Dark night.

Kyon and Valeera sat on a high rooftop under cover of invisibility and watched through binoculars the abandoned warehouse: the perfect meeting place for any gang, as well as for creating a trap for the superheroine.

Lovr studied the surroundings all the time with the help of "The eyes of truth". And although in the usual state of affairs he could see the energy of practitioners up to the imperial phasers at the 8th stage (that is, 4 phases higher than his own), the situation changed dramatically if they began to use the concealment technique. So, for example, he could not see the invisible Valeera. "The Demon Huntress" was also out of reach of his field of vision.

«The bitch in the mask sticks to a schedule and doesn't perform more than one feat a day. As a rule, she is active in the evening. If the target is large, then at night. I suspect she is studying somewhere, because I have never seen her during the day.» – said Valeera dryly.

«Really…» – Kyon agreed. – «At the last meeting, she was a royal phaser at the fifth stage, but now, judging by the analysis of the battle, she is already at the sixth stage, if not higher. Honey, are you sure you can beat her if something goes wrong?»

Valeera snorted coldly: «She's no match for me. The self-confident, vain girl thinks that she is now in no danger thanks to her talent… The leopard can't change its spots.» – she looked at Zosimos. – «After all, we can threaten her loved ones.»

Kyon nodded, paused for a while, and spoke again: «And yet I don't like her unhealthy persistence…» – vague anxiety did not leave him. Elsa can't be so empty-headed and so careless about herself and the lives of her loved ones. Even raising 1-2 stages and a hundred or two formations in the arsenal do not give her the right to consider herself invulnerable. Maybe the girl is up to something? Unclear. He often followed the superheroine, but for three months he did not find anything that would ring any bell for him, except for one thing: her inexhaustible self-confidence.

«You overestimate her.» – Valeera disagreed. – «"The Demon Huntress" is just a spoiled child hungry for attention. Each of her feats is an extreme idiocy: to break in, neutralize and hand over to the authorities. I'm sure someone is informing her, because alone she would never have been able to find my organizations so effectively.»

«I hope so.» – Kyon nodded, and said to himself. – {Fuck hope!}

Meanwhile, the gang gathered in the warehouse and greeted the leader.

The couple waited for the appearance of the haughty blonde for about an hour, until…

«She's on that roof!» – unexpectedly whispered Valeera, feeling the energy fluctuations.


The window of the building was pierced by a bright arrow, which neutralized all the bandits with white lightning. The superheroine punched the roof and landed in the center of the warehouse. Everything went according to the standard scenario, perfected long ago.

Suddenly, 5 formations of a restraining type shone around the masked girl. Instantly the area around was covered by the monstrous pressure of 5 sovereign phasers. The space was greatly distorted, as if from a haze in sultry weather. More formations were activated a second later. Dozens of chains and barriers enveloped the target. Some deprived the body of physical strength, others blocked the elements (rotation of the keys).

Everything happened so suddenly and quickly that "The Demon Huntress" did not have time to react. In addition, her vigilance was weakened by many monotonous raids.

Disoriented, Elsa clenched her teeth and collapsed to her knees, feeling that unbearable pressure was squeezing her chest, and her mind was literally torn apart. Her body weakened so much, as if she had turned into an old woman at the end of her years. There was nothing to say about the use of the elements.

Such a trap cost the Silent Horror clan a tidy sum, but it could bind even the imperial phaser at the beginning stage. You will do a lot for the sake of catching a sworn enemy.

Valeera was already twitching towards her prey, but Kyon grabbed her by the shoulder: «Don't rush.» – he once again carefully studied the surroundings with the birds, "The eyes of truth", modernized hearing and vision of different spectra. After that, he changed his development with the help of the concealment bracelet to the noble phaser at the beginning stage and together with his wife went to the warehouse.

