Leila looked out of the room. Although her father had warned her, she still couldn't believe what was happening: some sickly pale maniac put a dagger to Eve's throat! What fun?! However, dad promised to thank her properly. She only should not reveal her strength, but pretend to be a weak, scared girl. Such a chance must not be missed.

Screeching, the girl ran into the room, playing her role flawlessly.

Eve also depicted a genuine expression of endless horror on her face.

Tymoshka looked at Lanai with an empty, glazed gaze. The girl he loved looked exactly as he imagined her in his dreams after rough sex: hickeys on a deceptively fragile neck, disheveled hair, torn tights and trails of moisture flowing down her thigh…

Valeera said in a chilling tone: «Let her go immediately!»

The guy shuddered, turned even more white and turned his head feverishly: «N-no way!»

Kyon touched the girl's shoulder and whispered: «Kyung touched the girl's shoulder and whispered.» – having finished, he, holding out his palms in a conciliatory gesture, slowly walked towards the guy. – «Let… The poor girl… Go… She did nothing wrong to you.»

«She didn't, but you, scum, did!»

«Tell me what you want, and we will definitely resolve everything peacefully…»

Tymoshka hesitated and shouted in a broken voice: «I want… I want you to kill yourself! Her life in exchange for yours! You love her, so do it! Come on!»

«You're completely…» – Valeera had just begun to speak, when Zosimos raised his palm, forcing her to be silent.

«Well, have it your way.» – Kyon said humbly, closing his eyelids, showed a finger behind his back, then sharply opened his already glowing eyes and activated "The sovereign's stare".

Valera released the pressure on command, and the man, rushing forward, hit Tymoshka on the forehead with his fist, sending him tumbling forward down the corridor.

Kyon breathed a sigh of relief and opened his arms.

Eve immediately snuggled up to the man, trembling slightly: «Daddy…»

«Daddy, I was so scared! Even more scared than Eve!» – Leila, who ran out of the room, sobbed and also fell all over the man.

The girls immediately felt the smell… A very concentrated smell of the competitor, at the sight of which merciless lights of rage flashed in the eyes of the sisters, greenish and orange. Her appearance immediately made it clear that their father was having fun with her!

Valeera embarrassedly straightened her skirt, and eventually disappeared. She shouldn't show up like this in front of the girls. She will spoil the whole impression of herself.

«Daughters, dad will not let you be offended…» – Kyon said, stroking their backs gently. – «Wait for me in the room for a minute, please. I will now resolve the issue and return to you.»

When the girls left for the room, Valeera appeared nearby, holding a dagger in her hand.

«Wait… I want to talk to him.» – Kyon approached the unlucky killer sitting against the wall with his head bowed, and quietly asked. – «Why did you do that?»

Tymoshka's face twisted ugly when he looked up filled with hatred: «You took from me the one I dreamed of… You insulted me in her presence, wiped the floor with my face! I just want you to die, you son of a bitch!»

Kyon has just deliberately created a «trigger» that provoked the release of dark emotions. As expected, a powerful flow of energy rushed from the guy in a violent wave into the soul of the provocateur. The dark side of the Void core pulsed furiously: 1%… 3%… 5%… 15%! Taking into account the 25% available, the core is now filled with darkness by 40%.

There were no involuntary dives into the dark state of the soul this time, because the light part of the core is currently 100% full, and it, using its advantage, blocked access to the host's mental state for darkness.

{Why so little?} – Kyon wondered. Franz alone, for example, completely filled the core with light almost twice. However, for some unknown reason, the darkness is filling many times more reluctantly. Prince Charles, for example, gave 5% before his death, and Tymoshka, jealous to the point of insanity, only 15%. It's still too little.

«Tymoshka, what do you mean by "took"?» – Valeera interjected. – «You are nothing to me. I have never perceived you as a man and kept you close only out of a bright memory to the thieves guild devoted to me!»

The guy could not find the answer. He was even afraid to look into the beautiful eyes of the girl.

Kyon understood that a man who fell in love with a woman, one might say, disarmed himself in advance in a love fight with her. Nevertheless, he continued his interrogation: «If you loved her so much, then why didn't you do anything? Since when is it possible to get "love" without doing anything?»

«Doing nothing?!» – Tymoshka shouted furiously, but suddenly fell silent.

Lovr suspected something: «Did Edward show up at the warehouse because of you?»

«No… I would never…» – the faded guy stammered, thus betraying himself.

A frightening icy aura of bloodlust emerged from Valeera: «You're lying!»

Kyon stopped the girl from attacking and calmly said: «Tymoshka, if you don't want your beloved girl to kill you shamefully, slowly and painfully as hell, then reveal your secrets. We will give you instant death.»

«Zosimos, we can learn everything by torture, and at the same time we will take revenge!» – the girl did not calm down.

«There is no need. I don't have time for stupid revenge on the bastard who will die in the near future anyway.» – Lovr explained his position in a colorless tone.

The truth is that Kyon did not hold any grudge against Tymoshka for today's incident. Holding Eve hostage is as pointless as trying to convince Triana to take someone for an alpha when he is an ordinary weak person.

Tymoshka closed his eyes for a long time, then slowly asked: «Do you promise?»

«I promise.» – Lovr said and touched the girl's shoulder.

«I also promise that you will die instantly…» – Valeera agreed reluctantly.

Hearing the answer from the mouth of the one who hates lies more than anyone else, Tymoshka immediately spoke in a weak hoarse voice: «It was I who gave the information to Edward… I did not want my mistress to reach those heights in development from which I would seem like an ant to her. I wanted her to find solace in the most difficult hour in the person who was always by her side, supported her in every possible way and waited for her decision…»

«What a bastard you are.» – Kyon shook his head.

