«That is, you…» – Kyon suddenly began, completely ignoring the questions the girl had previously asked. – «You knew perfectly well that I was Kyon, and didn't say anything? And now you accuse me of playing with your feelings for six months, using affection and access to the body, and also becoming your husband? Hypocrite, are you completely fucked up?»

Valeera snapped back: «Idiot! If I revealed the truth, I would have to kill you! Is this option more to your liking?! It took me a while to get used to it! Today I lost my temper because of the damn Dick and was afraid that I wouldn't hold back and kill you! In a sense, I am grateful to him, because now there are no secrets between us…»

After a short pause, Kyon continued: «And how does your answer explain my guilt, if in the end you provoked our relationship yourself? You seduced me and became my woman. You behaved like the perfect wife. Are you okay in the head? Or do you think I should have revealed my identity to you and gone to the grave with a clear conscience?»

Weber replied almost immediately: «Silly, it's not my fault that I fell in love with Zosimos as soon as I found out that he was you. It almost drove me crazy to think about how you infiltrated the clan; how much you did for me, trying to prove that you were always on my side… And what an amazing personality you created, even excessively similar to my beloved dad!.. Only you are to blame for being so amazing.»

Kyon's heart began to beat faster. For the first time on this crazy day, he felt true spiritual pleasure, which, however, did not exclude all the negativity he had experienced before. It turns out that if Zosimos hadn't been Kyon, the thief wouldn't have fallen in love with the man? So, the girl, having learned the truth, somehow combined the virtues of both personalities in her head, and this crushing force was able to split the thick layer of ice surrounding her heart? Then it is clear why she began to flirt and seduce Zosimos so suddenly and persistently.

But the question arises - when exactly did she scan the keys? After all, after the rescue and the offer to cooperate, he did not appear in the hotel room for 10 days… Well, of course: in the evening, upon returning home, she could easily catch him! And by the morning she was able to make a decision, put on perfume and start aggressive seduction.

«Even so, it doesn't justify what you did tonight. Knowing my intentions, you should have concluded that I did not deserve to be hated. I could not know who the head of the thieves guild Lanai and the leader of the robbers Sauron really were. And you should have realized that I had to resort to torture to make your uncle save you…»

«Even if you did all this to save me, I can't stop hating you. I still think that it would be better if that pot-bellied executioner tortured me. Then I wouldn't have to experience that inhuman pain, compared to which death is a privilege. And my beloved uncle would have remained alive… His life is more valuable than mine, but you, egoist, do not understand it.»

«Nevertheless, everything depends on your distrust. If you trusted me and gave me his frequency right away, you wouldn't have to go through that hell in reality.» – Kyon objected.

«Shut up…» – Valeera whispered, covering her tearful eyes.

«If you had agreed to my offer to become your "Black King", and had not found that loophole in the promise to become my bodyguard, everything would have turned out differently. You would have been my woman a long time ago, and we wouldn't need all these revenge games.»

«Shut up.» – repeated Valeera, trembling.

Kyung calmly continued to press: «Do you remember how I asked you – "You are the head of the thieves guild, aren't you?", to which you replied – "You're wrong". If you had told me the truth then, I would have immediately warned you about the impending raid. It all started with the lies you hate so much. With your lies. Mistrust backfired on you a thousandfold.»

«Shut up!» – the girl exploded in a piercing scream.

Everything the young man said is true, and the lady realized it a long time ago. Her heart ached painfully from the realization that she could have avoided the tragedy if she had trusted Kyon. Weber herself is to blame for the troubles associated with him. She even convinced herself that the "son of the goddess" was her sworn enemy. The fate, which she wanted to blame for all the hardships of life so much, in this case turned out to be out of business…

Kyon summed up: «Being Zosimos, I saved you three times, risking my skin, helped sell metal through the dwarfs, destroyed all your enemies and even dragged Edward for revenge, created a megaclan and tripled revenue from controlled territories… And how did you repay me? Humiliation and ****. What were you counting on? Did you think I would understand and forgive you? No. Now you're the last bitch in my eyes.»

It took Valeera a minute to calm down, after which she spoke in a soft tone with a hint of guilt: «I'm sorry, Kyon, but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't see one person in your personalities. However, hatred… It can't just disappear so easily, you know? But I can't hate Zosimos! Because he looks just like my father… He deserves only love and affection. All of the things you mentioned earlier are his merits. I love and respect him endlessly, while I can only hate you. Besides, my love for Zosimos is a kind of revenge on you, because you envy his happiness.»

Kyon's face twitched for a second, and then took on an indifferent expression: «So do you think I'm just a scapegoat?»

«It turns out so…» – the girl sighed sadly.

{She fell in love with Zosimos because he is me, but she hates me because I am Ken. She hates me, because she is not able to hate Zosimos, and all the merits in paying the debt have gone to a non-existent person! Damn father complex!} – these thoughts echoed through Lovr's mind, causing indignation.

Now Kyon could understand Valeera and stopped considering her inadequate. However, her excuses will not bring her forgiveness, but they give her a chance to be forgiven in the future, but only if a number of very cruel conditions are met.

«Did you sleep with Zosimos almost every day without being afraid of getting pregnant?»

