The Clintons' area was like a little, luxurious town surrounded by a high thick wall. Hundreds of people passed through the main entrance every minute. Kyon was sitting on the horse near the entrance, waiting for his partner to arrive.

At noon, Lovr saw the beautiful blonde girl on a graceful white-maned horse at the end of the street. She was so dazzling that it seemed that the sun itself had saddled the mount. Elsa attracted so much attention that there was a road accident with several carts at once. The coachmen couldn't take their eyes off her, and it wasn't their fault as the girl could charm even the emperor!

«I can assume by your imperturbable look that road accidents happen quite often because of you.»

«Hurry up. You need to show your pass.» – Elsa said, tucking her hair behind her ear.

Kyon showed the ID and rode inside along with Elsa. The family territory had the standard system of allocating the houses into zones according to the status of their residents. There were the external, the internal, and the central zones, the entrance to which was carefully guarded. As they approached the central zone, the buildings and the decor became increasingly lavish.

At the final checkpoint, Dick Baker and Elsa were given a guide who showed them the way to the main building that was privately called «the heart of the family.» There they were given another guide, and soon they arrived at the patriarch's office.

This appointment was on a par with the reception hosted by the king because the Clintons' status, wealth, and power were no less than that of the Feruz family, even significantly surpassing them! The patriarch Clinton's brother alone was worth a lot, being the second general, the commander of a huge army, an imperial phaser in the finishing stages.

As Kyon and Elsa entered the office, they saw a valiant well-dressed middle-aged man sitting at the table. There was nothing outstanding in Horace's appearance. But his gaze... The patriarch seemed to have suffered many trials and hardships.

Horace raised his eyebrow, getting up from the chair: «Elsa?! What are you doing here?»

She bowed respectfully and said: «Patriarch Horace, my assistant and I are investigating your daughter's pregnancy. I would appreciate your assistance.»

The patriarch looked at the fat guy and winced. The drastic contrast between the two guests hurt his eyes.

«Good afternoon, patriarch Clinton.» – Kyon said reverently.

Horace ignored him, addressing Elsa: «I don't want to complain, but you are not an investigator, Elsa... You have no experience! How could Milan trust you to solve this case? And what is this brat doing here with you?»

«Rosa and I are close enough so I can rely on the Valentines.» – Elsa told the truth, but she didn't want to reveal her secret activities. That's why she had met with Dick Baker. – «Don't consider me rude, but I have some methods that are different from those the investigators use. If Stein is really guilty, I'll find out who's behind it.» – She chose not to mention her fat assistant.

Horace heaved a deep sign: «My dear Elsa… I don't know what to say. You pursue the Valentines' interests that's why it's rather weird to see you here.»

Elsa arched her delicate eyebrow: «All are equal before the law. I will find the culprit, and it doesn't matter which side I'm on.»

Horace would prefer them not to look for the culprit in his family, but at the same time, he wanted to find the offender as soon as possible: «Words of wisdom, my girl... Go on, conduct an investigation. Let me know if I could be of any help.»

«May I ask you a personal question?» – Elsa seized the moment at once.

«Sure. Shoot away?»

«Do you know anything that the department doesn't know?»

The patriarch frowned: «No… Why? Do you suspect me?»

«No. You got me wrong!» – Elsa explained herself. – «I need to know if you have any ideas that the department has not considered, even the most absurd ones. Anything could help with the investigation.»

Horace resolutely shook his head: «The mere thought of this gives me a headache. I don't want to look into it. The department knows better.»

«I see. In this case, I want to talk to Lindia, Roman, and Eugene, as well as the other suspects.»

«Why would you need Eugene? He is on active service and has nothing to do with what happened to Lindia.»

Roman had always been in the shadow of his elder brother Eugene, who was much more talented. Besides, Eugene spent most of his time with their uncle, the second general of Rosarrio, as he had a good chance to become his successor.

«As for Lindia and Roman, they are expecting you in the guest room. The guards will show you the way. The other suspects await an invitation outside the building.»

«Thank you.» – Elsa bowed and left the office.

Kyon followed her. He had a feeling that he was an odd man out or invisible! He couldn't even imagine what he would do without his sister.

«I want to interrogate each of them. Can you arrange it for me?» – Lovr asked.

«I will interrogate them myself.» – Elsa said coldly.

Kyon gave his self-confident companion a stern look: «It's pure nonsense. A novice isn't competent enough to conduct an interrogation. Leave it to the professional. First, I want to talk to Lindia and then to Roman.»