When Elsa saw the killer, her green eyes glittered with hatred, like the tip of a silver arrow stretched on a bow. Suddenly, the girl's attention was attracted by a man who came out of invisibility. What is a noble phaser at the beginning stage doing here? And why is he standing so carelessly behind the killer's back?

The head of the clan could not resist uttering a taunt: «Hmm, I've already seen this bitch somewhere… Oh, yes, you're that mean girl who miraculously survived my appearance. What a pity that you can't even move your hand right now.»

«Nasty bitch! You can't do anything to me on your own, so you've descended to an ambush?!» – Elsa hissed contemptuously.

«You overestimate yourself too much.» – Valeera replied in the same manner, taking out a dagger.

Kyon asked warily: «Why did you get your weapon?»

«Don't worry, I promised not to kill her. I'll just scare her a little as a sign of greeting.» – the girl whispered coldly and went to the chained "Demon Huntress".

{Why is he talking to her informally?!} – Elsa wondered, frowning. – {Is he a close relative of hers? They are really similar in appearance…}

From the realization of the development of the approaching rival, the blonde rounded her eyes in amazement: {It can't be… She's already the royal phaser at the sixth stage!? What a monster?!} – the girl was pricked by caustic envy. She was considered the best genius in the empire, but she is inferior to this dirty killer raised by thugs! In addition, the quality of her strength seems to give her a half-phase advantage, which is incredible.

{Stop… What if she is "The Dark Baron"?} – this thought flashed through Elsa's head like a bolt from the blue. Her heart was racing. The more she thought about it, the more she believed it. An ordinary mercenary can't develop at such a pace! Huge resources are needed… The resources of a megaclan!

{She is the head of the clan!} – the girl concluded in amazement.

The increased pulse and genuine anger of the blonde finally assured Kyon that she was in shock now, which meant that she had no aces up her sleeve. However, the lack of fear in her beautiful face was a little alarming. On the other hand, she could hear his wife's whisper, after all, archers are famous for their sharp hearing and vision.

Valeera put the blade to the superheroine's throat, saying with icy calmness: «I even admire that you still haven't peed your pants out of fear… Did you hear that man's words and decide that I wouldn't kill you? You killed two of my subordinates!»

Elsa hissed through clenched teeth: «You won't kill me because you don't have the guts to do it!»

«What did you say?» – Valeera asked softly, becoming noticeably gloomier.

After the words of his stepsister, Kyon had a bad feeling. Once Juno also tried to provoke him to hit her harder in order for the formation to work!

Suddenly Lovr heard a rustle a hundred meters behind. Turning around, he saw a masked man emerging from invisibility and immediately shouted: «This is a trap! Run!»

{Why does he have such a hearing?!} – Elsa was amazed, raising her graceful eyebrows.

{«Bunny, your dad needs help! Follow the plan!»} – Kyon gave a mental command to Eve. He kept secret the possibility of communicating with his daughters through the formation in their heads until the last moment, but now it's time to reveal the secret to at least one of them.

The little fairy was sitting on the roof of a building five kilometers away and, drinking juice, admired the sky while waiting for the signal. Earlier, her dad told her that he might need help, and as soon as she hears a certain sound, she will need to put on a mask, find a cluster of strong people ahead, intimidate everyone with pressure and give them the opportunity to run away.

Suddenly, shock flashed in Kyon's glowing eyes, because he saw several barriers around the warehouse… Among them was a barrier blocking the signal (spatial attribute). Because of this damned barrier, he will not be able to teleport to the clone, as well as send Synergy (commands) to different corners of Dantes, including to Eve. It turns out that it wasn't them who had been trying to trap the superheroine for three months!

Three people in black clothes and black masks materialized around the warehouse. They emitted the suffocating aura of the imperial phasers at the middle stage and looked extremely dangerous. For three months they helped Lady Elsa at the request of Rose, every day they waited in invisibility a kilometer from the lady for an opportunity for an ambush, and now it finally happened!

The bandits, previously bound by the superheroine's technique, trembled with fear.

