«Honey, bunnies, let's not swear!» – Kyon stood between the girls, showing courage worthy of a legendary warrior.

«Well, no, I have to show the little one who is in charge here! She will know her place from now on!» – rolling up her sleeves, Leila moved forward, intending to give Eve a thrashing.

«I said, enough!» – Kyon angrily barked at the whole block, activating the sovereign's stare to the full and staring intently straight into the beautiful eyes of the naughty mischief.

The pixie shuddered and fearfully stepped back, involuntarily averting her gaze to the side and instantly losing all confidence in her intentions. She was speechless. She had no idea that her weak and infirm dad was able to suppress her will with just a stern look. The girl involuntarily felt respect for the man for such an imperious behavior.

Soon Leila gave a cold snort and, lifting her sharp chin, proudly proclaimed: «I will be above it. It is unworthy of me to argue with the little ones.»

Eve ironically confirmed: «It's very smart of you not to enter into an argument with a person who has an undeniable advantage in intelligence.»

«Did you say something? Sorry, I don't understand baby talk well!»

«Stop it! Now we will fly to the training, and I want you not to bicker anymore, otherwise you will both be punished!» – Kyon threatened sternly in a fatherly way.

Leila rolled her eyes and silently went outside. Eve did the same.

Lovr expected a little more effect from the sovereign's stare. Still, the difference in development is too big for a spiritual attack to have the desired result.

An hour later, the three arrived on a plain surrounded by hills.

«I don't like this place…» – Eve muttered.

«Maybe we can find another field for training?» – suggested Leila.

Kyon shook his head resolutely: «It's not so easy to find such a convenient place. We will stay here. You shouldn't focus on bad memories. Face fear and overcome it. Your confidence must match your capabilities.»

«I'm not afraid, I just hate to train where guts are scattered everywhere… Oh, so you've already cleaned up here, then okay.» – looking at the clear plain, Leila nodded with satisfaction.

Kyon handed the training leotards to his daughters and dropped them off, while he left the snowy owl away from the training site and walked back on foot. Pointing to a large rock, he said: «Eve, destroy the cobblestone using pure energy to strengthen your attack.»

The girl went to the stone and hit it…


Cracks appeared near the impact site. No more than that.

«Try again, bunny. Focus on it.»


The next blow did not contain any energy at all.

«Watch and learn.» – Leila walked up to the cobblestone and swung with a confident look.


The result was exactly the same.

The girl frowned and repeated this several times.

Eve snorted: «And you are so arrogant…»

«Roll up your tongue!» – Leila got angry at her failure and pounced on the cobblestone, but emotions cannot help the case: the object of passion quickly turned into a pile of rubble.

{Damn it…} – Kyon swore in frustration. His expectations were once again not met. He wanted so much to get everything at once. – «Bunnies, to succeed, you will have to fulfill one difficult request of your dad: thoroughly remember that battle with demons; the feelings that you experienced; the thoughts that visited your head…»

«Remember that horror? Maybe you'll also ask us to undress?» – Leila protested.

«Honey, please understand, if another wave of demons appears, your dad will not survive…»

«So hide in the city, what's the problem? There is no need to expose your fragile ass to the blow… I'm reckless, not you.»

Kyon turned his beseeching gaze to Eve.

«I'll try, Dad.» – the girl nodded and closed her eyes.

The amazement on Leila's face was replaced first by discontent, and then by indignation: «I will not give in to you for anything, little one!» – the very thought that her younger sister would learn to use energy and become a hundred times stronger than her made her feel sick.

Kyon crossed his arms in anticipation.

Three minutes later, Leila opened her shiny eyes and hit the nearest tree, but only a part of the thick bark flew off it. The girl frowned: «This is strange… I feel omnipotent, but I can't break a lousy tree…»

«What do you mean, baby?» – Kyon asked with interest.

The pixie shrugged her shoulders: «I don't know how to describe it…»

«It feels like everything in the neighborhood belongs to you.» – Eve explained, opening her eyes.

