As soon as the city screen showed the news that the explosion was caused by the actions of Dick Baker, who single-handedly organized and destroyed an underground auction together with the heads of seven clans and other crime bosses, the citizens of Dantes seemed to go mad with delight. The popularity of the young investigator has soared so much that there is not even a shadow left of "Demon Huntress" against his background. It was as if everyone had forgotten about her.

Elsa spent hours walking around the city, but never heard a word about herself, only infuriating: Dick and Dick! Dick and Dick all around! He was called a hero that appears once in a millennium, an angel in the flesh and even a holy savior…

This bastard literally destroyed her personality of "Demon Huntress"! In a month as an investigator of the 3rd rank, the fat man did 100 times more for the city than she did in 2 years! How did he manage to do that?! Where did this monster come from at all?!

The girl envied the popularity of the young investigator so much that she wanted to cry. She was afraid that she would never be able to shine brighter than he, suffered because of the lost popularity, felt crushed and broken, a dummy against the background of some unsightly brainy fat man. It seemed that all this time she was playing in the sandbox, but an adult Dick came and showed the stupid fool what a real job is.

And today Elsa secretly learned from Rose that the well-known investigator had solved the sensational case. The girl almost screamed from the overwhelming emotions. Dick drove her crazy! When did he manage to do this?! She wanted to find out everything she could! How does he manage to be so amazing?! Surely the whole secret can't lie in his mental abilities! But if not, then what is his secret?!

Elsa just went into the men's toilet, put a soundproof barrier behind her and pierced Dick washing his hands with another icy look.

«Lady Elsa, what are you doing here?! Ah, did those images really fascinate you so much, and now you want me…» – the fat man stepped back in fright.

«Don't be a fool!» – the blonde said sternly, almost bursting out laughing, his statement seemed so absurd to her. His insulting words did not hurt the girl at all, because he often teases her. In addition, she was greatly cheered up by those mind-blowing five images. They definitely won't let her sleep for a long time.

Turning off the joker mode, Kyon innocently asked: «Then why did you come?» – of course, he was expecting the appearance of the guest in the men's room, and now he was going to enjoy every word, gesture and reaction of the beauty like an exquisite jamon.

Arching her eyebrows angrily, Stone asked with emphasis: «How did you do all this?!»

«Let's find out first: what will I get if I share information with you?»

The blonde indignantly opened her mouth, then frowned: «Are you serious now, or what? I'm Stone and above you in rank in the family, but you still want to get something from me?! Is it so hard for you to give me a few minutes?!»

«My time is precious, but that's not the point.You see, when people talk to me in that tone, I have no desire to do anything for nothing. Usually, I completely stop interacting with such an interlocutor.»

{Who does he think he is?} – Elsa thought irritably, surprised at the exorbitant self-esteem of a 15-year-old boy, especially in the presence of a dazzling beauty with the highest talent and personal strength. Guys of his age behave completely differently when they are around her.

Kyon withstood the heavy gaze of the blonde's emerald eyes with an unyielding look.

Since there were no other options (she wouldn't beat him for disobedience, after all) Elsa suppressed her pride and with a sticky sense of humiliation, clasping her palms in a pleading gesture, politely said: «Dick, please answer my questions.»

Kyon nodded approvingly: «I like that tone better. So what did you want to know about?»

Earlier, Lovr did not go into the details of the operation, simply telling the result of the investigation. Who Andrew and Albert are, what their motives are, and so on. He skilfully evaded clarifying questions in order for this conversation to happen.

Elsa hid her palms behind her back, because they were trembling with the desire to strangle the fat man: «About everything and in order. How did you find out that the knight was guilty if you didn't even interrogate him?»

«Interrogating Albert was enough.»

«What kind of interrogation? You asked him just one question, and that was about some invigorating red tincture, and he didn't know anything about it! There's something you're not telling me!»

«Lady, refrain from such intonations, otherwise I will ask you to leave.»

The girl clenched her fists angrily, but soon humbly said: «Sorry… I will try to restrain myself. It's just… It doesn't matter.»

Kyon perfectly understood the girl's feelings, after all, she acts courageously in the name of glory. He is now basking in this glory, and Stone can only dream of it: «Lindia told about strange sensations in the morning, which just coincide with the side effects caused by taking tincture of red beetle – an extremely rare, almost forgotten invigorating substance. I had suspicions that…»

«Wait…» – Elsa interrupted the narrator. – «What is the red beetle tincture? I've been working hard on alchemy for many years, but I don't know anything about it… So how do you know such details, including side effects?»

«I read books!» – Kyon raised his eyes to the ceiling, as if explaining the obvious things.

Stone raised her thin brow in surprise: «Books?»

«Exactly. Such things, made of wood, with printed letters.»

«You take me for a fool?» – the blonde flared up, scorching the fat man with an angry look.

«…So, I suspected that Albert was making this medicine for his son. And he gave it to Lindia in the morning in order to kill the side effects after taking sleeping pills and the medicine of oblivion: drowsiness and fog in the head.»

