Evil Break

Chapter 246: : Artificial Soul and After all Eaten

Since the formal industry does not need Hu Feng to take care of it, what is our boss Hu doing at this moment? Of course, it is doing those informal industries.

By the hidden small port, Hu Feng is carrying out business inspections with a group of partners.

"In the future, our arms and drugs will all be shipped from here and go directly to the African continent. The voyage is not long, so your future liaison office will be located directly at the dock here. If the customer wants to inspect the goods, bring them They go to the warehouse of the Science Park. "

Pointing to the port that has been completed, with only a few small details remaining under construction, Hu Feng said slowly.

"Brother Hu, what about the pirates? I heard that the Somali pirates around here are very high-spirited. If the goods are intercepted by them, we will lose money."

Uncle Hong's expression was a bit worried, he was right to smuggle, but he hadn't smuggled such a big thing.

"Pirates, you can rest assured. Some pirates are the demons of hell. They have been fishing here and earning some soul. By the way, the other pirates are basically Somali fishermen and there are a small number of illegal armed forces, which is not a problem , Every cargo ship I will be equipped with a group of demons or robots for security work. "

Your boss is one of the largest illegal armed gangs. . . Everyone vomited in their hearts.

"Dad, I didn't expect you to be such a dad, even if you would agree to do these things, I was wrong about you!"

Beside, Hu Mingjing was counting his father, which made Hu Yihan a little embarrassed and finally became angry.

"Your good boyfriend doesn't care about this, your father and I will be bad guys, right?"

"Cut, if you have the ability, why do you go to find an island yourself? It's not about letting Hu Feng help you, no dad."

Hu Yihan naturally knew that her daughter was laughing at herself, and she could only helplessly wry a smile, nagging her elbows and turning around.

"How can I talk to my uncle? I have a better attitude." Hu Feng turned his head and said to Hu Mingjing with a smile.

There is no outsider here. Uncle Hong Kong, the Hong Kong guy, naturally does not care about this, even Xu Jiajie, who is occupied by anger, will not.

At this time, the sound of a speedboat came, and a submarine quickly drove in the distance. There were three or four artificial people sitting on it, and a black uncle was carried on the left and right shoulders.

A group of people watched this group of man-made people move ashore quickly, throwing Uncle Black into the body of a worn pickup, and then started the car to leave.

After a blatant abduction in broad daylight, Hu Feng really lived up to his illegal armed name.

"Hey, this is the first batch? Do you need so many living tests?"

Hu Feng, who was found to be greasy by the public, was unable to hang himself. After all, he still wanted to cheer on his face, and wanted to put some gold on his face.

"Report to the supervisor, the previous test items have been used up, and the soul of the rogue in the endless ruins has been contaminated by the apocalypse disaster, so we plan to collect experimental materials here."

Well, artificial people have done a lot of work in order to study artificial souls. Uncle Black is tossing and has a strong body. Their souls are excellent experimental materials.

The demon scientists at Refuge No. 9 are assisting research-type artificial humans in this research. After all, the artificial humans cannot sense and affect the soul. Before the development of the Holy Light or the evil energy module, they are still purely physical. Fighting power.

"Brother Hu, who are you doing human experiments? I lost ... What are you studying?"

"Synthetic soul, don't ask, you don't understand that, this group of intelligent robots want to have a soul in their dreams."

Not only man-made people think so, but Hu Feng also thinks so.

As long as they have a soul, they can sign a soul contract with themselves to achieve complete peace of mind and control.

"Okay, not to mention this, your expatriate staff can be sent at any time, the first shipment will be in place soon, you can now contact the customer in advance."

After the inspection of the smuggling port, Hu Yihan and Uncle Gang went to visit the company park, and Hu Feng took Hu Mingjing back to the top floor area of ​​the main building.

"Now, this is where I live. The place where you live is also here, hehe."

Coming to the top-floor office, there is a downward staircase in the next room, leading to the private floor living area. The entire floor is a residence, which is also a sky villa.

"Dead hooligan, who wants to live with you, I don't agree ... Ah!" Before Hu Mingjing finished, he was hugged by Hu Feng and came to the bedroom to throw the chick onto the bed. .

"The protest is invalid, anyway you are my girlfriend, so don't try to run away, oh yes, there is a quantum transmitter in that room, which leads directly to the top floor of my domestic nest in the country, so you don't have to worry about going back to class."

Hu Mingjing got up from the bed and stared at Hu Feng with a smile, "Okay, what do you want to do now, eat me? I have seduced you so many times with a colored heart and no guts." Oooo ... "

Hu Feng laughed a few times and threw himself directly.

"This time there is a color heart and a color guts, so you can admit your fate."

Hu Mingjing's physique is very sensitive. This point was discovered by Hu Feng when he used his hands, especially the sensitive part of his ears. . . Cough.

"Uh ... don't ... **** ... ah ah ah!"

The clothes were thrown around the floor all around, and Hu Mingjing, whose earlobe was attacked, immediately shivered and a pair of long legs stretched straight.

"For the first time ... Um ... will it hurt? Uh ... don't ..." Hu Mingjing asked with confusion, panting.

"It's okay ~ www.readwn.com ~ I'll just take it slowly, yes ... it's time to check your dance skills, come, and pose in a word horse, hehe."

"You rogue ... um ... feels weird."

Seeing the big long legs laid straight in a straight line, the big secret realm unfolded in front of him unhurriedly, and Hu Feng was hot for a while.

The first time was always extremely slow. After Hu Mingjing no longer hurts, Hu Feng slowly began to sprint.

The groaning of the girl sounds much more tempting than the Sister Void, or it may be because she loves Hu Mingjing, but she has no feelings for the Sister Void.

Seeing that Hu Mingjing reached the peak, his whole head was pushed back, his face was facing backwards, his arched body trembling, and then he felt a stream of liquid impacting his little brother, and then sprayed from the gap come out.

Although he was not satisfied, he still ended early. After all, he was reluctant to destroy the girl in front of him.

The girl was in a trance, holding Hu Feng tightly and closing her eyes.

Hu Feng lay quietly on the bed and kissed Hu Mingjing's forehead. The latter was now touching himself like an octopus.

When I went to deliver the take-out by myself, I could not have imagined such a day.

Looking at Hu Mingjing gasping with his eyes closed, Hu Feng felt calm inside.

Maybe this is the light in my dark heart.

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