{Passive scanning?} – Kyon guessed.

Any kind of scanning is the radiation of pure energy and its analysis when reflected from physical and magical objects. The process requires considerable concentration, that is, intense mental activity. Since no one likes to strain for no reason, scanning is rarely used unnecessarily. However, passive scanning differs from active scanning mainly in that the soul itself analyzes the information and sends the finished result to the brain, which makes it seem to a person that he has an all-seeing third eye. Only the practitioners of the imperial phase and higher have such a privilege due to a sufficiently close connection with the soul.

«Exactly!» – Leila agreed with her younger sister. – «It's like I can see everything that's happening on the plain! I can even feel a squirrel in that hollow of an oak tree near the hill! And it has three babies, one of which is a boy.»

Lovr looked at an oak tree two kilometers away and rubbed his chin with a slightly dumbfounded look. Such a scrupulous scan was shocking. His upgraded hearing and vision were not even close. He would like to become as strong as they are as soon as possible.

Suddenly Kyon had a bright idea. He said: «Leila, honey, try to focus your attention on my head and say, do you feel anything round there?»

«Round?» – the girl frowned and fulfilled the request, but soon shook her head.

Kyon breathed a sigh of relief. As suspected, the mind key is impervious to scanning, which exactly copies the property of this artifact in the tomb. Roughly speaking, it completely absorbs all incoming radiation, and it is impossible to feel it without reflection.

Once in the mine, Martin was able to find it. First, he sucked out the Synergy, and then used glasses that looked through the bones. The X-ray allowed him to see the mind key. But now, with carbon bones, this trick will not work, which means that he is safe, and even extremely strong people, up to the goddess, will not discover his secret.

«Let me try something…» – Leila went to the tree and, frowning, stretched out her hand. Suddenly, the space around the girl and the tree vibrated and distorted, resembling the haze that can be seen on a sultry summer day.

The leaves of the tree quickly turned red, turned yellow, wilted and fell off. A caterpillar that had crawled out of the tree wriggled and suddenly burst, splashing it with green slime.

~crack~ ~crunch~

Under the tyrannical pressure, the wood cracked and crunched. Huge chunks flew off the bark. The trunk was covered with cracks, from which the sap splashed generously. The tree trembled, as if writhing in agony, while it was burned from the inside.

«Stop it, it feels pain!» – Eve shouted sadly and grabbed her sister by the shoulders.

Due to the intervention of her sister, Leila lost her concentration. The pressure that had previously been directed at the tree spread around her. The leotards covering the girls' bodies scattered through the air like a decayed sheet of paper. The completely naked girls looked at each other with shock, then slowly, as if magnetized, turned their heads to their father…

«…» – Kyon froze like a statue. His eyes seemed to see paradise. Everything seemed perfect in the naked bodies of the beauties: virgin soft clean skin, perfect feminine proportions, neat small breasts and seductive curves in the shape of the letter "Y" between the legs. Any man would lose his composure. And although Lovr has long admired and even touched the charms of the girls, now they were conscious. The situation was fundamentally different.

«Ya-a-a-a!» – Eve screamed shrilly, squatting down and trying to cover with her hands at least something.

«What are you staring at, you old fart?!» – Leila, who was blushing deeply, also hurriedly covered herself.

«I've already seen…» – Kyon answered as calmly as possible, but something gave him away. He did not have time to react and suppress the instant erection with Synergy.

The girls bent down almost synchronously, as if listening to something. They have just felt by passive scanning, as something has grown between the man's legs…

«Old fart! How can you get aroused from the sight of naked daughters?! I always knew what kind of person you were! Fat perv!» – Leila shouted indignantly, blushing even more deeply.

Lovr calmly took out an additional set of tight leotards (having foreseen that such a situation could happen), put them on the grass next to his daughters, turned around and went behind the nearest tree, saying finally: «I don't see any reason to worry.»

«Is that all you can say?! How about apologizing?!» – the pixie demanded.

Kyon still deigned to indicate his position: «You remind me of your mother… I have always loved her, and I will not apologize for that.»