«Wait, wait, but that's not how you said it! You made Albert look like a victim of circumstances, say, Andrew forced him to prepare medicine for him, and now you're talking as if they were acting together! Why?»

«Do not think about it.» – Kyon said. – «All that matters is that I doubted Albert's answer and installed a recording visual formation in Lindia's chambers, bribing a servant, thanks to which I collected irrefutable evidence. You know the rest.»

Elsa froze in amazement. It turns out that this asshole closed a sensational case using knowledge from books on alchemy! But she is an alchemist herself, and one of the best in the empire, but it did not even occur to her to ask Lindia about the side effects, instead she bombarded the mistress with ridiculous questions, for which she is now ashamed. However, even if she had acted differently, she would not have come to anything. No matter how you look at it, this case is beyond her.

«Any more questions?» – Kyon smiled radiantly, pleased with the reaction of the interlocutor: Juno's older sister looked hurt and even depressed. It's nice to see such metamorphoses in a girl with overestimated self-esteem.

«How did you destroy the underground auction?»

After 5 minutes, having received all the answers, Stone felt a gaping void in her chest. In order to sleep peacefully, she wanted to find some secret of Dick, which allowed him to become such an amazing investigator, but there was no secret. He's just overly capable and smart. Against the background of a brainy fat man, she, with all her uniqueness, is worth nothing, as if a practitioner of the royal phase, who has an invaluable weapon, is powerless against the imperial phaser, or even the sovereign phaser. Completely different worlds.

The realization that she totally loses to Dick in her own field (in the destruction of criminals) hurt the lady's pride, but surprisingly not much, because, obviously, it wasn't she who was so bad, but he was too good. Monstrously good! In this regard, competing with him is as stupid as trying to take off without being an overlord phaser.

«Did my new fan get answers to her questions?» – Kyon asked sarcastically.

Elsa tensed up: she is usually surrounded by fans, but now Dick seems to be deliberately turning her routine upside down.

Narrowing her charming eyes, the girl poked at the fat man with her finger: «You… You're so…»

«What? Tell me, what am I like?» – Lovr was amused, expecting some stupid insult.

«You are the best investigator in the empire. I take my words back: you are not a shame, but the pride of the Stones, and I am not ashamed, but rather pleased that in my family there is a descendant of direct blood named Thomas Stone.» – Elsa said confidently, curving the corners of her lips in a strained but sincere smile, turned around and left, leaving behind a trail of pleasant fragrance. "Demon Huntress" admitted her defeat to the investigator Dick Baker with dignity.

«Oh…» – the blonde caught Kyon by surprise. He thought she would act like a typical arrogant lady with an inflated conceit, but the girl did what only a few representatives of her sex are capable of: she admitted defeat and even took her words back. Marvelous. Now he didn't want to give her to Rose any more. Maybe he should give the girl that recording? No. Early. She either won't believe it or she won't understand it.

The young man's visit to the Valentines did not last long.

After leaving the family's territory and making sure that there was no tail behind, Kyon teleported to a secluded room, took out the sound transmitter and called Horace.

The conversation took several minutes, and its whole essence led to a non-aggression agreement. Kyon has a hundred records in his hands that he can use to destroy the honor and psyche of Lindia, the beloved daughter of the patriarch. Whereas Horace can send a letter to the head of the department proving that Dick is blackmailing him and generally acting against the interests of the empire. And then he will lose his position as an investigator of the 2nd rank.

«So we have solved all the issues. I hope you're smart enough not to follow me this time.»

«Go to hell! I will not break my word!» – Horace barked and cut the connection.

This situation somewhat reminded Kyon of the ban on the use of nuclear weapons. If Horace starts acting, then he will do the same. Both will suffer huge losses. Nobody needs it. This is the deterrent factor.

Office of the Minister of Finance.

Two stately people were sitting opposite each other. The format of the meeting was an interview.

«You know, like all citizens of our great country, I am very concerned about the issue of subsidies. Poor residents of Rosarrio should not live below the poverty line due to the unfavorable economic situation. My colleagues are already working in this direction and are making every effort to solve this problem as soon as possible. I assure you that this issue will be resolved in the near future.» – the Finance Minister clearly answered the last question of the person sitting opposite him.

«Cut! Wonderful speech, sir!» – the journalist said respectfully and took his leave. His task is simple: to ask the right questions on visual information. Further, these records are repeatedly copied and given to informants who will show them in different points of the city where people gather to keep citizens up to date with the latest political news. Obviously, this news is not important enough for the city screen.

«Thank you.» – the man nodded. – «Tanechka, bring me coffee.»

Soon the receptionist returned with a cup of hot coffee and a folder: «Mr. Vladimir, someone high-ranking has sent you a parcel…»

The Finance Minister took a leisurely sip of coffee and opened the folder. A minute later, his face stretched incredulously, and after five minutes it completely acquired an ashen hue. Someone was on to him and found irrefutable evidence of bribery! Now this someone is blackmailing him!

"Vladimir Vladimirovich, choose to whom you will answer: to the anonymous person who is ready to make a concession or to the bloody empress of Rosarrio. In the first case, you will lose 1 billion. In the second – your life and the lives of your relatives."

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