Evil Break

Chapter 248: : Rarely confused in life

"Okay, this will be your room in the future. Take your aunt too. The air here is good, and the climate is also suitable for retirement."

Pushing the door open, Hu Feng led Chen Xiaopian into this very large sea-view apartment, just next to Yingli, Hu Minghan diagonally opposite the door.

"You're going to enjoy it now, have you made the upper floors of the company's main building into apartments." Chen Xiaopin returned with a smile, walking around in the apartment, and finally stopped in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, looking outside Vast sea.

"Hey, this is the welfare of senior staff and your own people. Of course, you also have a share. The ones for Yingli and Minghan are the best. They are large and face the sea."

"Then how do I get back to work ... Oh, see, you also have that quantum transmitter installed here."

Sitting on the sofa by the floor-to-ceiling window, Hu Feng nodded and greeted Chen Xiaopin to sit down.

"That ... there is one more thing to tell you." Hu Feng's expression was a little awkward, and he didn't know how to speak for a while.

"I know, you and Ming Jing are together. I saw it when Ming Jing went back that day. You eat them up." Chen Xiaopin said with a smile, the tone was very plain.

"Uh ... yes, that's the thing, so I have to tell you, that's ..."

"It's that you still won't let me go. With Ming Jing, you still have to maintain this ambiguous relationship with me, right?" Chen Xiaopin shook his head, "Hu Feng, I admit that I still love you , I also know that you ca n’t let me down, but you have made a choice now, I do n’t think we should be so ambiguous anymore, this way is unfair to Ming Jing and unfair to me. "

Hu Feng was silent for a while, then laughed a few times.

"It may be that I am really affected by evil energy a lot. I now think that since it is mine, then I naturally have no reason to let go, so I will not accept what you said. I admit that I am indeed the favorite tea now. Jing, I ca n’t live without her. This has been discovered since the last time I was in conflict, but I ca n’t let you go either, because I will never forget the dreams I had made before I became a demon, I have continued our feelings in my dreams countless times. At the beginning, it was because of me that I led you to leave. Now I have a second chance. Although it is unfair to you, I do n’t want to let go again. "

Chen Xiao Pian sighed, "Then do you want me to be your lover for life, hiding in a dark place, and never making it public, even the people around you know this well."

"If this is the only way, then I will do it. As long as you still love me, I do n’t want you to leave again, and I do n’t want to see you living in a shared apartment outside alone, looking at other people ’s faces every day. I do n’t want to see what you ’re doing for shit, you have to eat and drink with those male clients. You can say that I ’m controlling sex, that I ’m masculinity, that I restrict you, that restrict you, that I spend two feet Boat, no matter what you say, I do n’t want you to continue to live that kind of life, so stay, okay? "

Hu Feng sat next to Chen Xiaopin, hugged it tightly in his arms, and said with blowing heat in her ear.

Chen Xiaopin shivered slightly, and tried to move away a little distance, the heat made her a little moist.

What do you want? Whether to start a new life or stay with him and stay with him, even if it is a lover that everyone knows.

"Don't hesitate, I love you and don't want you to leave, so stay, I will take care of you all my life."

Hu Feng knew that Chen Xiaopin was struggling at the moment, so he continued to add a fire and casually used the power of famine.

Using the power of famine for letting women make decisions, it is estimated that the previous famine knight knew that the spiral of the coffin plate exploded into heaven.

"I always love you, so stay."

The love for Hu Feng and the desire to stay with him have the upper hand, and continue to expand and strengthen.


Sensing Hu Feng's unfamiliar hand, Chen Xiaopin moaned.

Forget it, don't think about it, just make an impulsive decision once, without considering other things.

"I just agreed with your voice just now."

Chen Xiao Pian did not answer, but leaned against Hu Feng's arms in a confused manner, rubbing his body restlessly.

"I love you too, I love you very much ..." Her voice sounded like a dream.

amount. . . Isn't the famine ability used too much?

Is this another inadvertently discovered hidden function of famine? Hu Feng thought with some pain.

Aiming at one's own famine, if a person has positive feelings for oneself, whether it is love or affection, or pure possessiveness, then under the influence of one's own famine, it will also expand indefinitely.

If you accidentally use it against a big man. . . The picture was so beautiful, Hu Feng said he didn't dare to think anymore.

But well. . . What if you use it with the elder sister of the void king?

Ok. . . Forget it, Hu Feng was afraid that he would be squeezed out by the barbaric royal sister.

When I looked at Chen Xiaopin, I found that she still didn't slow down. It seemed that the excessive desire needed to be solved in the most primitive way.

Say why have you always been doing this kind of thing recently? The style seems a bit wrong. . . Forget it!

Put the woman in her arms on the bed and a fierce battle begins.

The legs in dark gray stockings followed Hu Feng's sprint, straight in the air, shaking with the impact.

The excessive desires are fading, and Chen Xiaopin has gradually regained his reason, but at this moment he is occupied by the extreme sensitivity.

"I just agreed with you ..." Hu Feng said panting, moving.

"Stream ... um ... rogue ... um ... I just don't agree ... ah ... you won't let me go ..."

"Don't worry about this, just ask if you can't leave ~ www.readwn.com ~ Don't leave ... Ah ... hurry up ..."

When the battle was over, Chen Xiaopin leaned on the head of the bed, wrapped in the quilt, and gave Hu Feng a fierce glance.

"I just bought it a few days ago and it was torn open by you, you perverted rogue."

"Hey, thank you for the compliment, okay ... you can continue to help me with my finances in the future, I don't worry about others, and there are ... There are enough rooms here, I feel lonely. You can also send it back at any time. "

Chen Xiaopin shook her head, "Forget it, my mother still won't receive it. I'm afraid she can't accept these things. Devil, send it or something, she is also old, she is stubborn, and I'm afraid she wants more. . "

Hu Feng Wen Yan thought about it, and it was true that his parents and grandparents did not want them to know all this. After all, old people's thinking changed far less quickly than young people, but they would worry about it.

"That's all right, but you have to come back on time ... When I was there, I still wanted to eat your cooking. I'm desperate for Ming Jing's cooking."

"I know, boss Blackheart, help you work during the day, cook for you at night, and do that kind of thing with you. It's really cheap for you."

Chen Xiaopian glanced at him bluntly.

Maybe I made a wrong and impulsive decision, but. . . No matter, sometimes it is too sensible, but it will make you too tired to live.

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