Evil Break

Chapter 220: : Crazy core and disillusionment

Hu Feng felt a little bit of pain and helplessness at the moment. Looking at this old place of Sanjin Palace, he was still so familiar. . .

Oh no, this long corridor is completely different from the last time. The main corridor shape of Refuge 66 has disappeared, replaced by a twisted and deformed iron skin, sparking, and the flames of evil flames everywhere. Refuge corridor.

Okay, from the 66th refuge corridor to the 50th refuge corridor.

"I thought you also wanted to imprison me in the room too ..." Hu Feng appeared still in front of the gate of the refuge of the Endless Road, not as the camera metamorphosis Karistian said. He was imprisoned in a room in the dark.

"Hey, I said the Xiongtai inside. Did n’t I say it when I left last time? Do n’t be so mysterious. If you want to communicate well, then do n’t take these foolish things and treat the truth. Show me the side! "

The evil flame in the broken corridor suddenly freezes, not only the evil flame, but also the sparks from the damaged devices and cable lines freeze, as if the pause button was pressed.

Then the entire corridor was distorted and restored to its original condition. The illusion of Refuge 50 disappeared.

The corridor of the Endless Road Refuge was revealed for the first time. It is also the standard style of the refuge. A new long steel corridor, the fluorescent lights on the walls emit white light, illuminating the entire corridor extremely bright.

However, there are no digital signs on the corridor of this shelter. Those places that should have been printed with digital numbers, the signs of their power, or various slogans and relevant test instructions are all blank.

When all the illusions are gone, all that remains is the appearance of the real endless road refuge, the most real prison appearance.

Walking down the corridor, Hu Feng heard many painful and crazy shouts as he passed the rooms on both sides.

It seems that together with the illusions in these rooms, the personal world created by the prisoners in the illusions has also disappeared, and it has once again been transformed into a small refuge room.

Originally, normal refuge rooms, where there may be such a large area, and corridors and halls, this is not nonsense, do you think to buy a real estate to choose the type of apartment?

The one-way transmitter that he placed in Carristian's cell also showed damage at the moment, and he can no longer use it.

After Carristian left, the cell became an empty hall, and now the illusion dissipated, and must again become a smaller refuge room.

When I came to the iron gate leading to the lower area, the heavy iron gate in front of me also changed its appearance into a steel gray gate that was not painted at all.

It seems that the people who built the endless road were in a hurry, and even the door inside this shelter did not have time to finish painting.

The interface on the computer screen in front of the door is also different, no longer locked on the page that prompts "Unknown opening condition".

Holding the mouse and sliding the scroll wheel, Hu Feng read the real display information on the computer.

"The construction of the first floor is progressing very smoothly. The refuge here is named Endless Road. It is excluded from the official number and seems to be put into use as a special test ..."

"There is no need for us to dig here. This cave has not been known for how long it has existed. It has been kept secret since it was discovered. Now we can participate in the construction, which is really exciting ..."

"The construction of the second floor encountered difficulties, many unexplained strange things happened, many colleagues began to become crazy, they firmly believed that they saw something that did not exist."

"It seems there are monsters! There are ghosts!"

"The people are starting to die, and the state of death is terrifying! The people above also noticed the abnormalities here. They sent an army, hoping that this can continue the safe construction."

"There are more and more crazy people, they are all locked in the first floor and the second floor of the refuge room under construction, and they have been yelling unclearly all day. I want to leave here ..."

"The army is over! The bodies of all of them were placed on the construction site on the second floor. The expression on their faces was grim. It seemed that they had seen something that could not be accepted by these soldiers before they died."

"The order has been given above, and we can finally evacuate. The construction plan of the Endless Road Refuge is forcibly terminated. We don't have to continue down. The ghost knows how many floors are below!"

"It's blatantly haunted, and weird things are happening one after another. The people around are dying fast and must be evacuated immediately!"

"When we closed the lower gates, we heard the screams of our compatriots who were still being detained on the second floor, but there was no time and we dare not go back and rescue them."

"This unfinished special refuge will be permanently blocked, and the power will be cut off within 48 hours after the blockade. Let this place be silent again. Maybe we should not have discovered and tried to develop this endless direction. Down the abyss. "

There are so many records. After Hu Feng carefully read it, he pondered for a while.

Obviously, there were serious deaths and injuries during the construction of the Endless Road Refuge, and the cause has not been identified.

The builders, as they had previously estimated, evacuated very hurriedly, and it was a posture that they did not intend to return.

The power supply, which is expected to be completely cut off within 48 hours, is still not cut off at this moment. How many forty-eight hours have passed?

Finally, there is still no information about Refuge No. 0, but this also proves from the side that no matter what the end of the Endless Road Refuge is, there can be no Refuge No. 0, because the construction personnel have not penetrated the The area below the second floor.

Hu Feng is now too lazy to think about this refuge no. 0, anyway, can't understand it anymore, that group of dogs hides themselves so well.

Hu Feng is now concerned about what is under the Endless Road, and what role does Refuge No. 0 play.

"Hey I said, although I am very grateful to you for showing me the real thing, but IMHO, after I read these things, I dare not help you open the door to the refuge ... You are not a good thing. "

Hu Feng raised his head and said to the smooth iron door, but he was stunned for a moment, as if he found something.

The steel gates are extremely smooth ~ www.readwn.com ~ smooth enough to reflect a little of your own profile, but it doesn't.

"Grass your grandma, still cheat with me, right? There are one, two and three! The last chance, I will remove all the illusions!"

After being silent for a while, Hu Feng then noticed a little change.

The iron gates are no longer smooth, but rusty, as if standing here for endless years.

The computer in front of the door also had a few more information records that were not originally available.

"This is crazy, twisted, disgusting flesh and blood abyss!"

"That Refuge No. 0 reappeared! The ghost of that time! The ghost that lingers on our human beings will never dissipate! It has also been found here!"


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