Evil Break

Chapter 153: : Angel confrontation and nuclear bomb Hu Feng

It looks like a golden city floating in the sky.

The Gothic cathedral, streamlined towering towers, the golden clouds scattered around, and the happy little angels flapping their wings and flying between the various buildings together form this stable small subspace: heaven.

Heaven and **** are actually two small subspaces parasitic in the main space. If the main space collapses, these two subspaces will never have a way to live.

Do n’t think that heaven and **** are so unattainable, how mysterious, the entrances that can lead to these two places are actually more in the main space, but they are all disguised, covered up, or guarded.

For example, **** is at the entrance of Shenzhen City in the heavens. It was created behind the devil, and it was placed directly in the company of their regular business, which is convenient for entry and exit.

As for heaven. . . No creature other than angels has found its entrance.

It is also possible that a few unlucky eggs inadvertently found a certain entrance, and then were killed by the angel.

If someone says that heaven is beautiful and harmonious, hairy little angels are playing music with broken harps everywhere, laughter is everywhere, justice and noble souls are everywhere, ascending to heaven and the like after death. . .

Put your mother's spicy spicy beef offal! In addition to the golden clouds everywhere, the building is also solemnly retro, and the other aspects are simply cold and cold in the extreme!

Ascended to heaven after death to enjoy the blessing? Cuihua, don't dream, even if there is a human soul coming to heaven, the final ending will either be transformed into an ordinary angel or used as an energy battery.

Especially now, the atmosphere of heaven is even stranger.

Since the purifier Rasha and the punisher Morian have been in conflict with Holy Aletya, the supporters of the two sides have almost started to face coldly.

Aletya voluntarily accepted any public interrogation or opened a general meeting for discussion, and Purifier Rasha grasped this and tried to disintegrate the forces of Aletya ’s army.

However, the angel soldiers of the Aletya Legion were unhappy. Under the leadership of the charge captain Uriel, they completely blocked the site of their legion, and placed them in human society as if they were barricades. Too.

Do you want to disrupt us? Weaken Aletya's power? There are no doors! Lao Tzu is on the bar with you fallen guys! If you dare to come hard, we will fight!

In this regard, Purifier Rasha scolded Uriel as a shameful depraved, betrayal and civil war element that split angels, and demanded that he consciously point out and accept punishment.

Well, you continue to talk nonsense, if I go out one step I will be your son!

Alettoya also dissuaded many times and tried to calm down the excessive actions of his army soldiers, but they were all stigmatized in the past for various reasons.

Okay, this loss is kindly provided by Hu Feng.

"Okay, Lord Legion! Obey, Lord Legion! Rest assured, Lord Legion! We will do it soon!"

Then. . . Shouldn't it be still, we didn't say how fast it was soon.

Anyway, in a word, end any trial and discussion of Aletya, restore all Aletia ’s original post, everyone lives as good as before to kill the devil, we will stop.

However, the situation is still not optimistic. Most angels now tend to purify Rasha and Punisher Morian. After all, Aletya is indeed involved with Hu Feng ’s pure demon. This is what she personally admits. Can't afford it.

"Aletya, you admit that you met the pure demon Hu Feng a few months ago, and did not obey the doctrine of the Holy Light to destroy it, but had communication and long-term contact with it?"

"I admit that because Hu Feng is a special demon, his heart is longing for justice, and his actions have proved this many times, providing many important help to heaven." Aletya nodded, eyes wide. The golden light in the flashed a few times, and said calmly.

Purifier Rasha didn't answer, but continued to ask.

"Aletya, you admit that you have provided angel defensive runes and magic circles for your evil old nest without permission from heaven during your contact with the pure demon Hu Feng, and have repeatedly expressed support for him in public? "

"Hu Feng is not evil. Those defensive rune circles are also expulsive and will not hurt any angels."

All in all, this is the previous interrogation process. Aletya personally admitted all doubts about herself, causing uproar in heaven.

The vast majority of angels do n’t care whether Hu Feng is evil or not, and he only needs to know that he is a pure demon. Even if he provides a few help to heaven, no one can be sure whether he is deliberate. Figure, or just to escape the justice trial in heaven.

Now, he also lured the archangel divine Aletya to fall, giving her some ridiculous ideas such as that demons may not all be evil.

Then Hu Feng took the initiative to release the Apocalypse Knight, and did not know what evil method was used. Instead, he became the new famine knight.

This moment made the angels even more boiling, and the mainstream theories began to fall towards the purifier Rasha.

That's the Apocalypse Knight! At that time, the creators Naru worked hard to seal them all. Now Hu Feng, a bastard, has directly released one, and replaced it by himself?

A completely free famine knight, this is terrible, this is too dangerous.

It is rumored that after the four apocalypse knights are together, they can launch an apocalyptic ritual that is enough to destroy the world. All life will suffer the most terrible disaster, and then the earth will enter the next life evolution cycle.

This is absolutely not allowed!

Some radical angels have already shouted, and they asked Aletya to enter the prison cage for self-reflection and self-purification, and then to remove all the pollution and depravity caused by the demon Hu Feng and then come out.

If this proposal is put in front, the purifier Rashana will definitely say nothing, and by this opportunity, Aletya will be sent in.

But now it's different, because he didn't dare to gamble, he had scruples.

In case Hu Feng's demon is really so arrogant, if he finds a way to make trouble in heaven, then the fun will be great.

The metaphor of human beings is: Hu Feng is now a nuclear bomb ~ www.readwn.com ~ Whose house is he going to blow up, then who will finish the ball properly, the endless famine will sweep everything in an instant.

Although the relationship between Hu Feng and Hell is not very good, and he still has a few pits against each other from time to time, but in the face of heaven, he knows with both **** that the two parties will definitely cooperate fully.

This powerful foreign aid of Aletya must be cut off.

Purifier Rasha decided to send someone to contact Hu Feng. Anyway, he is now a famine knight. His own power has also established a foothold. Heaven's hunting order has actually turned into a dead letter.

By this opportunity, he just announced the forgiveness to show his kindness and generosity.

This should allow him to give up his support for Aletya.

After all, he had a good relationship with Aletya, was it not to avoid purification from heaven?

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