«Well, well, well, what is happening here?» – spreading his hands to the sides, the young guy asked with a frightening smile, inspiring awe with his whole appearance. He looked like a panther before jumping.

Twenty people of bandit appearance stood behind the uninvited guest, and two bodyguards stood on either side of him. They had the imperious gazes of masters, as if looking at bugs. One of them had palms twice the normal size.

Some members of the Silent Horror clan screamed loudly in unfeigned terror.

«Edward?! What the hell are you doing here?!» – exclaimed Bernard.

«Old man, if you speak to me without respect again, and I swear to the gods, I will cut off your head like those two.» – the guy threatened with a chilling intonation.

Bernard flinched involuntarily, as did most of the group. Are those two guys in the info center dead?! Did the son of a bitch decapitate them?! Sick maniac! Just like his grandfather. They say his grandfather killed his son with his own hands. Now it's clear who this kid took after.

A fake-affectionate smile played on Edward's face again: «Kids from the Silent Horror clan, take the trouble to explain to me what the fuck are you sneaking around in my clan's territory?»

Alexander stepped forward: «What nonsense?! We coordinated the territories of our activity with each head of the clan! Your clan border is two blocks south!»

«Blah blah blah, that's what I hear!» – the guy rolled his eyes. – «I know better where my territory is. It's not good: my brothers and I have been preparing to rob this warehouse for a whole month, we thought everything out carefully, planned everything, and then suddenly some rats appear in front of our noses and want to steal our cheese! And from our own territory! Are you completely fucked up, or what?!»

«Yeaaaaah!» … «Bastards, have you completely lost your fear?!» … «Do you want to die?! A-ah?!» … «On your knees, trash!» … «Apologize, you sons of bitches!» – the members of the Black Star clan shouted indignantly, egged on by their boss.

The pressure emitted by the bandits oppressed Arpha's subordinates. Each of the opponents is at least half the stage stronger! If a battle starts, they won't last even a minute! However, this thought was too optimistic: when the two main subordinates of the young boss put out their hands and released the pressure, everything became much worse.

«Ha-a-a-ah!» … «Oh my god!» … «They… Are they kings?!» … «So… Sorry…»

The members of the Silent Horror clan turned pale and trembled with fear, some fell to their knees, and Tymoshka even wet his pants. The oppressive tyrannical aura of the kings was comparable to a rampant waterfall! Instinctive fear chained hands and feet. Now it is clear why these monsters look at them as if they are insects! So that's how strong are the members of the first clan in authority?

Edward said with a smirk: «I see you've already pissed yourself. Okay, since I like Arpha, I'll give you a chance to leave safe and sound. As compensation, I ask for a small fee: everything that you have looted today.»

The members of the Silent Horror clan could only silently swallow what they heard. Bernard and Alexander looked at each other gloomily. What should they do? Where has Arpha gone? If this goes on, the impudent bastard will brazenly take their loot!

Edward's interest was not in profit - let his grandfather deal with it - he was only interested in Arpha: an unapproachable icy beauty, the only person who did not fall for his authority, beauty and character. The obstinate bitch does not give up – this must be fixed!

The guy, of course, knew that the girl would be present at such a risky and important task for her. There was a big reward at stake, so he took two practitioners with him. The royal phasers at the 3rd and 5th stages. With them, it will be easier than ever to intimidate a black cat by force. Then the result depends on a trifle: to threaten to withdraw the stolen fish and offer a compromise, from which she will eventually moan with pleasure.

«Palms of death, where is she hiding?» – he asked the strongest subordinate in a whisper.

A mighty warrior with huge palms began to scan the surroundings, looking around. It seemed strange to him that upon arrival he did not immediately discover his goal: some worthless lord phaser at the finishing stage.

Suddenly, the royal phaser at the 5th stage turned sharply back, waving a huge palm.

Valeera materialized half a meter from the bodyguard. Gracefully somersaulting back, she dodged the lightning grip at the last moment, and a long sharp blade poked out of her shoe, aimed at the head of the enemy.

At the last moment, the bodyguard grabbed her leg in such a way that the blade only slightly pierced her chin. If he had reacted a fraction of a second later, the blade soaked in darkness would have pierced his skull and turned his brain into jelly. The pure energy will quickly dispel the darkness that has fallen under the skin, so the damage received is minimal.

Without removing the steel grip, the man, restraining himself so as not to accidentally kill the target (such is the order of the master), threw the girl on the floor with such force that the entire warehouse trembled, and the surface was covered with a network of cracks. The unique body made his hands monstrously strong, fast and durable. He will release the victim's leg only if he dies!

Meanwhile, the second bodyguard came to his senses and attacked Arpha with a rope, but the girl, as it turned out, was not even stunned, moreover, she turned around with lightning speed, almost dislocating her leg, and struck a swift blow with a dagger.


Bright red blood irrigated the floor of the warehouse. The royal phaser at the 3rd stage clutched his cut throat with a look of horror in his eyes. He fell to one side, where he let out a death gurgling wheeze.

Valeera immediately struck the palm holding her leg with her dagger, but to her shock, she could only scratch it.

«BITCH!» – the man barked and again hit the girl on the floor, this time not holding back, because he wanted to break all the bones of the she-devil for the death of a friend. Then he hit her in the gut with a huge fist.


