«Greetings to our leader!» – Kyon bowed to the girl.

Now Valeera was, as always, dazzlingly beautiful, and because of her favorite tight-fitting clothes "the boss's favorite secretary" everyone was looking only at her: shoes, thin tights with a diamond pattern, a thigh split skirt in order not to restrict movements, and a thick jacket with sleeves ending almost at long well-groomed nails. Lovely sight!

Using his willpower, Lovr took his eyes away from the beauty and greeted the others with a strong handshake, making the only exception.

«How dare you make the head of the clan wait for you?!» – Tymoshka appeared.

«Are you two minutes late because you were dressing up in this?» – Bernard smiled ironically, looking at the man with combed hair and a slightly rumpled suit with a red bow tie.

«Yes, I'm sorry… You called suddenly and made an appointment in just an hour…»

«You are not going on a holiday, but to the most rotten place in the capital, where drugs and people are sold. This suit… Is that the best you can come up with?» – Alexander said dryly.

«Let's move out.» – commanded Valeera, not paying attention to such trifles.

Three men, the guy and the girl left the headquarters and went in a certain direction on inconspicuous sled animals. Having covered about twenty kilometers, they found themselves in a disadvantaged area built up with three-storey buildings: narrow streets, crowds of people everywhere, noise and hubbub. Clothes were dried on ropes stretched between the houses. Stray dogs stole sausage from the shopkeeper right in front of them and ran away, yapping happily.

From a distance, Kyon, using "The eyes of truth" noticed a huge invisible dome-shaped barrier covering, apparently, the territory of the black market.

Leaving the sled animals in the menagerie, five people came to the address: an inconspicuous gap between the houses led to the entrance, the way to which was blocked by impassable crowds of people. The clan members who squeezed through the people came to a particularly narrow passage, flanked by two practitioners of the royal phase.

Valeera showed the formation and walked in with four companions.

The atmosphere changed dramatically, as if the element of darkness was mixed into it. Because of the rag curtain hanging everywhere, the light practically did not penetrate inside, thereby creating a gloomy atmosphere in the literal and figurative sense. The eyes of the five who entered saw a lot of trade shops and tents with goods laid out. Rare clusters of whispering people in black replaced the crowds of people.

The new visitors instantly attracted numerous glances, mostly because of the pot-bellied man in the suit with the red bow tie. He was like a matador with a red rag for the local criminal authorities. The rich and juicy game was immediately visible.

Valeera clicked her tongue disapprovingly and worked on Zosimos' appearance.

Kyon tragically lost his bow tie and sleeves, causing his elegant jacket to become an unevenly torn vest. His hairstyle was also affected. The man did not hold a grudge for the loss, because he began to resemble a bodyguard at a wedding or a drunken fighting father-in-law.

Noticing Arpha's gaze, Bernard wiped the smile off his face and cleared his throat: «So, newbie, as promised, I will give a short tour. The black market is the dark heart of the capital. The lion's share of illegal trade occurs here…»

While the man was talking, they were moving deeper into the black market. Suddenly Kyon noticed a building with a sign "slaves". If this is the place he thought of, then earlier, back in the mine, if he hadn't killed Martin, he would have ended up in the same place.

At Zosimos' request to go there, Valeera nodded in agreement.

Inside the building, Kyon, in addition to a considerable crowd of visitors, found rows of cages with living people, demons and higher animals, mostly young. All of them differed in some peculiarity: from simply high development (warriors-slaves), to a unique body, innate or cultivated.

The slaves who had a unique body from childhood were less fortunate than others: their flesh can be used for food, for making medicine, for fulfilling the conditions of their masters' unique bodies, for fertilizing the earth, for unreliable strengthening of the body or increasing cognitive abilities. Some girls even have a low-rank pair training body in order to use it for development and sexual pleasures.

On one of the cages with a fat boy-hog of higher animals, desperately drooping his head and ears, there was an inscription: «the unique body of "Delicious meat". This delicacy will charm all guests at any celebration. You can even eat it raw».

