Evil Break

Chapter 240: : Long Aotian's Heart and Life

For the first time, Asmoder felt so constrained and nervous, it was not that he had any respect or fear of Hu Feng, but simply worried about his life.

Missed, missed. . . You shouldn't take the initiative to come to the other's nest, this kind of feeling that you can't help me is really uncomfortable.

"Tell me what's going on with me here? Shouldn't you be busy with Stanley now? You have time to run out and cross the door."

On the high platform deep in the War Square, it was packed into a point-style platform with an ancient oriental style. It followed the stairs all the way up. At the top was a very pretending throne, and the two sides were neatly arranged with dark green rays of evil. The crystal can extend to the bottom of the platform.

This cave was only recently excavated, and was used by Hu Feng to call the space of the pure Demon Legion, as well as the training ground and station.

It is no wonder why Hu Feng suddenly started desperately. After all, the strange army of Refuge No. 0 is gathering on the frozen ground in the north, and it is growing every day. Therefore, in order to stabilize his site, he must expand his army.

Regarding the news of Refuge No. 0, Hu Feng has already spread it on public channels. Although the major forces in the endless ruins of the South are very afraid and valued by the Salvation Army, they do n’t know if they will believe it. Everything in Shelter 0 sounds a little shocking and unbelievable.

Mandatory instant brainwashing? Replaced the head with a steel brain container? Giant robot? And the spikes on the ground that pierced the corpse and transformed it?

Okay, although our ruined world is full of wonders, it's not so strange?

Therefore, in Hu Feng's view, this group of people is estimated to have to endure hardships before they can really take it seriously.

But then again, the leaders who can take care of the major forces are not fools and arrogance. All the photos published by Hu Feng are also concerned about the truth of the news, but for Those descriptions of abilities are still doubtful.

Hu Feng was also satisfied with this. After all, it was not too bad. At least everyone knew that someone from the north was about to call.

The tribulation is flying, and you have fulfilled your basic duty of warning. The rest depends on your own decisions. Anyway, you have already prepared for the war early and expanded your army.

The camera returned to the stage of the evil energy point, and Asmodai was standing under the throne. Although he was somewhat uncomfortable, the courtier could not bear it anymore.

"This uncle is more handsome than Stanley, and this place is ugly to death, do you devil appreciate the taste!" Hu Mingjing leaned on the armrest of the throne and looked at Asmotai under a few eyes, and then in Hu Feng He said softly in his ear.

"Where is ugly, I think it's good, evil can forgive green ... I said you only pay attention to Yan value. Although Stanley is long and fat, but people's hearts are beautiful, you are discriminating. I tell you . "

After whispering, Hu Feng looked up at Asmoda.

This guy is very bearable, like a person who does a big job, can bend and stretch, he didn't attack him like this.

But when I think about it, it may be because there are too many pure demons here. . .

Especially the roar from the abyssal lord from time to time was born with a sense of intimidation.

Abyssal Lord Tallazarus is now responsible for training that large group of demon guards, becoming a grass-roots soldier in his pure demon regular army, and forming a tough force in the ruined end world with the human demon soldiers of the Black Cross Division.

Doom guards flying low in the cave, wielding the whip of the evil flame in their hands, served as officers and warlords at the bottom.

As for that group of kills can not be killed, it is entirely to summon the evil devil with gifts. . . Well, Hu Feng never had any hope for them, as a death squad like cannon fodder or a scout.

Seeing another gust of Hu Feng, Asmo Tai tried his best to suppress his anger.

The attack is over. . . The attack is over. . . Forbear!

"Hey, am I supposed to be proud, all the people from our world are all stubborn, and now the new **** here is also convinced by you, although you will soon play civil war ... OK , I also know what it means to you to come to me, I am too lazy to ignore the broken things in your hell, how do you love how to fight, where do you fall in love with where do you fight, as long as you do not affect my territory It means including our world, including heaven. "

"Thank you for your reasonableness. This request is very reasonable. I believe that after my final victory, Hell can cooperate with you more to reap the souls of mankind, so that our demons can take full control."

Hu Feng smiled at Asmoth's words, undeniably.

From the words of this **** prince, you can be more sure what kind of demon he is.

He wants to expand the scale of soul trading. He wants to cause endless chaos and destruction in human society. He intends to drag humans from the top of the food chain.

For such an ideal and ambitious young man, Hu Feng's attitude has always been how far away it is, and he does not want to communicate with this radical traditional devil at all.

Not to mention that my position is biased towards human beings. What I most want to see is that no matter what kind of creatures, I disguise and integrate into human society as much as possible.

As for the idealistic thinking of Asmat, Hu Feng sniffed at it.

Do you think that by the demons under your command, you can drag humans from the top of the food chain? It's really not too naive and ideal.

Unless a global all-out war is fought, you will not be able to realize this desire even if you want to do it all your life with the wanton destruction and spread of chaos.

Idealists, traditional demons, radicals in hell, racial discrimination.

Hu Feng immediately labeled Asmotai with these labels.

"Regarding this, I can wait for you to win Stanley and then talk about it in detail, but I believe that your civil war is not as easy as you think. If you look down on Stanley, you will pay for it. . "

Hu Feng dragged his cheeks and said to Asmotai with a smile.

No matter how you judge the **** prince, the necessary performances are still required.

"Thank you for your reminder, so now that I have got your reply, I will say goodbye ... oh, a very shocking army, your strength is indeed amazing, there is such an army, why do n’t you realize it What about the world dominated by demons? "

"Probably because I am pursuing a difference with you ~ www.readwn.com ~ Well, I will not give it away." Hu Feng replied with a smile.

Sure enough, you and Stanley are the same way. You can only know **** a silly boy all day long to understand the fun of having money.

Hu Feng snorted as he watched Asmot leave the War Square.

The racist madman has no market at any time.

With Long Aotian's heart, but without Long Aotian's life, this world will not follow you to lower IQ.

((This book * and the uncut version, please join the genuine readers, as the benefits of genuine readers ~~!))


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