Evil Break

Chapter 156: : Friendly negotiation and special plot

"This **** is unacceptable to us in hell! According to item B47 of the 26th item in the cooperation contract, both parties should divide and divide the hunting area on the basis of full cooperation! Now you have all the downtown areas, This is not fair! "The demon in a well-dressed suit with a black briefcase next to him shouted loudly, prompting a response from the other demons sitting aside.

"You can get as much as you give! This is already for the sake of the contract, you low-lying ordinary demons!" The compatriots nodded immediately.

"Your seven deadly sins are simply unreasonable! And your inexplicable discrimination, I will complain to you about this attitude to hell!"

This is a business meeting room at the Seven Virtue Holiday Hotel. In a harmonious atmosphere of friendly negotiation and mutual understanding, the two demons have an in-depth discussion on the end of the parallel ruins that will invade.

Well, in short, it's a mess, and the noisy market is generally noisy.

Letting the seven deadly sins negotiate and negotiate with the **** side is simply to deliberately give way to people. These seven special demons have never given up the idea of ​​discriminating against ordinary demons, and now they are unabashed in the negotiations.

"Let your british man come over! That worthless big soldier!"

"Dare you insult the king of hell!"

"Hahaha, I haven't started insulting yet, I just state the facts!"

"To shut up!"

A fiery flame whizzed and flew past, and then the situation instantly exploded, and the two demons began a brazen physical fight, and the tables and chairs were smashed.

The door opened, and a succubus disguised as a female human, wearing a black OL professional attire came in and hugged a few eyes, then took out a notebook and began to write and paint.

"Damage hotel private property, pay 300% of the market price, support WeChat Alipay scan code payment, you are the same." Then, Miss Succubus pointed out that he was negotiating the **** negotiator The seven deadly sins.

All in all, negotiations and consultations finally have a beginning.

At least everyone started to talk! This is a big step forward.

The first stop of the parallel eschatological world invasion is naturally Refuge No. 66, and this refuge is located in this city. As a beachhead position, Hu Feng and Hell are striving for their own key sites.

As long as you have a firm foothold, no matter whether it is Hu Feng or Hell, you can start to expand steadily and happily harvest your soul.

Stanley is very busy, he did not come to participate in this meeting, directly handed over to his professional devil lawyer team.

Hu Feng is not very busy, but he also did not attend the meeting, and directly handed over the seven deadly sins that were neither professional nor reasonable.

"If you don't come, help me and let you manage your finances. Now I use a demon. I still have to stare at all times to prevent the group of devil from doing small things."

Not far from his home, Chen Xiaopin's home, Hu Feng tilted Erlang's legs paralyzed on the sofa, watching the woman in front of him holding a laptop, typing something on the keyboard.

Now when Hu Feng is okay, he walks around after a meal, walks around and sits here for a while, looking forward to the popping plot that may be triggered.

Chen Xiaopian confessed to him with a glance, "I think it's really beautiful, and I want me to work for your boss Hu, right? I'm doing a good job in the bank, why do I have to change jobs."

"Isn't it a little more convenient for you to go to work, let's say ... It's being pressed by Hu Minghan's tigress every day, don't you feel uncomfortable."

"Going to you, although Sister Han is a little more serious, she is still very good to us."

"Then you agreed? Very good, no need to interview, come to work directly after the New Year." Hu Feng nodded and immediately caused Chen Xiaoping to blink his eyes.

"Who agrees, can you stop someone from talking like this, I won't go."

"Do not accept the rebuttal, come here after the New Year, obedient, or I will **** you." Then, Hu Feng got up and came to the bed with a wretched smile.

Almost every time, both of them are in a state of half-pushing. Although Chen Xiaopian has always told himself that this is wrong, he must stop this state, but he can't say the heavy things every time.

"You demon, I can tell you whether you believe it or not! Ah! Don't pinch! I haven't finished writing the report yet!"

"Then let me sue, I promise not to run away, hehe ..." Putting his hand into Chen Xiaopin's loose home coat, Hu Feng began a groping exploration.

"Yesterday I watched a new cat movie, AP-366, which has a new posture that looks quite reliable. Let's try it this time." He said to Chen Xiaopin's ear while groping and rubbing.

"You gangster! Every time ... um ... I have to make those strange gestures!"

"Okay, then normal posture ... Call dad!"

"Kill you!"

After some rain and rain, the two lay in bed gasping for breath, and Chen Xiaopin's flushed face had not receded.

"You have that kind of ... after the evil energy, do you know that it is used in these places! Men are really all perverts!"

"One person wins the **** and the dog ascends to heaven, not to mention my second brother, naturally let him take off with me as well." Hu Feng laughed a few times, since he discovered that evil energy still has the special effect of strengthening a certain part He immediately strengthened and sublimated his second brother.

Ok. . . The armor has evolved, the evil energy is corrupted, and it is simply beautiful!

Although it can be made to the size of black people ~ www.readwn.com ~ but Hu Feng thought about it or shelved the idea, but just make it longer and bolder.

After all, I don't want to walk around with an extra-long second brother all day, so I'm not used to it.

"Ah, is it more durable than before? This time it has been more than an hour."

"You want to kill me, right?" Chen Xiaoping sniffed Hu Feng with a strong sniff, and then stood up ready to take off the **** black silk worn by her lower body. "You are perverted, always let me wear these, you never would before ... um ..."

Before he finished talking, he was hugged and pressed back under him.

"Don't make trouble, don't come ... Ah!"

Entering the warm and humid secret area again, Hu Feng felt refreshed.

"Last time, obedient ... you're not too comfortable."

"No ... um ... I don't want ... ah!"

Along with the popping sound caused by the twitching, Chen Xiaopian's eyes were blurred and he hugged the man firmly, all his thoughts were thrown behind his head.

"Now, don't you want to stop?" Hu Feng biting Chen Xiaopian's earlobe and exhaling heat while doing physical exercises.

"Um ... don't ... stop."

"Call dad!"

"Don't call ... um ..."

grass! Sure enough, it's not that easy!

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