This inscription caused Lovr a terrible contempt for this world. To raise a sentient creature to be eaten later?.. He could only hope that when he became the ruler of the world, he would have the willpower not to destroy it.

Valeera and other comrades felt the frightening aura emanating from Zosimos.

«Is everything all right?» – the clan head asked cautiously.

«Yes. We're leaving.» – Kyon said sullenly, turning around abruptly.

Bernard patted Zosimos on the shoulder: «You are not very suitable for dark deeds.»

«I'll get used to it. I need time.» – he retorted colorlessly.

The five people approached the central domed building, the largest on the black market. There were significantly more people here than in any other place.

Valeera with four companions skipped the line and, showing the formation to the guard, proceeded inside. On the second floor, a fat man greeted the guests with a smile.

«Welcome, Silent Horror clan members! My name is Fufei and I am an official buyer. I think you know the rules. Show me your product, and I will tell you the price!»

The guests greeted the buyer, after which Bernard took out of the ring three bars and plates, one of each type of metal: «Mr. Fufei, Silent Horror clan wants to hand over noble, non-ferrous and ferrous metals. Among the precious metals we have three tons of platinum, eight tons of gold and fifteen tons of silver of ninety-ninth purity…»

While the man was listing the quantity and quality of metal, the buyer's face stretched out in surprise: a lot… A lot of metal for the shadow clan of the 8th rank!

It took about two hours to complete the recalculation and confirm the quality.

«Considering the quantity, quality and market value, as well as taking into account the commission of the black market, we expect to get two hundred and fifty million.» – Bernard finished the presentation of the goods, hinting that a smaller amount would not suit him.

The buyer nodded, counted something in a notebook for a long time, then, sharply scratching it with a pen, said: «I can offer you fifty million spheres.»

«What?!» – surprised, Valeera jumped up from her place.

«Is this really a joke?!» – asked Bernard, who was taken aback.

Fufei calmly explained: «There are many reasons for such a low price. I'll start with the most insignificant and finish with the most problematic: firstly, your clan registered quite recently, you occupy the last rank and don't even own your personal territory, taking it for rent, which means that trust in you is low; secondly, six months ago, the bloodthirsty Empress Lanatelle significantly raised the tax on the export of metal abroad and its sale on the territory of the empire. The exception is the dwarfs, but it is possible to cooperate with them only through the government, which is impossible in our case…»

The participants of the recent robbery now understood why that warehouse was packed to the brim.

The buyer continued: «…thirdly, you immediately hand over a huge batch of the same type of goods, rumors of the theft of which are still heard in every corner of the capital. That is, we will have to divide it into parts and sell it for many years... And fourthly, there is a marking of the Stalbers on the metal. This means that we will have to find a metallurgical complex within the city and melt the goods in order to get rid of the marking, and this, I can tell you, is not cheap. All things considered, the price is fifty million. Take my word for it, you won't find a better offer.» – concluded the little man, crossing his arms behind his back.

Valeera looked terrible. She came in a good mood, hoping to get at least 200 million, but in the end they are openly trying to cheat her right in front of her eyes, and she can't do anything! The mood has sunk into oblivion. The habitual apathy has seized the soul.

Bernard turned purple with anger: «Are you kidding me?! Do you want to buy a precious metal for some twenty lousy percent of the market price?!»

«Yes, that's right.» – Fufei calmly agreed, as if he was not robbing the guests, but offering them alms.

The man's chest heaved with indignation: «I checked the information and I know that you always buy precious metals for half the cost! And you don't care if there is a marking or not! You claim that the commission is going to conspiracy! So isn't the removal of marking, dividing the product into parts and gradually selling it a prime example of what this money is spent on?!»

«I have already explained to you... Your case is special. The batch is too big. There is too much noise in the capital.» – Fufei repeated dispassionately.

«Then why are you discriminating against our clan? Yes, we are the eighth rank, and we don't have a personal territory yet, but what does it matter to you? Why the hell are you putting us on the same level as bandits who are not part of any clan?! Did we register in vain?! Two hundred million! This is our price!» – Bernard said decisively.