Kyon took a mouthful of air and barked: «HERE!» – however, he immediately realized that among the barriers surrounding the warehouse, there is also the most elementary barrier: a soundproof one. So no matter how much he screams, Eve will not hear the call… They have prepared too well!

Meanwhile, Valeera turned into a shadow and attacked one of the masked practitioners.

The man snorted coldly, kicked the dagger out of the killer's hands and tried to grab her by the neck with a quick movement, but, to his surprise, he realized that she managed to somersault back, dodging… The pride of the imperial phaser received a humiliating slap in the face. With a swift swing, he took out a thick long chain, which instantly twisted the girl's arms and legs. She had no chance to escape capture. The chain also suppressed the strength and energy of the one it enveloped.

«Arpha!» – shouted Kyon and ran to the girl, but, feeling the pressure of the imperial phaser, allegedly writhed in agony, collapsed to his knees and buried his face in the floor, losing consciousness.

Another masked man freed the superheroine from the fetters.

Elsa's eyes glittered like stars as she walked towards the killer, and a wide evil smile spread across her face. Standing next to the lying girl, she lifted her head by her hair and mockingly asked: «Who is a mean girl now, huh?!»

Valeera gritted her teeth but didn't answer.

«You're silent! Now you're not so self-confident, are you?!» – with a sense of superiority, Elsa tugged at the bitch's hair. A sight for sore eyes!

Valeera was still silent, keeping an impassive mask on her face.

«Don't touch her!» … «Damn bitch, just die!» … «"The Cock Huntress", stupid whore! Die!» – the shackled gang members shouted, finally realizing what was happening.

«Shut up!» – the man in the mask stamped on the ground, and a flash of light spread from his step, which instantly knocked out all the screamers.

The smile on the superheroine's face soon disappeared, after all, it's not so fun to snide over a piece of ice: «What a pity… Such an incredible talent is imbued with the stench of the dregs of the criminal world. You, "The Dark Baron", could have become a direct disciple of the Empress, but instead you chose to organize your Silent Horror clan.»

{Is she "The Dark Baron"?!} – the three imperial phasers were amazed. Earlier, having entered under the leadership of Elsa at the behest of Mr. Rosa, they were extremely unhappy and humiliated by such a coincidence, even if she is the famous "Demon Huntress", after all, this girl is not the wife of the young master and not even Valentine. But now, seeing that her plan had worked, and she had caught the most dangerous person in the capital, they changed their minds about her.

Valeera could not resist uttering a caustic comment: «You are alive only because I value the life of my comrades more than the life of one vain bitch.»

«You are not in a position to allow yourself to speak like that!» – Elsa furiously stepped on the killer's head, pressing her face into the dirty floor of the abandoned warehouse. – «I hope they'll execute you by boiling you alive! You deserve the cruellest death, you filthy criminal.» – having lost the desire to continue, the blonde called the security forces on the sound transmitter.

Soon, the whole gang, the pot-bellied man and the killer were taken to the department.

To Kyon's complete disappointment, the bonds with which he was tied paralyzed his body and keys. Because of this, it will not be possible to send a signal to Eve using a spatial attribute, and "The Flash of Light" is also blocked, although there is no certainty that Eve would consider it a signal, but Valeera would instantly recognize him as Kyon. And the voice is so weakened that it will not be able to spread for 5 kilometers… He still tried, and for this he received a blow to the back of the head, and the little fairy did not appear.

Out of frustration, Lovr wanted to swear at the top of his lungs. Everything went according to the worst possible scenario. The alarm formations scattered everywhere didn't work. They had to react to the practitioners who had passed by with the development up to the sovereign phasers at the beginning stage (8). And the invincible being as a plan B did not help in any way! He knew that Elsa was not as simple as she seemed. He knew that she was not a fool, and after the first slap in the face she would not just turn the other cheek. Who would have thought that the girl would reveal her identity as a superheroine to Rose and other people from the top of the Valentines just for this moment…

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