«Your presence is not required, Zosimos. It will only make it worse: my clan will be ridiculed if a weak practitioner, who is a superior phaser at the seventh stage, comes with me… And in general, when did you manage to develop so much?» – raising her eyebrows, Valeera asked in surprise.

«Profitable and dangerous work in the clan motivated me to become stronger…» – said Kyon and abruptly dodged the dangerous topic. – «Lady, I'm coming with you! This is my duty! You said that I am now part of the family, so how can I leave it in a difficult moment?!»

«Lady Arpha is right.» – Bernard interrupted suddenly. – «It will be very dangerous at the meeting. You better take care of your daughters. For their sake, you should not get involved in situations that threaten you with death. So stay at home.»

Kyon immediately objected, continuing to insist: «On the contrary, if I go, I can help all of you avoid a possible trap with the ability of my eyes! Besides, I just seem like a weakling, but in fact my unique body of physical power will even give you a head start.»

Bernard chuckled at this statement. Who does he think he is?

«Zosimos, that's enough.» – the head of the clan asked – «Better worry about your daughters. You have already received your share from the sale of metals, and if I do not return, the proceeds will be enough for you for the rest of your life.»

{Damn it, I have to be there!} – Kyon thought desperately. He didn't want to risk his life once again, but given his defensive abilities, as well as a pre-prepared plan, the risk of dying is minimal, while the chance of losing Valeera once and for all is huge. He needs to be at the very epicenter of events in order to make the right decision in a timely manner and save this fool.

Lovr had to act tougher. He bowed his head and said: «Lady Arpha, I single-handedly multiplied the value of the metal stolen from the warehouse by more than ten times, and then helped sell it for three times the price that you would have agreed to due to the lack of alternatives. In exchange for all this, you took me into the family, but... I don't feel like a part of it. Now, when the most crucial moment is approaching, which determines the very existence of the clan, you did not even invite me to the headquarters, and now you forbid me to go with you! Stay at home and follow the order – that's what I hear! Is this how close relatives behave?! How can I feel like a part of the family after this?! I am ready for any danger! Just take me to the meeting!» – Zosimos spoke with the expression of a deeply offended fanatic.

At the end of this emotional speech, Valeera sighed gloomily and wearily covered her eyes with her eyelashes. It seemed that she was dealing with another Bernard, ready to jump into a cauldron of boiling oil for the sake of his beloved. Did Zosimos suffer the same fate? Previously, he did not show any signs of such feelings, but now everything fits together: a man has tasted the praise of a delightful woman, has fallen in love with her, and now wants to get her attention by performing feats. But it doesn't work that way! Yes, he was lucky twice, but there will not be a third time…

There is the question: is it worth refusing Zosimos? This is unlikely to change anything… At the meeting, he is neither here nor there, but the refusal will offend the man, and to infringe on the trusted members of the clan is not what Uncle Leon taught her. Opening her eyelids, the girl looked at Bernard, giving him the last word.

«Zosimos won't go anywhere!» – the man snapped sharply. – «Either he or I! That's it!»

«So, the decision…» – Valeera began, but stopped in mid-sentence.

Kyon stood up and gestured for the man to come outside with him.

When both were outside the door, Bernard angrily muttered: «You're not going anywhere!»

Lovr calmly scribbled something on a piece of paper and showed it to the angry big man.

Bernard's expression changed dramatically. He hesitated, looked closely into the eyes of Zosimos, then, sighing as if a huge stone had been removed from his shoulders, he nodded.

The inscription on the sheet was as follows: "As soon as I get to the meeting, I will send a mental command, and the bracelets will be removed from your boys".

Obviously, the man did not allow Zosimos to go to the meeting, because he was afraid of a situation in which, in the event of the man's death, the bracelets on the boys' wrists would be automatically activated. He only worried about his children.

When the two men returned to the room, Bernard said humbly: «Let Zosimos come with us. I do not mind his presence at the meeting of the heads of clans.»

