Evil Break

: Section 7: Hu Mingjing's Great Adventure

The main world, Shenzhen.

This southern coastal city is still extremely warm. Although there are several cold air coming in succession, they all fail in the winter without exception.

The campus of the university is still calm and comfortable, and the students in the ivory tower do not know the cruel reality of society, let alone what exists in the dark world.

However, Hu Mingjing knows that since arguing with Hu Feng and quickly reconciling, Hu Feng has prepared a series of protective measures for her, which can be said to be armed from head to toe, for fear that something is wrong with his little girlfriend.

Even the red Ferrari 458 was also modified by Hu Feng using the evil energy demon, with many more strange functions.

Since learning the truth of the dark world, Hu Mingjing feels that ordinary people around him are ignorant, but also very happy. Sometimes ignorance is a blessing, and ignorance is fearless.

Hu Feng ran to the last days in the ruins these days. Aletya was assassinated by heaven when she fell into the sky. Hu Feng had to find a way to resurrect her.

For Aletya, Hu Mingjing always has a sense of vigilance. The girl angel seems to like Hu Feng very much, even if there is a Chen Xiaopin and he is unclear. If you come to another Aletya, you must do it yourself. Strangle Hu Feng that bastard.

Go to the parking lot outside the school, open the car door and sit in, ready to go to Hu Feng's evil energy nest.

Although Hu Feng was not there, he was used to running over when he had no classes. Today, he made an appointment to go to the movies with Chen Xiaopian.

For Chen Xiaopin, Hu Mingjing can't really feel any disgust. She takes care of herself like her sister, maybe Chen Xiaopin is more competent than Hu Minghan.

The engine roared, and the red sports car slowly entered the main road.

But today I always feel a little different. When I entered the parking lot, Hu Mingjing felt that the evil crystal necklace on his chest was heating up.

This situation indicates that there are demons or angels nearby, and it is likely that they are coming to themselves.

Hu Feng is now a big move, and naturally he has become one of the goals, so Hu Mingjing is also attracted to this.

When I get along with Hu Feng at ordinary times, I have a stupid and cute look, but this does not mean that Hu Mingjing is really stupid.

Driving on the main road, the necklace is still hot. Looking at the rearview mirror, I find that two black SUVs have been closely following me.

After taking a few deep breaths to calm down, Hu Mingjing began to think about countermeasures.

Run away? This is okay, but once the little girl's stubbornness comes up, she will involuntarily start to get angry.

Endless! Coming today, usually coming tomorrow, all want to seize themselves to hold Hu Feng.

With a countermeasure in mind, Hu Mingjing did not hesitate, picked up the mobile phone next to it and dialed a call.

"I ’m being followed. I do n’t know if it ’s a demon or an angel. I do n’t plan to run away. Wait a minute and I will share the location with you. Just come over as soon as possible. Give them a lesson. Keep chasing me. ! "

The arrogance on the other side of the phone almost called Grandma. This master really dared to think about it. Since the last time he burned a **** demon in school, he has no fear of the existence of the dark world. not good.

When location sharing was turned on, Hu Mingjing glanced at the two black SUVs that were still following him, and began to drive away from the main road toward the remote trail.

Then came the throttle, and at the same time pressed the green button installed on the center console.

A dark green evil flame was immediately ejected from the exhaust port of the sports car, and the speed was suddenly accelerated. A small caliber evil hellfire rapid fire gun slowly extended above the rear of the car, and immediately detected the target behind.

"The Holy Light Energy Sensor is detected and the automatic attack mode is turned on."

The rapid-fire gun started firing continuously, and a high-energy ball of evil energy roared towards the two black SUVs in the rear.

Angel, think about it too. After the lessons of the previous few times, the **** demon has long stopped coming to fight his own idea. Now this group of angels wants to arrest themselves in order to sign some agreements with Hu Feng.

A SUV was shot and the dark green evil flame was directly ignited at the front of the car. The speed suddenly slowed down and it was estimated that it would explode soon.

The door was opened violently, and the four angels in black suits flew out directly, no longer covering up. The white wings floated behind them, fluttering and accelerating towards the sports car.

The angel in another SUV also gave up the disguise, opened the door, and joined his companion.

