Evil Break

: Section Three: The Days

That day, some people died. Although they were extremely painful, at least they were relieved.

That day, some people survived. Although they were extremely fortunate, what was waiting for them in the future was that endless cruelty, brutality and pain.

On that day, some lives were worse than death. They had changed. They were no longer called people. They were struggling in the twisted and broken flesh.

He is an ordinary and ordinary father, living a mediocre life every day, doing boring work, and earning a salary to support his family.

That morning, he squeezed onto the subway as usual, and like everyone else, was taken to the city by this long iron can.

He works at an ordinary small financial company, just above a small ten-story building in the center of the city.

Opposite the small building is a thirty-story skyscraper, shaped like a minaret.

That is the chain building, the city's famous landmark, is also the headquarters of the chain group.

The memory flashed and shattered violently. The rusty safe in the ruins began to shake, and a large amount of smelly flesh and blood poured out from the cracks. It spread on the ground around the safe and collected the broken bodies just now.

Do not. . . Now that building is called the decisive battle point, here is called the restricted area.

The box monster butcher is slowly reborn, no one knows how he did it, and with what powerful power he supports this infinite recovery ability.

This is only clear to him.

That day, as usual, he walked into the small building where the company is located. Before entering the door, he heard a strange sound.

Looking up, the top floor of the imprisoned chain building shoots a dark green laser beam towards the sky, which is extremely clear and dazzling even in the daytime.

"Look, is there any new high-tech product made by the chain?"

"It should be, it seems that boss Hu changed his name to Sargeras some time ago, it seems to say what is a brand new start."

Listening to the conversation with the passers-by, his father shook his head. These rich people are not interested in themselves. They still have a daughter to raise. Working hard is justified.

The dark green laser shot into the air seemed to smash the sky and set off a violent gust of wind.

The sky seemed to break a hole, and the hole was dark, and nothing could be seen clearly.

Then disaster came.

Every survivor of the last days of the ruins remembers very clearly, that is the beginning of the apocalyptic ceremony.

That day, there was a rumbling sound resounding through the world like a thunderstorm. There were four horseback riding horses in the black hole, and they walked so empty.

"When I saw the lamb uncovering all the seven deadly sins, I heard a voice like thunder, and he said, you come."

"He came on a red horse, held a long bow, and gave a crown to all beings. He won and won, and he spilled war on the earth."

"He came on a green horse, and the disaster cloud followed, as if it was endless, he swept the plague to all living beings."

"He rides a black horse and holds a skull hammer. Endless hunger and desire accompany him. The flesh will die in hunger and the soul will die in desire."

"He rides the white horse, with a rusty scythe on his back. He doesn't move, and he doesn't need to move. He is silent eternal death. Life itself is meaningless. Only death can understand the meaning of survival."

That day, no one knew why Hu Feng suddenly changed his name to Sargeras.

That day, he launched the Apocalypse ceremony, released the four Apocalypse knights, and allowed them to bring the long-awaited end of the apocalypse to the world.

The chaos has begun, the endless war between countries has no reason, no reason.

The endless chaos in the city, people who fell into endless hunger and desire began to kill, **** and **** in order to satisfy their empty holes.

The cold winds in Siberia burst, mixed with plague and death, blowing to the world.

The city of mankind was destroyed and turned into pieces of ruin.

Hell is shattered, and endless demons flood into the world. In order to survive, they no longer cover up themselves, and begin to declare war with humans and compete for territory.

Heaven also fell. The extremely large aerial city appeared in the sky with the fragmentation of subspace, and then whistled with golden flames.

The wings of the angels' feathers ignited the flame of Holy Light, and they followed their cities and fell together.

Then they were also affected. There is no creature to resist in the apocalyptic ceremony, as long as you still have a soul.

The imprisoned chain building became the center of war. Humans were full of anger. They wanted revenge. They wanted to kill Hu Feng, the initiator of all this.

But Hu Feng, who has been assimilated by Sargeras, is extremely powerful, and he still has a steady stream of pure demonic legions.

Decisive battle points for the battlefield, the human army is ignoring the loss of attack.

But his father didn't care about it, now he just wanted to find his daughter.

The school is not far from here, he has to rush over, take his daughter, and escape from this city that is turning into ruins and crazy places.

But he can never get there.

The cold wind of death and plague eroded his body, and his flesh was decaying and shattering.

But the inner desire to be magnified by famine infinitely turned into motivation.

I can't die, I have to save my daughter.

'S father's eyes were scarlet, and the blood flowing from his eyes had covered his eyes.

Is disintegrating, he is still dying, no one can resist death.

Father crawling on the ruined street, his inner emotions expanded infinitely.

Death is about to take away his life, but his soul will remain in the hunger and hunger and become a ghost unable to come into contact with the world.

In the shop next to ~ www.readwn.com ~ A group of crazy robbers moved out a safe, but they could n’t pry it out, and more people poured out from the shop, they wanted to **** it.

Eventually, they all died and died of fratricide.

Death took them away, leaving nothing behind because they had no obsession.

Father leaned against the safe, he knew he could no longer walk.

In scarlet sight, the city is collapsing and the world is collapsing.

He died next to the safe. His hands were holding the safe tightly because of unwillingness and obsession. He tried to get up finally, but he obviously failed.

On that day, deep underground, around the world, many round steel gates were slowly closed at the same time, and countless defensive runes were carved on the gates, isolating a large number of early-entering residents from the above-ground world forever. Start a new life in an underground refuge, or a new suffering.

The Demon Hunting Club and the regular army are still at the offensive decisive battle point. The war and riots have dragged the city into the abyss.

The memory shattered sharply.

In the ruins, the Box Monster Butcher reinstalled the chainsaw on his left arm, picked up his spiked hammer, and banged the rusty safe on his shoulder three times.

Because of the distortion, he has long forgotten who his long-dead daughter is, but his obsession will never dissipate.

Relying on his distorted and broken memories, he would recreate a daughter or look for an old daughter who was taken away by the singer of Doom.

In the endless ruins, the box monster butcher took heavy steps to collect the surrounding corpses.

Wow! Wow! Wow!

The percussion sound was a bit sad and sad.

He always reminds himself that he should never forget the mission and desire that can never be completed.

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