«You persuaded me: fifty-one million and not a sphere more.» – the buyer concluded, once again crossing something out in his notebook.

Bernard's eyes almost bulged with indignation. He was only able to bargain for a pitiful 2% surcharge?! Perhaps excessive emotions prevented him from showing all his skills, but still!

Kyon and Valeera suspect something was wrong. It seemed that they were being brazenly robbed.But the founders of the black market wouldn't do that to such a promising clan, right? It's like spoiling relationships with future profitable partners in advance.

Suddenly the head of the clan abruptly turned around.

Edward entered the room with two bodyguards on either side, one of whom was "Palm of Death" – the royal phaser at the 5th stage, who almost stole Arpha in the warehouse.

«Well, well, well, as I live and breathe!» – with an unkind smile, a handsome guy of about 20 years old with long black bangs confidently said, spreading his hands to the sides. He looked at the beautiful Arpha as if she were a juicy prey that had fallen into his trap.

«How dare you appear in front of me, you vile nonentity?!» – Valeera released a bloodthirsty aura, and her black eyes shone with a steely gleam.

«Hey, hey! Calm down, baby! We are actually in the "buffer zone", I remind you, here you have no right to even scratch me!» – Edward hastily threatened and tried to come closer, but the instinct of self-preservation immediately convinced him not to do it.

«And why did you bring two bullies here then?!» – Bernard quipped.

«One broken arm didn't teach you how to talk to those who are in charge?!» – Edward hissed contemptuously.

«Oh, you little shit!» – the man barked, trembling with anger.

The guy smiled affectionately at Arpha: «Baby, how are you doing with the sale of metal?»

«So it was you!» – Valeera immediately realized. – «I swear, you will pay for this in full…»

«Will I pay? For the fact that you killed the royal phaser of the third stage, as well as half of my gang on my own territory, you stupid bitch?!» – Edward grabbed his head with theatrical drama.

«How dare you lie so blatantly?!» – Bernard barked furiously.

«Shut up!» – Alexander snapped angrily.

«You... are a liar…» – said Tymoshka, shaking.

Edward's blatant lie made even Kyon clench his fists involuntarily. So that's what this bastard is up to.

«You…» – Valeera sighed, suppressing hatred, and calmly said. – «Everything will be decided at the meeting. Just wait.»

«Speaking of that…» – Edward raised his finger, as if he had just remembered something important. – «Because of your trick, I had to arrange an urgent meeting. It wasn't easy to do, you know! In short, in twelve days I recommend you not to be late.» – he grinned with satisfaction.

«Twelve days? Wonderful. So, in just twelve days, you will realize that you have been dealing with the wrong one. And now get out of my eyes, you nonentity!» – the girl said in a chilling tone, narrowing her eyes predatorily.

Edward shivered from the dense feeling of threat and instinctively walked away a few steps, however, pulling himself together, added furiously: «You ungrateful bitch, you're alive only because of my speech at the meeting! Only because of me you were allowed to found a clan, most of whose territory, by the way, you rent from my clan! And instead of at least saying «thank you», you ignored my offer of a date!»

Valeera raised her graceful eyebrows in surprise: «So that's how it all started? Did you decide to take revenge because I didn't hear your inarticulate babble, and you took it personally?»

«You heard everything!» – Edward spat out irritably.

«What a wretched creature you are… However, take my word for it, I'm ashamed to be even in the same room with such a tense degenerate! Disappear.» – every word of the girl exuded poison and mockery that could crush the dignity of any man.

«Bitch, you're completely fucked up…» – the future head of the Black Star clan hissed.

«I told you to disappear!» – the girl shouted in a tone that brooked no objections, releasing her bloodlust.

Edward shuddered, hesitated for a second, turned around and left. He had nothing to say. It was impossible to talk to this bitch without feeling like a jerk, and he didn't intend to continue humiliating himself in front of her. The guy wanted to give her a small chance to apologize to him and thus avoid a sad fate, but she obviously does not deserve it. We'll see what she says to him, being tied to the bed before the imminent ****. Looking forward to the meeting!

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