Alexander and Tymoshka were surprised. Valeera raised her graceful eyebrows in amazement: what did Zosimos say to convince the ardent Bernard in half a minute? This is interesting…

Suddenly Tymoshka also got up from his seat and, clearing his throat, confidently declared: «Well, since everyone is coming, then I'm with you! I'm part of the family too! I have worked for the clan since its foundation and I am ready…»

«You're not going anywhere.» – Valeera snapped in an icy tone. – «Sit down and be quiet.»

Tymoshka gagged as if he had been slapped in the face on a date. The clan leader's sharp gaze instantly destroyed all confidence in him. And even if he had the same confidence as Zosimos had, it would not have changed anything, because it's obvious how great the difference is in her attitude to him and to the old fart: the guy was not even allowed to finish the sentence! But they listened to the man and made a concession to him! It is so unfair! His chest ached with unbearable humiliation and resentment…

Shivering, Tymoshka humbly sat back down, hunched over and pressing his head into his shoulders, like a turtle hiding in its shell.

The next half hour was spent discussing the upcoming event.

Kyon handed the nephrite to the clan head: «Lady Arpha, please take this tracking formation. If it happens that you are kidnapped, and I manage to escape, I will do my best to save you…»

The girl frowned with displeasure: «Zosimos, you are crossing every line… Despite how much you have done for the clan, I will not tolerate such disrespect! Apologize!»

«I'm sorry…» – Kyon bowed slightly. – {Damn it… She makes everything complicated!}

Bernard patted his friend on the shoulder knowingly: «Although Lady Arpha looks like a fragile girl, her appearance is deceiving! If you had seen how she killed one of Edward's bodyguards, you would have kept quiet now, ha-ha!» – he saw in Zosimos an exact copy of himself in the past. He, too, once went too far and was punished. Considering all this, he was sure that Arpha was dear to the man, which, oddly enough, instead of jealousy caused only trust, because only a madman would believe that a pot-bellied, bald old man with low development had at least a ghostly chance to win the heart of a young , incredibly beautiful, unapproachable, charismatic, intelligent and gifted head of the clan.

Valeera took the call, received the address and loudly announced: «Let's move out.»

Three men, led by a girl, went to the meeting of the heads of clans.

Half an hour later, they found themselves in an uncrowded, rich area of the city: everywhere there were luxurious mansions, a well-groomed lawn, parks, fountains, and even ponds with tame swans. The territory is large and well guarded.

Four people approached an especially large mansion surrounded by high marble walls. As Kyon saw, it was covered with several protective barriers at once, and there were guards at the entrance, who were royal phasers.

Valeera showed them the formation, and she and her companions were allowed inside.

The size and screaming luxury of the inner territory of the mansion were only slightly inferior to those of Juno mansion in the Stones' estate. The main difference was in the atmosphere: it seemed that the guests were in the abode of demons and other dark creatures. Everyone was nervous.

Approaching the building, the guests met a thin man with bags under his eyes, smoking a pipe. Next to him there were two bodyguards and the «right hand».

Bernard and Alexander instantly changed their faces, as if the king himself had appeared in front of them.

«Greetings to the head of the Ravenfeather clan, Mr. Diego.» – said Valeera politely, bowing her head as a sign of respect.

«Girl, you came last. It's not very polite of you to keep everyone waiting, being the head of the clan of only the eighth rank, besides being accused of violating the charter.» – the man said dryly, calmly looking into the black eyes of the lady.

Diego gave the impression of a pragmatic and punctual person, at the same time very strong, strict and responsible, which is more characteristic of some high-ranking imperial officials, rather than influential bandits. At the same time, he seemed detached and lonely, which only added charm to his image.

«We have yet to find out who is really to blame for the violation of the clan charter. As for my being late… I was given the address only half an hour ago, and I could not physically come faster.» – Valeera answered in her usual dispassionate manner.