«Exactly.» – Elsa confirmed, without even looking at him.

{Do you want to steal my case, little stinker?} – Lovr guessed. He had to be persistent, or he would not achieve anything. – «Elsa, wait!» – But before he could add anything, she had already opened the door.

They saw a brave 19-year-old boy sitting in the armchair in the guest room. He was of slender build, with short dark hair. Roman Clinton looked annoyed and angry, with his arms crossed. A typical arrogant bully.

Roman raised his head and jumped up in surprise: «My beautiful Elsa, what are you doing here? Visiting your secret lover?»

«Choose your words carefully when talking to me.» – Elsa said in a flat voice.

«You're cold as always! Why can't you treat me like Rose? I am no worse than that idiot!» – Roman protested jokingly.

«Maybe, you are?» – Elsa gave him a questioning look.

«I am only one stage weaker than him! Does it make any difference? Anyway, I am more handsome, aren't I? Just look at these muscles!» – He flexed his muscles at her with a wide smile.

Elsa hissed through her clenched teeth: «No man worthy of the name would buy my sister's heart with Tokens but a cheap bastard like you!»

«Don't worry, beautiful! Juno will like the taste of a real man!»

In an instant, Elsa appeared near Roman, aiming at his forehead with an arrow on the bowstring that came out of nowhere: «Do you have a deathwish, rotten goblin?»

The guards tensed and looked at each other uncertainly. Kyon was watching this unexpected scene in disbelief. So much for an assistant! She would help him get to hell if it went on like this! Anyway, now he knew who had bought the right to marry Juno in about a year, which was rather shocking! Another degenerate wanted to steal his investment!

«Will you dare to kill the patriarch's son in his own house? Do you want to ruin your life and take all the Stones to hell?» – Roman asked with a sarcastic smile, not in the least disturbed by the weapon pointed at him.

After a moment's hesitation, Elsa put the bow away. The guards immediately surrounded her, but Roman waved them off: «Relax, guys. Don't you see it's only a game?» – He gestured for them to leave the room.

When the guards left, Roman Clinton noticed the fat investigator. His eyes widened in surprise: «YOU? You are that ugly prince who bought everyone around!»


Elsa cast a surprised glance at Dick Baker and then at Roman again. What was going on? Did they know each other? What prince was he talking about?

«What the heck are you doing here, freak?» – Roman asked, looking at Dick Baker with disgust.

«I am an investigator. Lady Elsa is my assistant who helps me conduct this investigation. Today, we are interrogating the suspects together.»

«Don't bullshit me! Elsa is your assistant?! I'd rather believe that Rose has slept with an old hag!» – Roman glanced at Elsa.

She couldn't keep quiet: «I am not his assistant, I am in charge here. He is my subordinate.»

«It's a lie!» – Kyon said curtly.

At that moment, the door swung open, and a sweet young girl entered the guest room. She was wearing a loose velvet dress with colorful butterflies. Lindia created the impression of a spoiled patriarch's daughter, frivolous and easy-going. A girl like her was hardly capable of conspiracy and intrigue. A two-meter bulky knight towered behind her, his eyes as hard as steel and so his muscles.

«Good afternoon? Elsa?» – Lindia exclaimed, looking at the beautiful guest in surprise.

«To hell with it! Go on without me.» – Roman said, heading to the door.

«Wait! I haven't interrogated you yet!» – Elsa approached him.

«Interrogate my balls!» – Roman snapped and blurred with speed, leaving the room.

Elsa did not run after him. She only clenched her fists so tight that her knuckles turned white. Then she looked at the patriarch's daughter and bowed slightly: «I am sorry, Lady Lindia. This whole thing has been a farce.»

«Elsa, my friend! You don't have to be so formal with me. Don't you remember how many glasses we drank together at that unfortunate birthday party?» – Lindia said with a smile and tilted her head with a puzzled look. – «What are you doing here?»

«I am here to conduct an investigation with my assistant. Do you mind if I ask you some questions?»

«Huh… Your assistant?» – Lindia had just noticed another person in the room, the mere sight of whom made her sick to her stomach. She wrinkled her delicate nose in disgust.

Kyon could tell that his concealment technique worked. He could feel it even if he hadn't done anything special yet. He said politely: «Lady Lindia, we have the patriarch's permission to interrogate you. Let me ask you some questions.»

Lindia swallowed hard: «Gods… Elsa, how could you take this goblin for an assistant? Get him out of here! Now!»

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