After escaping from that ill-fated plain, it took Edward two days to stumble upon the road, get to the nearest town, find a sound transmitter and call his acquaintances, since for some reason his grandfather was unavailable.

When he was told that some insane investigator named Dick Baker had destroyed an underground auction together with everyone present, the guy refused to believe what he had heard. But due to the fact that his grandfather did not answer calls all day, he had to believe in the cruel truth involuntarily.

To say that Edward fell into a state of the deepest shock would be a significant understatement. The last days in general seemed to him a feverish delirium: first, a monstrous beauty kidnapped him, then he almost lost the battle with a practitioner of the superior phase, and the death of his grandfather was the last nail in the coffin. This week couldn't be worse!

The utterly dejected guy was currently halfway to Dantes. He does not have money and identity documents, but this will not prevent him from getting into the city, especially since one of his acquaintances is working at customs.

Suddenly Edward felt as if the heavens had fallen on him. His eyes went dark, and before he lost consciousness, a thought flashed through his head: {Really… Again…}

Kyon tracked down the fugitive using the tracking formations he had previously imposed. Then Leila neutralized him with pressure, and she also wanted to break a couple of bones for him just in case, but the man's stern gaze dampened her ardor.

With a sleeping and severely crippled living cargo, Lovr got into the city, using the same document with which he had previously left it.

The daughters returned to "The Garden of Eden" hotel, and Kyon, putting himself in order, went to the headquarters. For over a week he ignored Valeera's calls for today's surprise. He was looking forward to the girl's reaction.

Once at the headquarters, Lovr did not find the head of the clan there, so he called her and invited her to meet.

After 5 minutes, the air seemed to be 5 degrees colder.

The door was opened by a girl of incredible beauty, graceful as a black rose and cold as millennial ice. She instantly appeared next to the man and, piercing him with her long unblinking black gaze, said: «What does this mean?!»

«Hello, Lady. I am glad to see you are in good health.» – Kyon said calmly.

«Where have you been? Why didn't you answer my calls for so many days? Why did you leave your hotel room and disperse the clan formation?!» – asked Valeera in the tone of a boss, scolding a negligent subordinate.

Since her last meeting with Zosimos, she had been thinking about many things. The thought that the man left the clan, because he no longer saw any prospects for making money in it, seemed especially painful. He doesn't need an outcast clan.

Kyon didn't like being spoken to in that tone, but he was well aware of how painful a nine-day silence with the disappearance preceding it could be, especially in this case.

«Do you remember, I said that I would definitely help you, but before that I would disappear for a couple of weeks?»

«Yes, but you didn't say what kind of help you meant… Wait… No, it couldn't have been you, right?!» – Valeera's eyes widened with a sudden guess. She thought about it a lot, but in the end decided that it was simply impossible.

«Exactly. It was I who destroyed the underground auction. The heads of the seven clans and their closest subordinates are either dead or are in prison only thanks to me.»

Every next word struck the girl more and more, but soon skepticism took its toll, followed by distrust and anger. However, remembering how much the man had done for her and what he risked, she hesitated: «No… Impossible… Zosimos, you're not going to lie to me, are you? I heard that it was done by a high-ranking investigator Dick Baker…»

«Has someone appropriated my merits? Well, I'm not surprised.»

The girl looked at the man for a long time, as if trying to understand if he was joking.

«I understand your doubts. Let me dispel them.» – Kyon made an inviting gesture and left the room.

Valeera followed Zosimos. As soon as she went into another room of the headquarters, her eyes widened, and her mouth opened in amazement: she saw Edward tied up asleep! The whole range of negative emotions instantly appeared in the clan head's gaze - from anger to hatred. Thirst for blood filled the room, making it difficult to breathe.

The girl rubbed her face with her palms to calm down, then looked intently at Zosimos and said in a voice as quiet as the first snow: «So was it you who destroyed my enemies?»

Kyon smiled affectionately and almost stroked the girl's cheek, but came to his senses in time and instead scratched his bald head awkwardly: «For the sake of the clan, I'll do anything, hehe…» – he decided to hide his motives for a reason. Even when he saved her from the clutches of Edward, he explained his action by principles and selfishness. There are several reasons for this: he does not want to arouse suspicion that he is repaying the debt to her, and she should not think that he is courting her, trying to win her heart in this way.

«B-but how?! How could you do that on your own?!» – Valeera's eyes gleamed feverishly. It seemed to her that she was sleeping, and she was having a wonderful sweet dream, but after the death of her parents, she did not see anything in her dreams at all.

«The dwarfs helped me. It turns out that they had connections with the organizers of the underground auction, which I took advantage of. Then I took explosives, a lot of explosives, and remotely blew up the auction to hell!»

Valeera could hardly comprehend what she had heard, but she still understood that this was possible, because she had tested explosives on her bitter experience. It turns out that Zosimos almost single-handedly destroyed all seven clans?! He killed all her enemies, and even brought the most hated one for revenge?!

Anticipating the looming question, Kyon added: «As for this fool, I lured him to the toilet, put him to sleep with soporific sprayed in the air, and stole him. He has to pay a higher price for his sins: for invading our territory, attacking the warehouse, slandering you and almost raping you. Do you agree?»

Valeera's eyelashes trembled subtly. She nodded unconsciously.

Kyon fed the prisoner a pill and approached the girl with the words: «If anyone should take his rotten life, it's only you. Take revenge on him, my lady. He is completely at your disposal.» – having finished, he leaned against the wall, crossing his arms on his chest.