«A smart move on his part…» – shaking off the ashes, Diego proceeded to the mansion with the guests.

At the moment, Valeera liked only the head of the Ravenfeather clan, while all the others aroused suspicion and disgust in her. He is the only one who behaves like a gentleman, and she likes his appearance and character.

The members of the Silent Horror clan proceeded to the assembly hall: a spacious room with a wooden floor. In the middle there was a large round conference table, divided into eight sections, each of which belonged to one shadow clan.

There were about fifty people in the hall: bodyguards, deputies and the heads of the clans. Only seven people, but the influence they have on the whole city is undeniably great. One can say that the authority of each of the heads is approximately equal to the patriarch of the family of 30-50 rank, while their capabilities are much higher. These dark persons in the eyes of the government and citizens are not just criminals, but a real evil. Cancer tumor of the capital!

The leaders of the clans created an oppressive impression, reminiscent of a meeting with age-old maniacs. They are all sharks and piranhas in a sea full of ordinary peaceful fish, dolphins and whales. Their predatory glances, fixed on the guest who entered, spoke for themselves.

Isaac stood out in particular: a thin old man with sparse gray hair on his head. His face and gaze inexplicably inspired fear, as if signaling that their owner was an extremely unprincipled person.

«Greetings to the heads of the clans.» – the girl bowed slightly to those present.

«You have finally deigned to come, Lady Arpha…» … «What a great honor you have shown us by your presence, oh great queen…» … «It is not very wise to be late for your own funeral.» … «How about apologizing?»

The heads of the clans did not miss the opportunity to poke the girl venomously. By their behavior, they showed a complete lack of respect for Arpha, and there were many reasons for this: she was a novice, the first female head of the clan (just a woman), besides, the reason for today's urgent meeting.

«Gentlemen», – Diego suddenly intervened. – «On someone's initiative, Arpha received the address only half an hour ago. Let's not jump to conclusions.»

No one else said anything. The weight of the words of the head of the Ravenfeather clan is undeniable.

Valeera nodded gratefully to Diego, stood near her part of the round table, located just on the opposite side of Isaac, and accidentally met Edward's eyes. She felt so disgusted that she immediately turned away.

The guy with the long bangs confidently looked at Arpha with a carnivorous grin, like at a juicy piece of grilled meat that he would soon taste. His gaze would have made any girl shiver with disgust, as if she had been doused from head to toe with a sickly sweet syrup.

Suddenly, the attention of the heads of the clans, as well as their deputies, focused on Zosimos. The mere presence of such a weak person in the meeting attracted attention.

«Queen Arpha, why did you bring the jester here?» … «Why jester? Maybe this is her bodyguard, ha-ha…» … «I suppose the leader of the Silent Horror clan has specific tastes: he is her boyfriend! Like attracts like.» – quiet malevolent chuckles were heard everywhere. Even Edward was smiling.

If Valeera had been an ordinary girl, such an insulting mockery would have hurt her, but since she had already made a decision about the presence of Zosimos, she was ready for something like this.

Kyon felt as if he was under the same pressure as during the heat of the battle with the demons. All those present here are mostly practitioners of the royal phase. They are very strong, and most importantly, ruthless and immoral personalities, while he…

Isaac coughed softly, causing all noise and din to instantly subside. Respect for the head of the Black Star clan could be felt with closed eyes: «Gentlemen, once again I greet everyone present. The reason why we have gathered here today, as you know, is the violation of our charter by the Silent Horror clan, namely: conducting activities on the territory of another clan.» – suddenly the old man's business tone changed sharply. – «This bitch almost disrupted the operation, for which my grandson had been preparing for over a month! She used him! Because of her, my grandson lost half of the gang, his bodyguard and almost died himself! I'm not going to let this bitch go unpunished after what she did!»

The expressions on everyone's faces hardened. They stared at the girl sternly.

Alexander, Bernard, Zosimos and Valeera almost dropped their jaws when they heard such an impudent statement.

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