the other two requests?»

«Let me ignore the chain of command. I mean work schedule and the obligation to obey investigators of the second rank. I can reach my full potential alone or with a handful of handpicked subordinates. If I get distracted with orders to make coffee... I can't work like that.»

Milan heaved a deep sign: «I see… But it will jeopardize the whole hierarchy if an investigator of the third rank does not obey the seniors…»

«Then tell everyone that I am not to be disturbed as I am working on your task!»

Milan frowned thoughtfully and finally nodded: «All right, but only on one condition. If I am not satisfied with your performance in a month, you will work like everyone else and obey the higher-ranking investigators.»

«I agree!» – Kyon smiled. He would turn this place upside down in a month.

«By the way…» – Milan rubbed his temple. – «About the subordinates... You will have three 4th-ranking investigators at your disposal, including their subordinates, as well as three security officers in the beginning of the royal phase and ten lord phasers. However, you will get a severe punishment if any of them gets killed because of you…»

«I get it. I've had the experience. As for my third request… I need access to the high-ranking cases archive. I don't want to waste my precious time doing the tasks of B and C rank. I promise it will bring good results.»

Milan hesitated for a moment: «Alright, another exception won't hurt. However, if there are no results in a month, then…»

«I get it. As a matter of fact, I won't mind getting access to the documents of utmost importance... It will make it easier to do high-ranking tasks…» – If Lovr got access to them, he could pull off a stunt as he did in the Iron Throne when he blackmailed the first ten families, including the Stones.

«That's too much!» – Milan adamantly refused. – «I will never give access to this archive to an investigator of the third rank, let alone a novice like you!»

«Then what should I do to become an investigator of the second rank?»

«Are you out of your mind? Work here for about five years first, then we'll get back to your question!» – Milan growled. This brat thought he could pluck a star from the sky, messing with him and common sense.

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