«I've already figured out that you are members of the Silent Horror clan, but you have nothing to worry about, guys. We, dwarfs, don't give a damn about what you, people, are doing. However, the fact that you robbed the Stalbers, our long-standing competitors, pleases me inexpressibly!» – Gennady laughed. He told the truth. As for the rest of the information, he knew it in advance through Kyon's subordinates. He explained as he understood it.

Valeera relaxed. Dwarfs really deserve their title of the smartest creatures on the planet, since they manipulate information with such ease. And their isolation from human society plays into their hands: Gennady does not care that she is a criminal! In fact, the girl hoped for this, because anyway the dwarf would have recognized her belonging as soon as he saw the markings on the metal. She took a conscious risk.

A red-haired dwarf-woman entered the office, took out a keg of ale from the ring and poured it into large wooden mugs, after which she left with a bow.

Kyon took a sip and said: «In that case, let's get down to business.»

Bernard turned his puzzled gaze to Arpha, waiting for the command.

Valeera, as if she had made a decision a long time ago, nodded to the man.

As soon as Bernard took out three bars from the ring, they were suddenly intercepted by Zosimos.

«Gennady is my friend, so I will give him the presentation. Do you mind?» – Kyon asked.

«Um… Okay. Good luck to you.»

Kyon handed the dwarf a gold bar and began to explain. He cleverly revealed all the details: from the quality and quantity of the goods to the benefits that the factory can derive from the transaction. His speech was impeccable and literate, as if he had been studying this all his life. Impressed Valeera chuckled with a satisfied look, and Bernard felt like a dilettante.

«…all that is required of you is to make up several fake invoices with an overestimated amount of purchased metal. Given that the transaction with the dwarfs is not taxed, this greatly simplifies the bureaucratic component. And people will willingly make concessions, because everyone knows for sure that to help the dwarfs is to pave a path to the future! And I understand perfectly well that the Russells take all the expenses on themselves, and in return they expect certain results, and they will be! After all, the metal is not fictional. Even if they have any inconsistencies in the reports, any suspicions or doubts, if they arrive at the factory and see an overcrowded warehouse, they will have no choice but to leave with their heads lowered in shame! Thus, I offer a price ten percent lower than the market price, that is, four hundred and fifty million.» – summed up Zosimos.

Bernard, Alexander and Tymoshka almost choked on ale: how arrogant he is! As if a dwarf would ever agree to buy stolen goods for almost full price! And even if he deliberately called an inflated price, it is an insulting overkill!

Valeera held her breath. She did not dare to dream of such money.

«Hmm…» – the old man thoughtfully scratched his beard, finished his mug of ale and said in a hoarse voice. – «Well, that's right, but let's take into account the worst scenario: when the Russells come to check the goods, and there is a marking of the Stalbers, and then what? Nothing good! That is, we will not only have to forge the invoices and bribe these families, but also remove the markings from each plate and bar… Therefore, my offer is seventy percent.»

The mouths of the two men, the guy and Valeera opened in shock: seventy percent?! This is a huge amount of money! Will they really buy metal at such a price?!

Zosimos grinned: «Gena-Gena, you twist my ears again, right? I will give Benya a couple of thousand spheres, and he will remove all the marks with the element of heat in two weeks! Besides, it's the metal of your sworn competitors, so let's not show off! Let's do this: take it for eighty percent, you petty miser.» – the man laughed at the end.

«Oh, so be it, you persuaded me, you pregnant asshole! Ah-ha-ha!» – Gennady shook Zosimos hand.

Friendship between a dwarf and a human is considered an incredible event, but what the members of the Silent Horror clan have now observed is nothing more than a manifestation of the strongest connection: jokes, banter, laughter and joy, as well as a sincere desire to move towards each other.

The four guests with their mouths open silently blinked their eyes in shock.

Bernard felt an indescribable envy. He barely managed to raise the cost of the metal by a million, while Zosimos playfully bargained for fifty million, and also managed to have a nice chat with the head of the factory!