«I killed sperm with darkness.» – Weber answered coldly and explained. – «Pregnancy is an unacceptable luxury in my life. And I'd be a lousy mother.»

Kyon did the same, but only with the help of Synergy, since he did not want the girl to get pregnant from Zosimos, whom he really envied.

When the young man silently got out of bed and began to get dressed, Valeera frowned slightly: «Kyon, I answered your question. Now it's your turn to answer my questions…»

«Fuck you.» – Lovr said irritably and left the hotel room.


The girl, who resembled a ray of sunshine with her bright appearance, established a connection to the incoming call of the sound transmitter and sang the following in such an anticipatory tone, as if she expected a marriage proposal from the emperor himself: «Commissar, you surprisingly quickly cracked "The Dark Baron"! My ears are ready to hear the good news…»

«Lady "Demon Huntress", I'm sorry, but "The Dark Baron" has escaped…»

«W-what did you say?!» – the smile instantly flew off the lips of the instantly pale blonde.

«She escaped late at night with the help of an accomplice… Right during the interrogation by Dick.»

«D… Dick?!» – the device fell out of Stone's trembling hands.

Soon, the girl in a superhero costume burst into the department and demanded answers.

The gloomy-looking commissar took the concerned lady to a secluded room and, showing the recording, explained what had happened from the point of view of the investigation.

«…The burning carriage served as a distraction… Thus, the criminals left the department without being noticed. It is unknown who exactly was "The Dark Baron", the girl or her accomplice.»

There was a painful emptiness in Elsa's eyes. She felt as if her heart had been ripped out of her chest. Three months of efforts have sunk into oblivion. Three months of hiring three imperial phasers of the Valentines made no sense from now on. Yesterday's sensation, witnessed by three journalists, is now only a farce and a reason to laugh at "The Demon Huntress". She was so excited about the imminent glory… She imagined how she would become a legendary hero of Dantes, how she would enter the annals of Rosarrio's history, and that's how it turned out…

«How could you? Why did you miss her?! WHY?!» – the blonde went hysterical.

«Lady, calm down, please…»

«How can I be calm?! I spent so much effort on catching her! But you just missed her! I warned you that she is "The Dark Baron"! But, apparently, the head of the megaclan is not a serious enough criminal for you to follow her properly! How can I ever trust you after this?!»

«Lady, there were three imperial phasers outside the door, but even they didn't feel anything! We were the victims of a clever plan… Besides, the man's abilities were completely incomprehensible. You can't be prepared for this.»

Elsa shook her head forlornly and turned away. She already regretted that she continued to engage in heroic activities after she was overshadowed by Dick. Suddenly an unexpected guess flashed in her downcast head: {Dick… Dick was interrogating her! He might be involved in the escape somehow! Of course… He was just jealous of me, so he somehow saved her!}

The girl took out the sound transmitter and called the fat man.

«I'm listening.» – Kyon muttered listlessly, consumed by the desire to send his stepsister to hell. The reason is not at all in a bad mood, but because he wanted to strangle her! After all, it was because of this trashy girl that he ended up in prison, and as a result he was raped and now he is probably under suspicion of the zero general.

«Dick… We need to talk. Urgently. Please.» – Elsa said decisively.

Lovr no longer dared to underestimate Lady Stone. During that meeting, she somehow found out from one of his careless answers that it was he who sent the threatening note, and not "The Dark Baron". He also took into account the information received from the order, where the blonde works as a fortune teller. Considering all this, he concluded that he needed to stay away from the girl, because she had some kind of secret that could ruin his life.

«That's out of the question. I have nothing to tell you. Don't call me anymore.»

Elsa indignantly opened her mouth: {He dropped the connection! How dare he?!} – she immediately called again, but he refused to answer. This angered the girl even more, and also significantly strengthened her suspicions about his involvement in the escape.

«How can I meet with the investigator Dick?!» – she persistently asked the commissar.

«Um… Dick seems to have a free schedule. I can try to arrange your meeting, but if he doesn't want it, then it is unlikely that the meeting will take place.»

«Damn it!» – Elsa swore, angrily stamping her foot.

Three days passed. It was late in the afternoon.

After the information published by journalists, scandalous rumors spread around the city that "The Demon Huntress" caught "The Dark Baron", but missed him right in the hall of the department during the transfer to the guards. Say, she relaxed her vigilance, and the large fish slipped right out of her hands.

Elsa was ready to burst with anger because of this situation! Dastardly journalists, instead of calling the department's dungeon an «outhouse», blamed her for everything!

Of course, the girl understood that reporters spread only the news that is beneficial to the government. They would never question the reliability of the empire's strictest dungeon in the eyes of the citizens, so they were ordered to blame "The Demon Huntress" for everything. Now the superheroine has turned into a laughing stock.

{I did so much for the capital, and this is what you did to me…} – the blonde wanted to cry from resentment, but tears did not come. She, a fighter for justice, has never experienced such injustice towards herself. It was as if she had been poked in the dirt with her face!

{Well, then deal with "The Dark Baron" without me!} – after such a betrayal, Elsa's pride will not allow her to cooperate with the department, but without it she will not have a place to put criminals… I'll have to drop this case. Goodbye, superhero activity…

Nevertheless, Stone will not rest until she is convinced or refutes her suspicions about Dick.

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