As soon as the servant named Romeo left the room, Kyon immediately called Eve: «My little flower, don't eat the dinner! And tell your sister not to touch it!»

«I understood, but why?!» – the girl asked fearfully.

«I'll tell you later! Dad will be by soon!»

Having reached the hotel, Kyon climbed to the roof in a roundabout way (Romeo stood near the door), asked Eve to open the window and jumped into the room.

The girls were pretty surprised at this turn of events.

«What happened? Why through the window? But something else is more important: I want to eat, and you forbid it! What's the matter?!» – Leila was indignant.

«I noticed the oddities in the behavior of this young suitor through the recording formations that I installed everywhere for your safety.» – Kyon explained, sniffed the dishes brought for the dinner and nodded to his thoughts. – «Just as I thought. Sleeping pills were added there.»

«Sleeping pills?!» – both girls were amazed.

«Yes. For twelve days, Romeo has been unsuccessfully trying to court Eve, but in return he receives only complete indifference, so despair prompted him to take extreme measures: to steal his beloved one while I work.»

Eve's mouth opened in disbelief.

Leila's lips spread into a devilish smile: «It can't be!»


The front door opened slightly, and Romeo cautiously looked inside.


Before the attacker had time to understand anything, a fist flew into his forehead.

The guy came to himself later in the room. There were three people standing in front of him: a man filled with rage, a beloved little fairy looking at him with disappointment, and her exultantly smiling sister.

Romeo's heart was pounding wildly from the horror that seized him: «W-what are you doing?!»

«You tried to steal my daughter!» – the crimson-faced Zosimos snapped.

«I… Ah… Don't… No! You're wrong! I would never!»

«He's lying to my face!» – Kyon was artistically indignant.

«No, I swear! I love your daughter and I would never…»

«Then eat, you scum!» – Lovr poked the plate right into the liar's lips.

«But I'm not hungry…»

Eve, with shame and disappointment, covered her face with her hand. Leila giggled maliciously, grunting unsightly.

«Eat, I said, or I'll push it into your mouth by force!» – the man shouted.

In tears and snot, Romeo took a plate and began to eat. Spoon by spoon.

After eating half of it, the guy fell on his side and fell asleep.

{What a stupid bastard, if Eve were an ordinary girl, this dose would have killed her!} – thought Kyon, wanting to kick the runt in the head ten times. Instead, he sat down next to the blonde and gently said: «Little fairy, don't worry, daddy won't let you be offended. Romeo is a vivid example of what happens to guys and men when they see only your appearance. His patience came to an end in just twelve days.» – the next he said to both at once. – «With your beauty, you drive people crazy, revealing the dark sides in them.»

«I understand…» – Eve nodded sadly. She will remember her father's lesson for the rest of her life.

«Hehe, a maniac fell in love with Eve! Hehe! My little sister attracts only half-witted psychos! A-ha-ha!» – Leila did not let up. How nice it is! As if flowers are blooming. So, I was unnecessarily jealous.

Kyon sighed wearily: «Leila, you could have been in Eve's place…»

«No, I couldn't!» – the girl immediately replied with conviction. – «Because I don't attract crazy people to me! That's why Romeo fell in love not with me, but with Eve! And I kept thinking, what's the matter, and that's how it turned out! A-ha-ha! I know that only the best and kindest guys will fall in love with me, but definitely not so sick in the head!»

Zosimos and Eva exchanged glances and shook their heads in understanding: hopelessly stupid.

Romeo woke up later in a prison cell. As it turns out later, he was not only fired and added to the black list, but also deprived of his home to pay off the debt for compensation to Zosimos. Simply put, by his act, the guy ruined his life.

Rosarrian center of the Golden Pig trade guild in Dantes.

The last floor. There was an insistent knock on the head's office.

«Come in.» – a healthy, plump man who looked very much like a toad said authoritatively.

A slightly smaller fat man came inside and rattled: «Mr. Gusteau, a miracle has happened!»

«Did the lightning kill the tax inspector?» – the head looked up hopefully from the table.

«No… Alas… Do you remember that letter from Albert Clinton, which was accompanied by a small batch of medicine with supposedly miraculous properties?»

«Ah… That pile of fake trash… Stop. Really?!..» – Gusteau's eyebrows rose to his forehead.