Tymoshka wanted to sink through the floor, because he shouted louder than everyone else that they would have a direct road to jail. Now, it turns out, he shat himself to the full. He tried to deprive the clan of a deal worth several hundred million…

Valeera pinched herself on the side: to check if she was having a sweet dream. No, it's all for real! It turns out that she will receive 400 million instead of the expected 51?! And it's all thanks to Zosimos?! What a good fellow he is, like a golden bird of luck in the flesh of a man. For the first time, the girl wanted to say «thank you» to someone from the bottom of her heart.

On behalf of Gennady, a ring was brought to the office. When it turned out that all 400 million was inside, Valeera froze to the spot along with her comrades. According to her most optimistic estimates, it will take a month, or at least two weeks, to take so much money from the government, but here it is right in her hands!

The truth is that Kyon gave 400 million to Gennady, which the dwarf will return within a few weeks. In general, to heighten the effect on Valeera, he decided to commit a small fraud with a deferred payment.

Gennady accepted the rings with metal and joyfully shook hands with everyone. The girl didn't hold out her hand, so he just nodded: «It's a pleasure to cooperate with you, guys. Zosimos, you have good comrades, though they are very taciturn. Take care of them and yourself.»

«Thank you, Gena, and good luck at the factory.» – Kyon waved his hand carelessly and left the factory.

Only after the five people returned to the headquarters, they finally decided to discuss what had happened.

«H-how? I don't understand... Based on many years of experience in trading, I can say with confidence that such large transactions do not go so smoothly and quickly! And Gennady got such a sum so quickly, as if he had prepared everything in advance! And no contracts, no checks!» – Bernard expressed his thoughts.

«I agree with Bernard», – Alexander intervened. – «Everything went so smoothly that I have a sickly feeling that I was deceived, and I can't understand how…»

«Gentlemen, you are making a fundamental mistake.» – Kyon replied calmly. – «You judge dwarfs by human terms, and this is stupid. Firstly, they are very careful, so they always have a spare safe with a decent amount of money. Secondly, if the dwarfs trust someone, they do it thoroughly. Gennady is my friend, and he doesn't care that I'm a member of the shadow clan. When he made the deal, he had no doubts, because he trusted me. But it's better not to abuse this trust.»

Valeera, scanning the contents of the ring over and over again, was inclined to trust the words of Zosimos. Alexander and Bernard can doubt as much as they want, but what's the use of their doubts if the money is in their hands! Real, not fake! The girl still could not believe what was happening. She never held 400 million in her hand. Nice feeling.

Tymoshka cleared his throat, reminding everyone of his presence: «Then explain to us all, how did it happen that you, being familiar with the head of the factory, instead of getting a job with him for a good salary, joined the shadow clan, whose deeds you do not like?»

The guy's question was so appropriate that even Valeera looked at Zosimos with interest.

Kyon replied in a colorless voice: «For two, even three reasons: first, I can't work twelve hours six days a week like dwarfs. I have daughters, and for me they are in the first place. Secondly, the dwarfs do not earn much. They work for the idea, and the money is accumulated at the head of the family, that is, the factory, that is, at Gennady. And thirdly, I have already shown all my inventions to Gennady, for which I received recognition. And to create new ones... I ran out of ideas.»

«You're not telling us something again, old man!» – Tymoshka got angry, dissatisfied with such a simple answer.

«Enough!» – Valeera snapped. – «From now on, you are forbidden to reproach and call Zosimos names in any way. From today on, he is higher than you in status: now he is Bernard's deputy.»

«Are you p-promoting him?!» – the guy was horrified. The heart seemed to do a somersault and broke.

«My deputy?!» – Bernard was amazed.

Kneeling before the head of the clan, Kyon respectfully said: «Thank you, Lady Arpha.»

«Get up.» – the girl asked and put her hand on the man's broad shoulder. – «If anyone should thank anyone, then only I should thank you, because everything that we have earned today is entirely your merit.» – there was genuine gratitude in her voice. – «Instead of useless words of gratitude, accept one tenth of the earned.»

