Evil Break

Chapter 217: : Captive and Borrowing

"Place your hand where you can see it, throw your weapon on the ground, hurry! You disgusting cannibals!"

In a dilapidated ruined building, the demon soldiers of the Black Cross Division held the evil demon in their hands to change mp-40 and aimed at a group of dozens of ruined rogues who had surrendered in front.

This group of rogues was Hu Feng's first act of capturing captives. Before encountering enemies, he has always carried out the glorious tradition of not killing captives and killing them all.

It is said that the small group of dozens of rogues also fell bloodsucker, which originally occupied a ruin, plundered here, searched there, did not recruit anyone, did not mess with them, and the big forces ignored them. , So life is also beautiful.

Well now, this group of evil salvation troops is simply unreasonable, rumbling forward in a tank, like a big crab that runs rampant.

Originally, after seeing the forces of the Salvation Army, these rogues began to prepare for a strategic retreat unhurriedly, commonly known as fleeing.

But they wanted to run, but the Salvation Army was not going to let them go. Since they found it, they could do it.

According to the new policy formulated by the great boss Hu, it has not been possible to kill all of them recently. It is necessary to keep the captives and hire a group of human employees under his command.

So the above situation happened. None of the dozens of rogues ran away, surrounded by demonic soldiers, and the rogues surrendered immediately in principle, very well-behaved.

No way, life in the last days is not easy, so don't try to find yourself suffering.

"Look, there are seven or eight demons among them! Ha ha ha ha ... Hey, you demons, will you trade in souls? Eat corpses and eat too much, forget them all?"

Eight demon were pulled out of the wandering captive, and the demon soldiers rushed them violently to Hu Feng.

"Well, you rogues really helped us achieve a harmonious life of racial integration? I think you should let you replace the related plans of the refuge."

Hu Feng glanced at the eight demons trembling under the tank and kneeling down on the ground. Such rogue demons, besides still knowing how to use evil power to attack, other aspects can no longer be called demons. They have been seriously assimilated by human companions.

Their longing for soul essence has been extremely weak. They have long forgotten how to trade souls. They follow the human rogues with corpses as food for survival.

In the words of Stanley's old fellow: Such ruins demons have lost their tradition and nature. They are called **** demons by hell, commonly known as untouchables.

Therefore, in the eyes of Hu Feng, such a ruin demon can now be regarded as a magical human being.

"Have you ever eaten the body? What's it smelling like?" Hu Feng leaned on the top of the Tiger King's tank and asked the captive in front with interest.

Eight ruins demons, look at me, look at you, and finally unanimously decided. . .

"Sir, please! Don't kill us! Sorry!"


The demon soldier next to him kicked the captives in front of him and kicked.

"Answer question!"

There is no Geneva Convention this year, and there are no regulations for treating prisoners kindly. In the last days of the ruins, the prisoners are the next barbecue ration.

"Forget it, take them back with the human captives and return them to humans in the future. Such demons will treat them as humans."

Looking at the dozens of captives lined up into the body of a rough metal pickup truck, Hu Feng shrugged and collected his gaze from the dozen female rogues.

What are these female rogues wearing? . . Ok. . . What to say, there are some minor bad habits.

Like men, they wear worn leather or ragged shirts, and some luck is covered with a thin layer of iron armor for bulletproof.

But the lower body is in a vacuum. It is estimated that it is convenient to do that anytime and anywhere, and the step of **** is omitted.

It seems that the welfare of a ruined wanderer is quite high. If you are hungry and thirsty, you can always pull someone to come and slap. What kind of love do you need?

In this ruinless world of immorality, both men and women have regarded Papa as a normal physiological need, the same as eating and drinking.

After glancing at the ruins, there were still seven or eight female rogues who did not come out. It was estimated that they were pulled by the demons under their command to do special work.

The Black Cross Division has strict military discipline, and the soldiers will not do this without permission, but ordinary demons, such as those who specially fled to the famine knight, do not care.

Anyway, they are now following the army, serving as a transport team to transport prisoners, not the main combatants.

After a while, Hu Feng shook his head as she watched the last seven or eight dried eyes rolled up by female demon walkers framed by grinning demons on both sides.

It seems that it is necessary to introduce relevant regulations. Otherwise, after your virtue town is on the right track, you don't want to see this kind of scene of random pull on the street.

However, this is only a characteristic of the group of wanderers. The women among them are extremely random in this regard. All of them are super buses.

Those organized and large-scale forces naturally still retain the most basic moral ethics, and will not allow such things to happen within themselves.

"Boss, do you want to be cool? A few long ones are good."

Hu Feng smiled a few times and shook his head. He didn't want to be invaded by some strange viruses, but he also had to mobilize evil energy to clear it.

"Okay, keep going, let the captive team follow up, and let them converge a little outside, don't delay Laozi's business."

"Understood!" The demon officer in front stood sharply, and then turned to convey the order.

Although the Black Cross abolished the hand-raising ceremony, it still retains most of the German traditions. Who made them all German veterans before they became demons.

Take out the map and look at it. It is not far from the location of Refuge 50.

Before the Apocalypse, this city was a first-tier international metropolis. Naturally, there were many shelters built here, and it is not known how many were undiscovered.

As for the Refuge No. 6 in Guangzhou, Hu Feng can only wait until the airship is made out. Hu Feng has always been obsessed with the immersive virtual reality technology.

At this time, there was a roaring noise in the sky, Hu Feng looked up, a large black cloud was rushing across.

That ’s the army of hell. Stanley is also very active recently. It ’s getting wind and rain everywhere, and the end of the demon hunt army ~ www.readwn.com ~ and centered on their base called **** colony Expanding the territory and sphere of influence outward.

A thick black smoke separated from the dark cloud and fell beside Hu Feng's tank, turning into a human demon. The clean and neat black suit on his body was incompatible with the end of the ruins.

"Hello, Master Hu Feng, the sphere of influence of our **** is ahead, do you want to borrow an excuse?"

"Grass, your expansion is quite fast, yes, my goal is here, so I borrow a way."

The human demon climbed into the tank and Hu Feng showed him the map and pointed out his target. The latter nodded immediately.

"Good adult, the front is basically cleaned up and belongs to a safe area. You can pass it with confidence and wish you a happy hunting."

After all, the demon turned into a dark smoke again, and returned to the dark cloud in the sky.

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