Evil Break

Chapter 192: : 3-way Qifa and Dark March

"Remember that if you meet a hostile angel or demon, you will shoot immediately, and the rune bullets will cause great damage to them."

"This is a joint operation. The angels of the Aletoa Legion and the robot corps will move with us to surround the decisive battle point from three directions. I do n’t want our side to be the wrong side. Understand! "

End of the World, Union of Underground Refuges, Virtue Town.

The demon army wearing the German SS SS uniforms during World War II is appearing in batches through quantum transmitters, and then quickly assembled on the ground at the exit of the subway station.

The roar of the engines rang through the surrounding streets, and the armored soldiers were carrying out the final inspection of the tank.

Before coming to the end of the ruins, Hu Feng decided to go to a military bunker in the Alps, so that all his black cross demon soldiers were awakened again. Except for a small part of them who went to join Xiuli, the remaining Most of the soldiers were sent to the end of the world through quantum wearers.

After the angels of the Aletya Legion learned of the operation, they also came under the leadership of Uriel and said they wanted to fight together.

If Hu Feng's plan succeeds and seizes Aletya on this side, then using her essence, it is very likely to be able to revive Aletia on her side.

The metal skeleton robot force led by man-made men has already set off ahead of time. These torrents of steel are like tide flowing on the ruined streets, or they can quickly move between the gravel and the wall towards the battle point building Move forward.

"Okay ... now I can ... send it here at any time." Ying Li appeared behind Hu Feng and said.

Hu Feng nodded, "That's good, I won't have to travel through quantum transmitters in the future, haha."

With Yingli, the new doomsday singer who completely listens to her, Hu Feng can now come and go as he wants.

"Hu Feng, we are ready to go at any time." A sound of wings fluttered, and Uriel appeared beside Hu Feng.

Hu Feng nodded, "Your hair loss status is sure now? Isn't it? Also, don't see Aletya here, you don't want to go under the psychological burden."

"Relax, no, Aletya here is not the head of our legion, we will not have any pity and psychological burden." Uriel's tone was very firm, but the expression changed into anxiety at the next moment. "As for our current state, we are indeed not very optimistic. We cannot get the energy supplement of heaven. Once we run out of energy, although we will not enter the dormant state, we can no longer produce the Holy Light, nor can we use our own power."

Hu Feng frowned and thought for a while, "After the battle is over, I will help you find a way. The kind of angel-specific body in heaven will replenish energy, and no one will create it. This is the biggest problem. You can't add 95 petrol to you ... "

Ok. . . Open one of the gates behind the angel and insert a fuel pipe to add gasoline. . . . This picture is a bit philosophical and I dare not continue to think about it.

In the ruined city, countless scouts or electronic reconnaissance equipment are now watching the three terrifying giant troops, observing and predicting their marching routes and targets.

The Salvation Army, this suddenly emerged organization, was not taken seriously by all forces in the last days. It was only considered to be a small group of neutral robbers who were messed up by a group of demons with brains.

Now it seems that the estimation is seriously wrong. This is not a small gang of robbers. This is a huge force, and the poor soldiers are militarized, and the quantity and quality of the army are simply terrifying.

The group of demons wearing World War II German SS uniforms is initially estimated to be at least between 20,000 and 40,000, and the military discipline is serious. It is completely a regular army with complete preparation, not a kind of temporary patchwork.

And they have tank troops on their horses! What is that at the front? Tiger King tank? Make trouble! Play it! Which museum ruin did they come from?

But they soon discovered that these tanks are not serious tanks. . . Nonsence! None of them are normal tanks, they have all undergone a great transformation of evil energy, from the engine to the main gun fire, which is simply awkward.

This demon army is rampant all the way, it is a straight line, regardless of whether it is ruins or creatures, as long as it is blocking the road, then the end will only be killed by a firearm.

In this regard, the small group of ruined rogues destroyed by the regiment has the most say.

They originally occupied a building that was not too broken, sitting in the broken building happily eating and sleeping, but the result was that people were sitting at home, and the pot came from heaven.

The sound of the turrets turning round and round, and then saw those demon army antique tanks of World War II, like eating aphrodisiac, firing like a machine gun, one after another 88 caliber high energy bombs bombarded in front On the wall of the building.

Then the demon soldiers launched a charge, and the unique and clear sound of MP-40 bursts of fire in the building.

The soldier's shape of the Black Cross division shocked the forces under surveillance. Each soldier wore a black army coat very similar to a trench coat, with a skull mask on his face, and the mouth of the mask was sealed off on a smooth surface. Carved with a black sharp cross mark.

This army does not keep alive, let alone captive, anyway, it is straight forward all the way, all the blocks are slagging.

But why did this demon army prefer to use those German World War II tanks? Judging from the data currently observed, they clearly can. . .


Two steel mechanical giant dogs with a length of three meters and a height of more than one meter rushed up from the rear, with no eyes on the huge head, and only a black sharp cross mark, and sharp steel in the large mouth below The fangs, any obstacles in front of them, are directly crushed into slag.

Then the two mechanical giant dogs opened their mouths and fired two missiles at the ruins in front of them. With the sound of explosions, the front has been abruptly opened a path to continue ~ www.readwn.com ~ Okay. . . They can indeed, not only the old antiques modified in World War II, but also high-tech mechanical creations.

Watching the two mechanical giant dogs start to spray a flame, burning a group of ruined rogues that escaped the explosion, the latter made a scream of screams.

The Salvation Army of Evil, this sudden emergence, all parties have a preliminary assessment.

Don't provoke if you can. . . This group of demons is simply a group of lunatics.

Compared with this group of evil stars, everyone still plans to go to the other side of the city, which is also a new **** colony that suddenly appeared.

Regarding this point, after the latest news was sent by scouts and monitoring devices in other nearby areas, each of them became more determined not to provoke the idea.

There are still a group of angels on their horse! There is also a large group of robots! At the same time, the building was surrounded from three directions towards the decisive point.

What the **** is this evil salvation army? . .

Regardless of the doubts, the parties decided to avoid their edge, and originally planned to send people to the decisive battle point, or had already sent the forces of the people, and they all evacuated urgently.

You are a good guy, let you play at the decisive battle point.

After all, looking at that cruel look, all forces do not think that this evil salvation army will have any peaceful coexistence.

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