«You… But I don't… How dare you?!» – Leila literally choked with indignation. Most of all, she was irritated not even by the fact that Zosimos defiled her beautiful naked body with his dirty little eyes, but by his imperturbable reaction. No guilt, no remorse, and this is despite the fact that she is a million times stronger and more beautiful! Even if she reminded him of her mother, it doesn't change anything! Her heart told her that any other person in his place would have known his place and would have behaved properly.

Eve swallowed an insult and put on a new training outfit. If they really reminded their dad of their mom, then there is no point in taking offense at him. In fact, there is even something embarrassing and cute about it.

Soon the training continued. Kyon told them about the scanning and the pressure. According to his instructions, the girls trained to concentrate on creating pressure and not lose control over it. The fear of losing their clothes again motivated them not to make mistakes. They also trained to turn passive and active scanning on and off.

In addition to scanning, any practitioner has a «spiritual sensitivity». Every element emits vibrations (sound), every soul also denotes its presence, and even emotions have their own vibrational frequency. With the help of spiritual sensitivity, all these incoming signals can be detected. So, for example, due to the body of the Void, Kyon's «spiritual sensitivity» is significantly increased, and so much that he can even detect the thirst for murder, which only seasoned warriors are capable of.

Feeling how weak her father's soul was compared to her sister's and her own, Leila was only even more angry that the man did not behave «in the right way». She kept burning him with a sizzling look and throwing sharp reproaches, but her efforts were wasted, which offended and infuriated her even more. Why wouldn't he try again to look at her in a special way to put her in her place?!

Without Eve, Lovr would have gone crazy with this mischief, because she deliberately refused to obey him, as if she did not respect him. The little fairy prompted a rival spirit in her sister, say, if I lose to the younger one, then how can I call myself the elder one? How can I go on living?

It was late evening.

Over the past time, Kyon noticed another change in his daughters. Usually, when girls grow up, the inner woman gradually begins to awaken in them: the character and manner of behavior change, new non-verbal gestures appear. The most striking example is booty wagging while walking. They do this, of course, unconsciously. So Eve and Leila had a similar metamorphosis. The pixie is «wagging her tail» too much. Their every movement is filled with grace. The same applies to looks and facial expressions. It seems that the faces are the same, but the personalities seem to be completely different, more adult and whole. And if earlier they could be compared with cute, but slightly clumsy and inexperienced kittens, now Lovr looked at purebred cats that were almost ready for the mating period.

Previously, the girls were easily perceived by Lovr as daughters, because they were silly and naive, like children, but now everything has changed. It has become much more difficult to perceive them as daughters, because sexuality and femininity have awakened in them.

«That's it, I'm tired of it. Stay here as long as you want, and I'll fly home.» – Leila snapped and went to the snowy owl. Her head is buzzing with constant concentration. Why is this necessary at all? She would like to have it explained to her!

«Does your head hurt? Poor thing, thinking is not for you. It's better to lie on the couch and watch cartoons, isn't it?» – Eve smiled maliciously, she had enough reasons for jokes.

Leila succumbed to the provocation: «Little asshole, unlike you, I have enough self-respect not to suck up to a dirty old fart!»

«But you were the first to rush to kiss him on the forehead when you met…» – the little fairy smiled.

«You deliberately made me make a mistake to pose naked in front of an old fart…»

Eve's gaze became sharp as a razor's edge. However, not only her gaze.

Kyon immediately intervened: «Bunnies, let's not…»

«You're a bunny!» – Leila said. – «I'm not a soft animal!»

«You are my child. And I will call you whatever I want!» – Lovr said sternly and activated the sovereign's stare for the second time that day.

Leila twitched in fright, but this time she did not look away, only narrowed her eyes rapaciously and poked the man in the belly with a deceptively fragile finger: «You won't scare me with your shining eyes, daddy!» – having finished, she gracefully wagged her booty in a turn and went to the snowy owl.

Kyon could only sigh tiredly: {And what to do with her?}

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