«Exactly! Our research department has confirmed the authenticity of their properties on the subjects! I refused to believe it until the end! The medicine that cures impotence, cataracts and intestinal ulcers has really been invented! As well as rejuvenation medicine! Old Ephraim's wrinkles have decreased, his arthritis has disappeared and his back has stopped hurting! He seemed to be ten years younger!» – almost breathless with emotions, the fat man shouted.

«It's fucking bullshit! Are you crazy, or what?!» – Gusteau barked, puffing out his toad cheeks. – «Rejuvenation medicine? The one in the struggle for which the whole world will turn into burning ruins?! Only a child will believe in this!»

«Sir, I am extremely serious! I saw it with my own eyes! Albert has indeed found a disciple blessed by the heavens! The information is reliable!»


There was another knock on the door.

«Who the hell else is there?!»

A messenger entered the room with a small box and a note: «Mr. Gusteau, Albert Clinton has sent you another message…»

The head of the center opened the letter and, frowning, read out: «Hello again, Mr. Gusto. Have you already made sure of the miraculous properties of the medicine made by my glorious disciple? If not, here's another small batch for you to be sure. So, I offer you cooperation, during which you will definitely get a huge profit and fame. However, I have one simple condition for a person of your caliber: no later than in a month, everyone in this city should know about my disciple, nicknamed "The Legendary Lord of the Cauldron" and believe in his wonderful alchemical abilities. I am sure it will not be difficult for you. If the condition is met, I will definitely contact you. I give you my word. I wish you all the best. Albert Clinton.»

The box contained a spatial ring with five anti-aging pills. If you take all of them, you can become 50 years younger, that is, even a blind person will have to believe it. However, they only work for practitioners of the superior stage and below, otherwise the Synergy, enclosed within, will not have enough power.

With the help of the Golden pig guild, Kyon was going to create the personality of a legendary alchemist. What for? Obviously, for new opportunities. For example, the medicine produced by "The Legendary Lord of the Cauldron", will be bought for colossal money like hot cakes, and their wonderful properties will be believed.

Alexander, fulfilling the order, regularly followed Zosimos. In three days, he collected a lot of information, but all of it did not arouse much suspicion: a generous display of love for his daughters and continuous failures in the trading business – what's wrong with that? There were only two things that puzzled him: why do girls wear veils? And why did the man suddenly drop everything yesterday and rush home? Unfortunately, he could not get inside the hotel unnoticed, so he could not find out the answer.

On the third day of continuous surveillance, the killer passed all the information to the head of the clan, after which he received approval to take him on a test mission.

At 1 am, Alexander called Zosimos and ordered him to leave the hotel, saying that it was time to prove himself. When the man came out, the killer put a bag on him and, sitting on a sled animal, went on a mission. The path was long and labyrinthine. They had to walk some part of it. In the end, by 2:30 am, the two arrived at the place.

By echolocation and bird scouting, Kyon found out that he was taken to a two-story abandoned construction site. The muffled voices of two dozen people could be heard from the first floor. Obviously, the labor force for the task - the usual stooges. On the second floor, when the bag was removed, he saw serious Bernard, dissatisfied Tymoshka with crossed arms and gloomy Valeera, this time dressed in tight black killer clothes.

«Alexander, check Zosimos for the absence of formations.» – asked Valeera.

The killer ran the nephrite over the man's body, took the ring and examined the contents. Nothing useful or suspicious: «He's clean. The detector was also silent, no tails.»

As Lovr guessed, it was about the nephrites, scanning the practitioners passing over them. The same ones were used by the robbers, when he and Juno went to Boston from the estate.

«Tymoshka, bring Zosimos up to date. We move out in fifteen minutes.»

The cute guy looked at the old man with disdain, as if he needed to teach a sick dog to piss in the tray, and said in a contemptuous and patronizing tone: «Old man, you must kiss the earth for your luck! You are honored to take part in a mission for which the head of the clan has been diligently preparing for over a month. Hear and heed: The Stalbers are a family of the thirtieth rank, three-quarters of whose income is metal mining. Today we will rob one of their largest warehouses. The point is that Lady Arpha provides us with a safe and invisible penetration, and we work with the guys on the floor below as movers. Everything should go quietly, peacefully, without a hitch. You are required to… The devil knows what the fuck you are needed here at all, but if I see even one extra movement or suspect something is wrong, I will gladly cut off your head. Did you get it?»

When there was a minute left before the start, Alexander approached Bernard and asked: «Remind me, why are you participating in the task?»