After looking at the location sharing, the arrogance was quickly approaching himself, and the reinforcements were soon arriving, as long as he dragged on for a little while.

Let this group of villains understand that not everyone can come to catch the target.

This road is relatively remote, and it is not at its peak now, so there is no vehicle, stepping on the accelerator and sprinting all the way forward, coupled with the fire suppression of the evil energy rapid-fire gun, the angels cannot accelerate to catch up with the sports car.

But this is not the way. The angels are getting closer and closer. After all, they have to be caught up, and they can only resist by the old way.

The sports car flicked and stopped, and the angels quickly caught up.

"Miss Hu Mingjing, we are not malicious, no matter what Hu Feng is trying to do, it is a great threat to heaven, I hope you can cooperate with us, as long as Hu Feng signed with us ..."

"Hu Feng will not sign anything with you, and I will not cooperate with you. I am fed up with you angels and demons, and always want to use me as a tool to hold Hu Feng."

Opening the car door and coming out, this time Hu Mingjing did not hesitate, just pulled out the necklace and cut off his finger, letting blood stain on it.

It seems to be because the heart is full of anger. This temporary infusion of evil energy is more violent than the last one.

Looking at Hu Mingjing, whose eyes and hands were burning with evil flames, the angels immediately became alert and made a gesture of preparation.

"You can't support it for a long time, this is not your strength, and you can't ... hurry away!"

Not finished yet, a chain of evil energy burning a fierce evil flame whistled and swept across the angels.

"But I have practiced many times, and I am fed up with those holy water squirt guns."

After all, Hu Mingjing raised his right hand, and a wicked fire dragon sprayed out, blocking the angels' attempt to fight close.

The information is wrong. Hu Feng's human girlfriend is not a normal human being who has no fighting power.

The angels hesitated whether to continue the attack. After all, their order was to catch alive. If Hu Mingjing died, it was estimated that Hu Feng would go crazy immediately, and then rushed to heaven to have a nuclear bomb explosion. This risk.

Then they lost the opportunity to evacuate.

A large dark cloud rolled over, and then scattered innumerable individual smoke fell on the ground, surrounding the eight angels in the middle.

"Look, see, who are these, and the fluffy little angel has also started to do such a lowly act of kidnapping? It's sad, ah ... I have met a few of you, when I was executed in heaven, You guys are also present, tweeting ... what good, today I can tear your wings off to make a barbecue, fry them crispy and sprinkle with cumin to taste the taste of Holy Light. "

The arrogant eyes were dark, radiating energy fluctuations outward, and the demons around were agitated, and the waves of evil energy began to gather on their hands.

"Ma'am, are you okay? By the way, the new look is good."

Hu Mingjing nodded, and he didn't worry when the reinforcements arrived.

"Let me go back, I want to let Heaven know that I will dare to disturb my life in the future ~ www.readwn.com ~ I don't need Hu Feng to do it, I will solve it for you."

With that said, Hu Mingjing gathered all the evil energy in one go, and the energy fluctuations were extremely intense in an instant. Hu Feng had invested a lot of money in this amulet.

Suddenly pulled an angel over, pressed his right hand on his head, the angel immediately issued a scream, and a strong evil flame was sprayed from the facial features.

Then the angel fell on the ground, and the facial features burned into the black hole were still steaming, and the feather wings behind them exploded violently, forming two black scorching marks on the ground.

"Leave one and put it back, kill the other two, don't let me down."

After all, Hu Mingjing turned to his sports car.

Arrogantly stunned, he smiled and bowed to Hu Mingjing.

"As you wish, ma'am."

Back in the car, listening to the sound of fighting outside and the cry of the angel, Hu Mingjing took a long sigh of relief. The aura just now disappeared completely.

It's dangerous, it's still coming, it's too tiring to pretend.

Started the car, slowly drove away from the battlefield, and returned to the main road, two black smoke hovering in the sky followed the sports car, that was the arrogant escort.

Ok. . . This matter can be shown off with Hu Feng's bastard.

After looking at the time, it was already late, so he speeded up and drove in the direction of Hu Fengxian fortress.

Ordinary small days are suitable for you. Don't come back after this big adventure.

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