A flame of hatred flared in Valeera's eyes: «Vile traitor!»

«I know… Kill me.» – he bowed his head.

Kyon did not want to break his word, especially in the presence of Valeera, moreover, as he found out back in Boston, the darkness does not increase from torture. Therefore, he kicked the dagger lying next to him with the words: «Do it yourself.»

Tymoshka took the weapon and, with an absent look, holding it in his hand for a while, sharply stuck it in his heart. The pain on the guy's face quickly gave way to the long-awaited devastation. He fell to one side and died, regretting in his last seconds that he had ever met Lanai. Everyone she dealt with suffered and eventually died. He only hoped that Zosimos would suffer the same fate.

Kyon absorbed the soul of the deceased and turned to the beauty: «Thank you. If you hadn't helped, my daughter…»

«Don't mention it. You helped me find out who turned out to be a traitor in my clan… For this, I will definitely thank you properly.» – her gaze was filled with tenderness.

«Then come on, get to know my daughters better…»

«Let's do it another time.» – Valeera stepped back and emphatically pointed at her "slightly" erotic shabby look. Any heterosexual man who sees her like this will certainly lose his head from arousal.

«Then I'll see you tomorrow.» – Kyon provoked a goodbye kiss and walked into the room, preparing for the fight.

As expected, the girls were wildly jealous of Valeera, so much so that they bombarded him with countless questions and tightly grabbed his palms as if they would never let them go.

Leila reminded Zosimos about the promise to thank her for her wonderful acting, but the man, with a cold snort, said that she had done almost nothing, but Eve had taken on all the most difficult things, for which she would receive the deserved 5 levels in the game. Well, for her, one level is more than enough. This, of course, incredibly infuriated the mischief, but she cooled down surprisingly quickly, apparently deciding not to anger her beloved dad. Besides, she didn't want to make herself out to be the bad girl in front of competitors…

Somehow, not without a fight, Lovr managed to break into the shower… One very impudent person knocked and offered to rub his back, to which she received a decisive refusal.

A little later, a rather agitated Eve approached Kyon.

«Dad, can we talk?»

«What's the matter, my little flower?» – Lovr smiled.

«I have long wanted to ask… It was you who robbed the treasury of the Feruzs, wasn't it?»

Kyon's face stiffened and his bushy eyebrows frowned slightly.

The girl looked at the man expressively: «I've suspected this for a long time. Even when the demons attacked us, you used too many expensive formations. I kept wondering: where did he get them from? If he bought them, where did he get so much money for them? You even once said: "Your father has more money than…". And just recently we visited Milan. That very night when you were absent, someone robbed the Feruzs' treasury… And that thief was you, Dad. Am I right?»

Lovr felt uncomfortable with Eve's quick wits. Of course, he gave the girls a brief information about the world: formations, souls, development, medicine, elements and much more. Based on this data, the little fairy realized that he was the very thief.

«Yes… You're right…» – Kyon sighed.

This answer did not surprise the girl at all, and she did not even show any emotions: «And the work that you hid from us… Is it connected with the shadow clan?»

Lovr stared at the interlocutor in surprise with a mute question "how did you know?".

«When we visited that beautiful building underground, I remembered its address. And recently I heard about the explosion of an underground auction at the same place where we were that day… With the help of dwarf explosives, you destroyed the competitors of your clan, the head of which is Arpha! But someone stole all the glory from you… Am I right?»

«Bunny… You are very smart. Even too smart. I didn't want to tell you this, because you can be disappointed in your dad, because he is a bad person…»

Eve shook her head: «Dad is the best for me! Even if the whole world turns against you, you can always rely on me.» – the girl smiled sunnyly, gently touching the palm of the man.

In a fit of emotions, Kyon hugged Eve: «How pretty you are…»

The little fairy blushed with embarrassment, but this time she did not run away, but on the contrary hugged the man in response. She wanted to become as brave as Leila, and for this she needs to learn not to run away when her heart is drumming on her chest with excitement.

After a minute hug, the girl asked: «May I know where you teleport to for a few hours every day from the shower?»

{Nothing can be hidden from her…} – Kyon sighed and whispered in her ear. – «I work as an investigator. Just don't tell Arpha, otherwise she will kill me.»

«Oh… I won't say anything even to Leila!» – the girl promised. – «And another question… Did you put on that performance with the maniac to impress Arpha?»

«That's right, bunny. You understand everything perfectly.»

In the middle of the night, Kyon suddenly heard a shrill girl's cry.

A tear-stained Leila ran into the room (she definitely caused tears on purpose): «Dad, I had a nightmare, so creepy! That maniac held me hostage, and I could not do anything! I can only sleep next to you now, because I'm scared!»

Before Lovr could say anything, his night guest dived under his blanket.

«I'm so scared… Will you hug me?» – big clear eyes blinked innocently from under the blanket.

«Leila… I am not…»

«I had a terrible nightmare too! I will sleep with you.» – now Eve also plucked up courage and climbed under the blanket to the man. She didn't want to give in to her sister. In any other case, of course, she would never have acted so bravely.

Kyon was speechless. It is clear that they did not see anything like this in their dreams. Not so long ago, they tore the flesh of powerful demons, and at night they slept like dead, but now some sucker with a dagger scared them? Yeah, of course! But it is impossible to refuse them either.

Lovr capitulated: «Okay, just once. But everyone will have their own blanket!»

«Oo-ee-ee!» – Leila squealed happily, having already forgotten that she was actually supposed to be scared to death and, seductively wagging her backside, briskly went to her room for a blanket.

Eve hurriedly followed her sister.

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