«This case is very important for Lady Arpha. I cannot afford not to participate. After all, I am the second most powerful person in the clan, and if something unexpected happens, my help will not be superfluous.» – although he said so, the main reason for his concern, especially for Arpha, shifted from foot to foot nearby - Zosimos.

«This is not your specialty, and you are not a warrior.» – said the killer coldly.

«Lady Arpha gave me permission.»

«How long have you been begging her?»

«Stop asking stupid questions!» – Bernard exploded.

Valeera's calm voice interrupted the silent confrontation between the men: «Zosimos, what do you see?» – although she knew the answer, an extra test of the beginner's abilities would not hurt.

Activating "The eyes of truth", Kyon looked towards the warehouse a kilometer away: a large rectangular building surrounded by a high wall. There are more than five security towers along the perimeter and one checkpoint at the only entrance.

«I see a thin barrier running from the walls all the way to the top. It is powered by five sources located in security towers. I believe that if at least three of them are deactivated, a gap will form, and practitioners starting from the advanced phase will be able to get inside, remaining unnoticed. However, information about faulty sources will be sent at least to the warehouse information center, and possibly to the family information center…»

Creating barriers is almost a separate science, which has its own laws and rules. But if we simplify it completely, then especially large barriers need additional recharge, because it is very expensive to transfer energy over long distances. So, for example, the formation that creates the border barrier of the Rosarrio empire is located in the palace, while it is powered by sources, of which there are more than a thousand, located on the border.

Valeera was a little surprised by Zosimos' awareness of protective barriers: «In that case, wait for the signal. Alexander, let's move out.» – having finished, she disappeared.

The assassin nodded and, entering invisibility, followed the head of the clan.

With his upgraded vision, Kyon watched what was happening: Alexander stopped near the barrier, probably covering the possible retreat of the head, and Valeera, judging by the bending grass, jumped over the wall.

Surprisingly, the barrier did not respond to the invasion! Alexander, even if he were the king of spades, would immediately be discovered, but the girl as a lord phaser at the 9th stage passed unnoticed – this is how good her stealth is.

For some time, Lovr did not notice anything suspicious. It seems that Valeera got inside to neutralize people in the info center, from where the warehouse and the state of the barrier are monitored through visual formations. The destruction of the defensive formation would automatically raise the alarm.

Suddenly, he noticed how people at the checkpoint and security towers began to freeze one by one, staring at nowhere with glass eyes.

{She uses a paralyzing poison, what a good girl.} – Kyon nodded to himself. There are at least two good reasons to use this poison instead of sleeping pills. The first is that the family formation reads the physical condition of the owner. The second is that the visual formations in the warehouse, quite possibly, also send a signal to the family information center.

Suddenly, a guard on one of the towers squinted suspiciously, took a sound transmitter and started calling someone, but, apparently, he could not get through. His eyes were getting bigger and bigger with growing anxiety.

With a wave of his hand, Alexander threw the attacking nephrite directly at the guard's head. There was a barely audible electric click, after which the man lost consciousness. Only ten seconds later, Valeera was next to him, she leaned the man against the wall and injected him with a paralyzing poison. One could only hope that the short-term loss of consciousness of one person would not be noticed in the family information center.

The killer received a sign from Valeera and waved his hand twice towards the construction site.

Twenty-three people, including Kyon, rushed to the man.

«So, I remind you, the guards will be paralyzed for no more than forty minutes! Now Lady Arpha will turn off three power sources of the barrier, and you must overcome the wall as quickly as possible and stand next to me!» – Alexander reminded just in case, strictly examining everyone.

Soon, the sound transmitter in the man's pocket rang, and he waved his hand: «Let's go!»

In a matter of seconds, 24 people overcame the walls and stood near the killer.

Alexander activated a massive concealment technique: a barrier that distorts visibility. Thanks to this, visual formations will not detect anyone except the warehouse guards standing on duty (now paralyzed).

A group of visibly nervous thieves quickly headed towards the building. Probably, no shadow clan would dare to invade the possessions of the family of the 30th rank so brazenly. One can say that today Silent Horror is making history, accomplishing an impressive achievement.

Meanwhile, two kilometers away, a handsome guy with a cunning smile on his lips watched 24 rats enter the warehouse territory. Next to him, two dozen more people were whispering in a relaxed manner, ready to move out at any moment. To hunt, of course.

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