Evil Break

Chapter 251: : The 1st generation of the 0th Juxi and the interior of Xiuli

Opening the suitcase, there is a thick stack of files and information, and a fixed storage U disk as a backup.

This is the full set of airship technology provided by Xiuli. Hu Feng wants to build that huge airship as a mobile base in the air, so if there is no perfect technical reserve and engine power technology, only the refuge No. 9 and No. 66 can find out for themselves That ’s nothing more than difficult. After all, the professional is not right. If you let a communication talent with the latest high-tech to build the engine of the World War I, he ca n’t make it properly.

Well now, as long as the technology is perfect, the machinery manufacturing capacity of Refuge No. 9 can be easily obtained. All that is needed is raw materials and time, and the plan for the capture of the refuge in the field can be quickly carried out.

Hu Feng has always been very enthusiastic about the immersive virtual reality technology of Refuge No. 6.

Closing the suitcase again, Hu Feng nodded in satisfaction, "Very well, Stegein's execution ability is still very satisfactory. I still remember when the major was a captain, he took his soldiers to the Soviet army. The charge. "

The Devil Girl stood up for another time. "My father would be honored to hear the master's evaluation. His favorite things to do are to remember the war life of that year and wipe the Black Cross Medal you gave him."

Looking at the serious girl in front of him, Hu Feng was a little funny.

It seems that his own group of demon veterans have managed these descendants very well. Whether it is words or deeds, there is a feeling of paying tribute to those years.

But looking at the girl's stiff posture, Hu Feng thinks that she doesn't like this kind of communication. Usually, she must practice only to cope with her father's inspection.

"Sit down, I am very interested in your group of new demons. I feel that you don't seem to like this kind of communication and from time to time to stand upright?"

The girl who had just sat across the table immediately stood up again, stomped on her feet, and regained her stiff posture, panicking.

The pure demon owner who met for the first time, had a sense of disgust on himself, and then. . .

"No, my father taught us that this is a necessary etiquette and way of answering, we ..."

"Oh, all right, no matter what your father's old antique said, sit down, stomping your feet as soon as you move. I'm also annoyed. After all, I'm also a young man, you can understand it, haha.

Hu Feng waved his hand and again signaled the demon girl to sit down. The latter seemed to relax a lot, and the stiffness of the tension and restraint when he first came was also softened a lot.

"I'm curious. You have been a new generation of demons since birth. You have lived in human society for a long time and received normal human education. So do you think you are more like humans or demons?"

The devil girl thought for a while, "We can't decide our identity, after all, this is born."

"You haven't answered my question, can I think you think you are more human?"

"Yes, except for the usual concealment and disguise, I think I am more like a human being, and so should my brothers and sisters." The girl gritted her teeth and answered the question truthfully. She felt that the mysterious master did not seem so scary. , There is a feeling of peer communication.

Hu Feng heard Yan nodded with his mouth closed, then stood up and extended his right hand, pressing **** on the forehead of the girl. The latter was startled, but tried to control herself to sit obediently.

Sensing a circle of demon girl's soul, Hu Feng found nothing, that is, the normal demon soul essence, the kind of fallen human soul twisted by evil energy.

Sitting down again, Hu Feng stared at the girl in front of him, "Do you have a desire to destroy or burn something, or receive a call to soul trading?"

"I don't have any desire to destroy and burn things, but I did receive a call for soul trading, but I refused it because my father said it was a meaningless move, and I was not interested." The girl blinked. Dark eyes replied.

Hu Feng nodded, he had no doubt.

It seems that this new generation of demons is still slightly different from their fathers. They have a superior family. They are a group of super rich second generations who are seriously assimilated by human society. interest.

"I usually make a lot of human friends. Do you have a boyfriend? Don't accidentally expose your identity and frighten others, haha."

The Devil Girl laughed a few times and shook her head.

"Yes, I have a group of human friends, and they didn't find me to be a demon, no boyfriend, because I'm not very interested in it now."

"This is one of the reasons why you come to deliver things? For your interest." Hu Feng suddenly said a moment, the demon girl immediately tense up, clenched her teeth, she decided to tell the truth.

"Yes, I came to give you something this time. I fought for it from my father. My brothers and sisters are also fighting for it. I have to compete with them and get more advantages."

"For the inheritance right? Do you want to miss one thing, that is, your father will not die, as long as the devil does not get killed, he will have an endless life, or do you think about killing your father so early? ? "

The demon girl immediately shook her head in panic, "No, we never dared to have this idea. My father is stronger and stricter than us, and he is very good to us, and we will never have any hostile intention to kill him!"

"So what's the point of you arguing?" Hu Feng couldn't refute this, took out a cigarette and took a sip.

"In order to obtain the management rights of the family-owned industries, my father will comprehensively evaluate our capabilities and hand over the best and latest industries to the younger generations with excellent capabilities. As for those capabilities that are not optimistic, they can only be divided into some remote The city is guarded by ordinary small industries. "

"So this is the case for the children of Xiuli's descendants?" Hu Feng looked at the demon girl and nodded. He also had a general idea.

"So ~ www.readwn.com ~ Why do you think I should say good things to you, and give high praise? Just sent me something once?" Hu Feng asked with a smile.

The demon girl was stunned for a while, and she didn't know how to answer for a while. After all, she was only a girl of 18 or nine years old, okay, demon girl.

She didn't think about the problem carefully, but she grasped it immediately when the opportunity appeared.

Looking at the tangled girl who hadn't opened her mouth several times, Hu Feng shook her head with a smile.

"Okay, go back and chatting with you is very pleasant, although I didn't see your ability, but ... If your father asked about this, I think I will be a little sure about you, at least. Killed a **** path from your brothers and sisters, I didn't see anyone sitting in front of me, right. "

The demon girl was so excited that she immediately got up and bowed to Hu Feng.

"Thank you master, this has helped me a lot. The pressure from my brother has forced me to look for all the opportunities that I can seize. Please forgive me."

"So to put it bluntly, it's no different from human beings who have no affection. I understand your behavior. Okay, it's okay, you can go back ... Hey, what are you doing undressing? A little social virtue!

"Doesn't the master need to serve? Father said that you are very interested in women, if I can take advantage of my own advantages ..."

"Stop! Stop!"

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