Evil Break

: Section 6: The game of death is not not reported

boom! boom! Bang Bang Bang!

Violent percussive sounds flooded the dark hotel corridor.

The corridor is very strange. At the ends of both sides are walls. There are no stairs or elevators for going up and down, like a closed cage suspended in mid-air.

This is the thirteenth floor of the Seven Virtue Sunshine Holiday Hotel. During the expansion and heightening of this building, Hu Feng specially separated a layer on the central floor for those things that are invisible.

Such as captivity, such as various evil experiments.

Oh wrong, the thirteenth floor can only be called the second evil place. The first proper is the huge corpse and incinerator in the basement, where at least a dozen humans or It is the body of the devil.

The people who disappeared in this building will disappear forever. No one can find them, and no one dares to check them.

Although the decoration on the thirteenth floor is exactly the same as the Seven Virtue Hotel, strictly speaking, it is also part of the hotel, but it is not open to the public, and there is no 13 on the external elevator. The only access to the elevator is Hu Feng ’s private top floor , And the entrance and exit of the third floor can be lowered or raised a movable wall at any time by remote control.

There are more than two dozen suites in the corridor. These five-star luxury prisons, which are no different from hotel rooms, are estimated that no one is willing to live in for free. After all, it is very likely that they will die.

At the moment, the thirteenth floor has been filled with more than half, and more than a dozen men and women have been detained in their own rooms.

Some people are desperately shouting or thumping the door, trying to attract outside attention.

Others wandered around in dim, windowless rooms, looking for ways to escape.

All electronic equipment was searched, and there was no electricity in the room, only water, and food that the ghosts threw in on time.

Then they stopped trying to beat the door or make noise because they found the place haunted!

Looking out through the cat's eyes on the room door, the lights in the corridor flickered and flickered, and then saw a body crawling over quickly, bringing the sound of learning.

Trying to look around, trying to find out what it was, the flesh and blood Sadako satisfies this group of curious men and women.

He slammed into the door of a room, his head just facing the cat's eyes, and the person who was watching carefully immediately shouted with tears of heart and tears, and crawled back to the ground.

Then the TV in each room suddenly lights up, and flakes of snowflakes and no signal flash on the screen.

There is no electricity in the room, how does the TV light up?

Before they could recover, Zrazzra's voice sounded, followed by a male voice.

"August 14, 2001, I think you should all still have an impression, maybe not. Like you, you have been a pile of garbage and scum since you were young.

"If you don't study well in school, all day long you help gangs to fight, and you always think you are so cool and awesome. It's really sad. A group of trash students who have not been hit by society always think they are fearless."

"Then you always bully those honest good students, blackmail others, beat others, satire and insult others, and the country may look at you as minors, thereby indulging your school violence and even crime, but I am not the same. Once some mistakes are made, you have to pay the price. No matter how old you are, I think your parents who are equally lowly and always love to shirk their responsibilities have never taught you this. You always hold the **** idea that minor children should be forgiven when they make mistakes, without a little tutoring and upbringing. "

"So ... I decided to help your parents educate you, as for the tuition fees ... you will soon know what it is."

"This first lesson is about Qian Rang. From this moment, you will not get any food and fresh water. The door will open once a day, and the things that will allow you to live are placed at the end of the corridor. . Are you evenly distributed, or do you use fists and insults to solve problems according to your behavior? "

"Oh also, you will never be able to get out, unless only the last person is left, maybe I will see you put on your poor share, by the way, there is a sharp fruit knife in the room toilet, Everyone has it. "

As the TV screen went out again, there was a crunch in the toilet in each room, and a shiny fruit knife appeared on the floor out of thin air.

On the private top floor, in the central monitoring room, Hu Feng looked at the monitoring screen on the thirteenth floor, which displayed the scene in each room in real time.

"I have captured all the people who participated in that year, and they are also revisited. It is too cheap to kill them directly, isn't it."

Ying Li looked at the men and women who were in a daze or crazy on the monitoring screen, and remained silent for a long time.

"I remember them ... they surrounded me on the rooftop ... slapped me in the face ... scolded me ... and forced me to take off my clothes to take pictures ... I resisted ... and then I died."

Hu Feng snorted, turned the rotating chair, and looked at Ying Li.

"So they have to pay the price. According to the record information, because they were all minors at that time, the most important one was that they spent a few years in the youth management office, and finally got a good performance and actively changed it. Evaluation, it ’s ... It ’s nasty. "

After all, Hu Feng turned to the direction of the monitor screen again and watched a ghost holding a large pile of fast food and bottled water to the side of the end of the corridor.

There will be fewer and fewer supplies, from satisfying everyone at the beginning to only one person at the end,

"So let them kill each other. After they die, their souls will be imprisoned in this building, and then I will pull them up and try to see how long their souls can last in the evil flame."

Subsequently, Hu Feng pressed a button on the console.

On the thirteenth floor corridor, a piercing alarm sounded, and then all the doors opened suddenly.

"Go, my lovely children, eat and drink outside ~ www.readwn.com ~ Oh, yes, if you feel hungry, you can try to **** the female friends around you, I guarantee here absolutely It will be kept secret, and no one will find out what happened here, hahaha. "

More than a dozen men and women rushed out. Instead of getting food and water, they began frantically looking for outlets.

Then they were disappointed because they couldn't get out at all. This was a dark prison.

"Friendly reminder, there are still four minutes. When the time is up, food and water will be gone, and the women around you will not be able to pull yourself into the room."

Because the supplies are sufficient, more than a dozen people are at peace, but instead they encourage and encourage each other. The order and hypocrisy of normal society also allow them to maintain their masks.

But as time goes on, as supplies become less and less, they will eventually become beasts and abandon their humanity.

They will kill each other, and will wantonly vent their desires.

"Do you want to ... let go of the last one?"

Back to the living room with Hu Feng, Ying Li asked.

Hu Feng smiled and rubbed Ying Li's long black hair.

"Yeah, I said I did it. When they died, the last one left, and I let him go, hoping that the last survivor would like the ruins of the last days, and still have no weapons to defend themselves ... Um, very Soon there will be a ruined wanderer who will thank me for his free food. "

Some mistakes are made, then you have to pay the price, maybe not now, but after all, it is coming.

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