Evil Break

Chapter 149: : Famine Knight and Endless Craving

Hu Feng did not answer, but stared at the famine knight in front of him, carefully sensing his power, ready to open the quantum transmission device in his space ring at any time.

At the same time, Hu Feng clearly felt that the desires in his heart were rapidly expanding.

For women's possessive desire, the desire for powerful power, the need for sex, from the body to the soul, the endless desire makes Hu Feng very restless.

"Ah ... you released me, you are still a pure demon ... It's a pity that for those who set me free, I will not eat you kindly, temporarily ... now, go and collect for me A group of souls, hungry! "

The old man made a hoarse and unpleasant voice, and said to Hu Feng with the tone of command.

really. . . I had planned to sign a contract with the famine knight before, but now it seems to be nonsense at all. When people just come out, they are the posture of a big brother and a second son.

Trying to suppress his desires, Hu Feng is ready to take action, quick battle and quick decision, with the greatest chance of winning.

It can be clearly felt now that the Famine Knight is in a period of weakness and weakness just after breaking the seal, coupled with the long-term lack of food supplements, it is unable to devour the soul essence, so the power has dropped by several percent.

Otherwise, the famine knight in the heyday, even if he is a **** against his constitution, the effects of famine caused by famine are not beyond his control at this stage.

Instantly full horsepower, evil energy flowing rapidly in the blood vessels, a burst of devil-specific tyranny filled my mind.

With a roar, Hu Feng waved his hands fiercely. Seven or eight evil energy fire pillars roared towards the famine knight like a serpent. Hu Feng followed and rushed to the famine knight to prepare for close combat.

"Ah ... you release me, but attack me again, then I don't need to be kind to you ..."

A dark purple flame ignited on the two wheels of the black wheelchair under the old man, and invisible special energy waves began to spread out.

Outside the cemetery, the demons have begun to become restless, and the famine knight magnifies the demonic tyranny and desire to kill and destroy in their hearts.

Just when they were about to lose control and began to kill each other, the enemy arrived.

A large number of golden beams of light descended from the sky. After the light dissipated, a team of ordinary angels appeared on the spot, and they temporarily occupied the nearby humans.

Seeing the Angel of Holy Light, the demons instantly lost their intention to kill each other and rushed towards the angel with a roar.

The angels were also affected by the famine knight, and their hatred for demons reached a new height directly. They wished to purify the world in an instant and to exterminate demons once.

And in the gap of the railway, the fight is also fierce here.

The demon hunter and the demon army of **** are also extremely jealous when they meet each other, coupled with the effects of famine, so the two parties simply start to kill each other without further ado.

The sound of gunshots and the shouting of exorcism spells, accompanied by the fiery flames, stirred up the railway battlefield into a melee, and there was no way to fight it.

However, the big brothers on both sides did not show up, and were waiting for the other party to resist.

Stanley is an old fox, so it goes without saying.

Purifier Rasha must also be watching the battlefield, but before seeing Stanley appear, he decides not to take the shot for the time being.

The famine knight stretched out his dry arm and pushed hard forward, and the seven or eight evil energy pillars were stopped hard, as if hitting a wall of air.

A demon with a height of more than three meters rushed out of the evil flame, and Hu Feng had transformed into a form of fear demon king.

While charging, he released a dark green rotten bee colony, mixed with the corrosive energy of the shadow, and advanced towards the famine knight under the control of Hu Feng.

"Famine comes on a dark horse, bringing hunger, poverty, endless desires, and uncontrollable dementia."

The rotten bee swarm struck the famine, and the old man burst into a hoarse roar, and then a deep purple energy ripple spread out like a tsunami.

Hu Feng raised his right claw, propped up a fel shield, and fought hard to resist, and continued to move forward.

The stone hall is gradually disintegrating and decomposing, turning into a strand of fine sand, flying all over the sky.

The black wheelchair made a squeak, and the dark purple flames on the two wheels sharply strengthened.

The old man showed an ugly smile. The next moment he controlled the wheelchair. A sharp dark purple famine-origin energy arrow condensed in front of him and launched a counterattack towards Hu Feng.

Never confront a knight with a head-on charge, especially if you are an infantry. This is the most basic and primitive military principle of human beings. It also applies to Hu Feng at this moment.

"Your soul will be my first tonic to restore strength ..."

The two sides collided fiercely, and a huge burst of energy burst out in an instant.

Although evil energy is extremely offensive and lethal energy, the Famine Knight uses a very special spiritual source energy. Compared with actual killing, his power is more inclined to affect the spirit and soul.

But some truths are constant, and the infantry can't hit the cavalry, and the plot without codes is not as good as the plot with codes. . . Nonsence!

Hu Feng felt as if he had been hit hard by a wall, and he stepped back a few steps. In the future, he had to condense a new wave of evil energy, and he was caught by an invisible energy palm. Midair ~ www.readwn.com ~ Ah. . . How long has it been since I have n’t eaten the soul of a pure demon? Do not. . . This state is not enough, let me take a look. . . The deepest desires and deepest desires in your heart are all inspired, so that they are delicious. . . "

The origin of the deep purple famine began to flow into Hu Feng continuously, and the latter suddenly changed into human form uncontrollably.

The feeling of endless longing tumbling in the heart and being targeted by the famine knight alone is simply unparalleled beauty.

I want to possess Hu Mingjing immediately, with her non-stop, and also want to possess Chen Xiaopin at the same time. I don't care how the two of them will react.

But what I want most. . . It is power, to devour the famine knight and gain powerful power!

The evil flame burned violently, and Hu Feng began to flow dark green evil flames all over his body. The intensity was so strong that it surpassed the pure demon form of the dreadlord.

Hu Feng was overjoyed, and the Famine Knight was also considered to be free. He wanted to make his soul more delicious, and he did succeed. Now his inner desire is stronger than ever and turned into a momentum.

The Famine Knight couldn't have imagined that the pure devil's greatest desire turned out to be devouring himself. Someone could really do this, and turned this persistence into the most desired emotion.

The evil flame in Hu Feng's eyes had already reached the height of his forehead, staring at the famine knight in front of him. With the brute force of the evil energy in his body, he directly broke away from the fetters of the famine.

"I really want to thank you for your help. Do you want to see my deepest desire? Then I will satisfy you now, ha ha ha ha ha ..."

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