The floor was a mess. The windows of the warehouse were blown out by the shock wave. Some of those present even fell off their feet.

«Kha-a-a-a!» – Valeera felt as if a meteorite had crashed into her. The weapon flew out of her hands. She doubled over, unable to breathe and resist. Unbearable pain spread through his body like lightning. It seems that a rib is broken, or even several.

Arpha is a lord phaser at the 9th stage with amazing killer skills and high-quality movement techniques from the Webers heritage. Also, the keys cleared by 99% give her an advantage over the rest of the practitioners in almost 5 stages. Considering all this, it is not surprising that the girl instantly killed the royal phaser at the 3rd stage, pretending to be stunned, however, the royal phaser at the 5th stage could also die if the sudden attack worked. Alas, it didn't work out. As soon as she was grabbed by the leg, the outcome was predetermined.

«Stop! You will kill her!» – Edward intervened, coming to his senses.

Gnashing his teeth, the bodyguard grabbed the girl across the waist, then hung her over his head, squeezing the victim's limbs with his hands so that she resembled a fragile doll, ready to break in half at any second.

Everything happened so quickly that Alexander and Bernard reacted only now. The killer sent 2 throwing knives with a wave of his hand, while the father of the two boys roared and moved to attack like an angry rhinoceros.

«Stop! Or I'll break her spine!» – the bodyguard warned, boldly meeting two flying knives with his chest, and those, except for insignificant scratches, left nothing.

Pale as chalk, Bernard braked and yelled: «LET HER GO!»

Alexander clenched his fists, trying to come up with something. The situation is as bad as possible: the monster that took Lanai hostage will single-handedly destroy their entire clan! So what can be opposed to him?!

Tymoshka and the rest of the group of people froze like rabbits in front of a boa constrictor.

«Bitch… She killed my bodyguard…» – Edward mumbled forlornly, clutching his head in frustration. His grandfather will definitely slap him for the loss of such a valuable subordinate! The guy didn't expect to lose anyone at all! How the fuck was Arpha able to kill the royal phaser at the 3rd stage and even slightly injure the royal phaser at the 5th stage, if she is a lord phaser?! And how did she manage to develop into two difficult stages in two months?! This is absurd! Is she a genius monster?!

«Blood… For blood… Son of a bitch.» – Valeera hissed, spitting blood towards the offender.

«Put her down!» – an angry Edward immediately ordered.

When the bully nicknamed Palms of Death obeyed, the guy, who was the lord phaser at the 6th stage, hit the head of the clan on the cheek with all his might: «Stupid bitch, how can you compare the life of two insects with a royal phaser?! Are you completely fucked up?! I have to skin you alive for this!»

«Let her go! Please, let her go! We will give you all the loot!» – Bernard began in such a pleading tone as if his wife were being held hostage.

Edward furiously pointed his finger at the man: «You fucked me up! When the master speaks, the slave is silent!» – he pointed to Alexander nearby. – «Hey, you! If you want your lady to stay alive today, break the hand of this miscarriage victim!»

All of the members of the Silent Horror clan, terrified to death, stared at the two men in shock.

«Who the fuck are you waiting for?! I count to five!» – the enraged guy shouted hotly. – «Five! Four!»

Bernard held out his left hand: «Do it…»

«Three! Two! One!» – Edward continued to bluff. Of course, he won't kill Arpha. She's too pretty. Such a beauty can not be finished off without using her for her intended purpose. Nevertheless, manipulating idiots is always a joy.


With the edge of his palm, Alexander broke his friend's hand in the wrist area.

Bernard stoically endured the pain without even crying out. Now it was much more painful for him to look at the desperate expression of Arpha. She's suffering! How to save her?!

«Good boys, I like it.» – Edward nodded in satisfaction, then turned to Valeera and gently stroked his blood-smeared cheek. – «If you've been watching me from invisibility, you should know why I'm so unhappy. Anyone in my place would be furious! But I have treated your unforgivable crime with sufficient restraint. However, the death of the royal phaser is not so easily forgiven! The fact that I demand a proportionate compensation should not surprise you, Arpha! So, how will you pay? Any suggestions?»

Frowning contemptuously, Valeera spat again in the guy's face, and this time she hit the target: «Die, you bastard!»

Edward was not at all embarrassed, he calmly wiped off the bright scarlet saliva and smiled radiantly: «I see you have no suggestions. Well, in that case, I will choose the payment method. To begin with, I propose to move to a more secluded and calm place where no one will interfere with us. Palms of Death, we return home. Hold her tight and don't let her go.»

«Yes, sir.» – the big man boomed and, without giving her the slightest opportunity to move, threw the girl on his shoulder and carried her to the exit.

«STOP!» – shouted pale Tymoshka with trembling knees.

«LET HER GO, YOU SON OF A BITCH!» – Bernard, completely desperate, rushed into a hopeless battle.

All members of the Silent Horror clan, roaring, followed the example of the man. For the sake of their leader, they will not spare their lives.

The royal phaser at the 5th stage, with a cold snort, sent a huge wave, more like a rampant tsunami, at the attackers with a wave of his foot.


With a crash, half of the warehouse wall was washed away along with people.

Valeera watched with bitterness. Even at the first meeting of the clans, her intuition told her that Edward was a scum, but who would have thought that he was so filthy. That's how the day of triumph turned into a disaster. Another tragedy in her miserable life…

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