Evil Break

Chapter 213: : Carristian and the open door

Refuge No. 6, science and technology, experimental technology "virtual reality".

The virtual reality they are studying is not something like Hu Feng's gimmicky VR glasses on his side of the world, but a fully immersive, fully virtual technology that directly connects the spirit.

According to Carristian's description, Hu Feng has a general understanding and impression of this black technology.

It was a cylindrical steel instrument that stood in the main test hall of the refuge No. 6.

Numerous cables and pipes were scattered on the cylindrical instrument and spread all over the shelter No. 6.

In this refuge, except for the necessary living areas for scientific researchers, there are no areas where residents live and live. They are all large collective rooms, with one oval iron bed after another in the room, each one It is filled with cables and pipes and connected to the central cylindrical instrument.

Those who experimented lay inside, and the upper shield would be lowered and closed into an oval steel egg. Then inject nutrient solution to maintain the body's function, the experimenter will fall into a deep sleep, and their spirits will feel a feeling of falling like falling into an endless abyss.

In other words, they have entered a dream, a sober dream, a common connection, and they appear together in a world of controllable dreams that have been created in advance.

As the saying goes, there are everything in dreams, and this is also very suitable for placing in this virtual reality.

"That small city is called a harmonious town, and the naming thinking of your country is really vulgar." Karistian shrugged at this moment and said some ironically. "All in all, in that sober dream, everyone can live happily, without war, without conflict, and without quarrel, everyone can get the life they want, of course ... And imagined. "Speaking of which, Carristian once again showed a twisted smile.

"Then there's a problem inside, right, plus you're perverted to make wind and rain inside, so this virtual reality plan has already deviated from its intended path." Hu Feng shouted and shook his head.

I now have a nonchalant attitude towards the ramifications of the experiment plan.

The ideal is very full, the reality is very skinny, and those over-idealized experimental plans generally do not get good results in the end.

However, the technology is still extremely useful. Hu Feng feels that the refuge technology is more precious than all kinds of experimental plans.

Maybe it's because you weren't born and raised in the last days. You can't feel the pressure of hopelessness and the eagerness to find a way out.

Shaking his head, Hu Feng looked at Caristien again.

"Very well, then the last condition will open your bangs covering your other eye. I want to see what you are hiding."

It should have been the most relaxed condition, but Caristien hesitated for a long time.

"Why? Fear of exposing your old man? My condition will not be changed." Hu Feng stared at the pervert in front and squinted.

"You can't understand my secret, so even if you show it to you, you can't get anything."

With that, Caristien raised his hand and lifted the brown bangs in front of his forehead, revealing his left eye that had been blocked.

The blood vessels around the orbit are raised, and a dark gray unknown fluid flows in them, which looks extremely daunting.

The eyeball in the eye socket is even more terrifying. It is completely the lens of a camera, constantly moving left and right, shrinking and magnifying from time to time, as if adjusting the focal length.

"So this is your biggest secret, the source of your strength, and the reason for maintaining your ghost to continue to exist in the world, and it can directly affect the physical world without the help of flesh."

Karistian is a very special ghost. He does n’t possess himself, he only teleports, and his soul is directly condensed into a physical existence, which makes people ca n’t believe his body is already dead. .

Although it is unclear what his direct attack power is, it is extremely difficult to rely on the ability to make time almost static by taking flash pictures.

Putting down the brown bangs again, covering the weird left eye, Karistian looked at Hu Feng calmly.

"Okay, I have agreed to all your conditions. Now, you can take me with you."

Hu Feng stared at him for a moment and nodded.

This perversion still hides some secrets of his own. He is by no means as simple as the lens and eye of Liu Hai, and he must be extremely vigilant.

"Then go, there is nothing to bring?"

"No, this art exhibition room will let it exist here forever. My ideal is to let my art appear all over the world, so that everyone can appreciate my supreme artwork at any time!"

"Okay, you shut your mouth, you are ready to go."

Coming to the spacious main corridor, a disposable portable quantum transmitter was placed on the floor of the corridor, the power was turned on, and the circle-shaped instrument began to emit a blue energy flow.

Instructed Caristien to walk in. The latter shrugged, and did n’t seem to worry that Hu Feng would trap him, stepped in directly, the transmitter immediately burst out of blue light, and Carristian disappeared in place, on the ground The circle instrument on it also burned to ashes.

From the ring, another disposable transmitter was pulled out and placed on the ground ~ www.readwn.com ~ Hu Feng also stepped in.

The blue light violently radiated out, and the moment he left, Hu Feng saw the sudden change at the end of the corridor.

The door leading to the lower area slammed open, and it seemed that something invisible was roaring.

A conspicuous number 0 appears on the steel door frame above the gate, which is extremely dazzling.

The fierce blue light flashed, and Hu Feng's eyes seemed to change. He was replaced by the Central Laboratory of Refuge No. 66. The strange palpitations disappeared instantly.

Caristien, the pervert, is greeting the demon researchers around him kindly. That attitude can confuse people and make people less vigilant.

However, the demons are shrewd one by one, and they are extremely vigilant against this strange visitor. If you pretend to be me, pretend to be a performance talent competition, who is afraid of who!

"Ah, my savior is back. Thank you again for taking me out of that ghost place. I never want to go back."

Caristi bowed to Hu Feng in an impersonal manner.

Hu Feng ignored these and strode to Karistian.

"Before you go, I have one last question. Those who caught you on the endless road for detention, have you seen them? How did they take you there?"

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