After a few seconds, Edward opened his eyes. Recent life events helped him recover quickly. So cold… The frost seemed to chill to the bone. He is in a dark spacious room. At the door there is an elegant female figure dressed all in black, at the sight of which the blood ran cold.

«Arpha?!» – Edward shouted in horror.

In one step, Valeera was next to the prisoner and held a dagger to his throat.

The guy took his breath away. He instantly turned white and shook with fear: «W-w-wait!» – his whole life flew before his eyes. Under such circumstances, he wanted to meet with Arpha even less than with the Empress of Rosarrio.

Valeera said nothing, but she was in no hurry to kill the bastard. She began to act only when panic completely engulfed his heart, and he seemed about to lose consciousness.

~whoosh~ ~plop~

With a lightning-fast swing of the dagger, a piece of flesh the size of a child's fist, half wrapped in the fabric of his pants, landed on the floor. Blood immediately spread from it, and the testicles fell out. A shrill scream filled the room.

«AA-A-AA-AA-AA-AA!» – Edward screamed like a madman.

«This is for trying to **** me.» – Valeera whispered in a colorless tone.

For an endless minute, the guy writhed in agony, until his head was slowly cut off to heartbreaking gurgling sounds and moans. A mask of horror and regret froze on his face. Doing nasty things to Arpha, he did not even think about the possible consequences.

Once, Dina, in pursuit of revenge, even managed to dance a striptease to the offender, after which the poor thing was almost fucked, but the goddess saved her in time. Valeera, as befits a professional killer, did not play with the victim, but did everything without further ado.

For the first time in her life, Weber took serious revenge on someone, and this unforgettable sweet feeling intoxicated her mind, especially considering that there is very little pleasure in her life. She decided that if next time she had such an opportunity, she would not rush, but would enjoy this feeling to her heart's content. Otherwise, what is the point of revenge at all?

Watching the execution, Kyon had a tickle in his throat, and everything shrank down below, because he could be in Edward's place if he somehow gave away his real identity. Considering how much pain he brought to the girl, it is hardly possible that she will just forgive him.

{No… When I finish with what I have planned, she will be obliged to forgive me, otherwise I will accumulate a grudge.} – Lovr convinced himself. He has already repaid at least half of the debt. At least by the case in the warehouse. If he hadn't activated the silent alarm, Valeera would have already been turned into a limp sex toy. The same applies to the rescue after the meeting of the heads of clans.

The man and the girl silently returned to the main room.

«Thank you.» – the girl whispered affectionately, looking gratefully at the pot-bellied hero.

Kyon changed the subject: «Now your enemies and competitors are dead. There is not a single worthy predator left in the whole meadow with sheep. Now nothing will prevent you from making your plan a reality: to lead the entire criminal world of the capital. Are you ready for this?»

«Yes», – Valeera nodded decisively. – «And you will help me with this.»

«In this case, we will capture the city together. I will become your…», – Kyon almost blurted out "black king", which would have given him away. – «Your right hand. I will help you build a megaclan: find trusted people, subdue all criminal structures, organize, modernize and optimize all the cogs in this mechanism, multiplying income. But in exchange, I want only three conditions to be fulfilled: firstly, we will discuss all important decisions together, respecting each other's opinions; secondly, if I strongly disagree with something, then either we act as I say, or we are looking for a compromise; thirdly, I will receive exactly half of the profit. Believe me, I am worth this money, you will quickly make sure of this...»

«Zosimos!» – the head of the clan exclaimed in shock. She could understand and accept the first two conditions, but the third one was completely absurd! The only person she trusts now is asking as much as half of the profit for cooperation! Even one-fourth of the future income is too much! How could he demand such a thing from her?!

«My words are final and they will not change.» – Kyon replied firmly.

«Zosimos, how can you ask for so much?!» – Valeera was indignant. – «I am an experienced clan head, and you are just a former merchant, besides, not a very successful one!»

«I repeat: the results will not disappoint you, otherwise I won't take the money. You are not risking anything. If you don't trust me and think that you don't need a pot-bellied merchant, then start creating your great clan alone. Think carefully about my offer. I give you three days to think.»

Valeera opened her mouth in confusion, staring at the determined man. Is he made of steel? How can he be so proud if he ran his own trading business at a loss?!

When Zosimos turned around, the head of the clan stopped him, coldly saying: «Wait! Let's discuss everything now. I want to understand why you decided you were worth half the profit. This is too much even for the right hand. And I have many other questions…»

Kyon responded very calmly, as if it was about what to cook for breakfast: «I don't want to try to convince you of anything. In my opinion, everything that I have done for you so far speaks for itself. The decision is up to you alone. As for everything else, I have already said that I will not go into details.»

Valeera couldn't believe that he was talking to her in such a tone, and she didn't even have the moral right to demand respectful treatment. Moreover, she felt that if she continued to push, she would spoil the already established relations with him.

"To spoil relations with a subordinate" – sounds extremely silly, especially considering that she is an authoritative head of the clan with outstanding abilities and immeasurable potential. However, for some time now, the girl began to care about Zosimos' opinion. But why? Three days should be enough to sort out her feelings, and at the same time make a decision regarding such an impudent offer.

Having withstood another gaze of the head of the clan, Lovr silently turned around and left. It's time to meet a person that only a select few know about in the empire.

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