Kyon's eyes watered when he accepted his share, that is, 40 million. The man played his role flawlessly. In fact, such a low reward even disappointed him a little, because he made 95% of the contribution.

«Keep it up! You deserve it!» – Alexander congratulated him.

«Congratulations on the first share, my friend!» – Bernard cheerfully echoed.

«Well done, Zosimos. I hope that the money will not discourage you from working in the clan. Keep trying and your share of successful tasks will grow.» – said Valeera.

In fact, in a normal situation, the girl divides 10% among everyone, but this time she made an exception, which is an unprecedented generosity for her. At the same time, if Zosimos' contribution continues to be at its best, then she is ready to raise the rate even higher only for him alone.

Bernard opened the champagne, and five people drank to the successfully completed case. Tymoshka was the only one who was not particularly happy. It was as if he was being forced to have fun at his own funeral. What to do next? To apologize to the old fart? Or to pretend that nothing happened, and to remain silent? Why is he being punished like this…

When the fun subsided, Kyon asked an important question again: «Lady, are you really going to go to the meeting of the clan heads?»

Putting down her glass, Valeera gracefully crossed her slender legs, wrapped in diamond tights, and reluctantly nodded: «I will have to attend.»

«But this is almost certainly a trap!» – Zosimos exclaimed confidently. – «Let's say we can understand how Edward and his grandfather managed to organize an urgent meeting, but why? Moreover, there is no significant evidence in their favor! It is possible that they set up a trap in order to get rid of you! Perhaps the reason is that they saw you as a future threat! Please, Lady Arpha, don't go to the meeting…»

«Zosimos is right. This is all too suspicious. Lady, although I am on your side, but, please, this time skip the meeting…» – Bernard said worriedly.

Alexander was silent, and Tymoshka did not dare to speak.

After thinking for a while, Valeera shook her head gloomily: «Out of the question. Authority is too important in the shadow world. Without it, I will not be able to support the whole clan, control the gangs and look for trusted people. The income will fall, and I don't have time, because… In general, I can't help but go. And, seriously, I know what Edward and Isaac are up to, and I have everything under control.»

«What are you talking about, Lady? Share it with us…» – Bernard asked.

«Isaac operates on the principle that "The best defense is a good offense". Instead of waiting four months for the meeting, he decided to organize it himself, thereby seizing the initiative. Today he planned to deprive me of the «monetary argument» by putting pressure on the black market administration. And in twelve days he will provide a forged map of the territory rented by my clan, where the Stalbers warehouse will suddenly appear on the possessions of their clan, and he will call the document that I show in response a fake. All other clan leaders will tend to trust Isaac, and there are many reasons for this, especially due to the fact that he will act as the accuser first, and in this matter the attacking side has an advantage. However, neither Isaac nor Edward can know about my two trump cards: I got the money thanks to Zosimos, and... Let the second trump card remain a surprise. Believe me, it is much more important than money.»

The words of the head of the clan inspired confidence and calmness. After all, she is a very good leader and organizer, which means that she will succeed.

«Oh, Lady, you've got it all covered! I didn't expect anything less from you!» – Tymoshka ingratiatingly interjected.

«But, Lady, what if they all united against you?» – Kyon asked anxiously.

«I doubt it very much.» – Valeera waved away. – «Shadow clans have long competed with each other. If there is an opportunity to eat a neighbor, appropriating his possession to themselves, they will use it. My clan has no personal territory, so I am not of interest to them yet.»

«But by killing the royal phaser, you showed how high your potential is! Isaac may well use this argument to pit you against the rest!» – Kyon persisted.

«If everything was really like that, then he would not have twisted all this intrigue. He would have just finished me off outside the "buffer zone".» – answered Valeera coldly.

{This is a typical long con!} – Lovr wanted to shout, but restrained himself: the girl's severely arched eyebrows indicate that it is better to be silent. He would only embarrass himself in front of her once again. She's already made up her mind. As always, she is stubborn. Trying to convince her of something is even more stupid than banging your head against the wall. Even in Boston, he was convinced of this quality of her.

{So what should I do?} – Kyon thought, biting his lip. He would like to be wrong.

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