Evil Break

Chapter 254: : Class derived superiority

Level 3 members naturally have more privileges, such as organizing their own ruin commando, and accepting the official listing of the Salvation Army, nominally admitting that you are the establishment of the Salvation Army, and can purchase the official regular military standard. Equipped with weapons and equipment, as well as metal skeleton robot troops.

The products sold in their internal stores are naturally more, and luxury goods are beginning to appear, precious tobacco and alcohol, beautiful female slaves, race is not limited to humans, but also includes angels and demon captives, but the number is extremely high. Limited, after all, the Salvation Army has not encountered angels and demons a few times in the last days of the ruins.

They can even connect to the internal network and experience a long-lost Internet again.

It's just that there is no level 3 member yet, everyone is desperately earning points.

The upper class is special. Level 4 is called the elite level. They will enter the mysterious underground city life. There is no difference between it and the apocalypse before, except that you can't see the already dim sunlight.

The elite class cannot buy with points, and the point system is directly cancelled, which is equivalent to an absolute iron rice bowl in the future. As long as the evil salvation army does not fail, then you never have to worry about your life.

However, the requirements of the elite are naturally very high. They must be high-end talents in a certain field, and they have been in the ruins for so long. They have not forgotten the knowledge they used to have.

This is for the welfare of high-end talents, and it is also an advertisement for high-end talents. After all, there will always be some talents who have not forgotten the knowledge they had before the Apocalypse. He was pulled away by other forces, and now that there is a place to recruit them, he will naturally come to join him.

There is another condition for reaching the elite class, but it is more demanding.

If you have created your own disability for the town of Virtue, and you have always fought bravely and never evaded various actions, you can also apply to join the elite class, enter the underground city as a veteran veteran, and contact the businessman We also enjoy this treatment.

Although they are not combatants, their group, which is responsible for purchasing special technology and inquiring news, is in a more dangerous situation. It is necessary to contact all kinds of forces, even rogues who eat corpses.

Once this policy is released, it will blow up. Thanksgiving Dade naturally needless to say, after all, in this cruel and realistic ruin eschatology, there is no force that provides disability protection. Manpower is a consumable resource. You Work for me, I will give you the food and clothing, if you are useless, then get out, no one owes anyone.

In addition, other forces do not have this foundation to raise idlers. After all, except Hu Feng and the **** colony, no one can connect to the main world, and the **** colony is rampant racism. The demons are popular and will not protect humans. Rights.

So once this policy of Virtue Town was released, the cohesiveness instantly doubled.

The Ruins Commando changed its previous cautious style, and all of them seemed to be crazy, fighting with no mercy and without so many concerns.

With the sudden increase in the combat power of a large number of ruin commandos, this naturally brought more supplies, more captives, and more flesh and blood monsters to the town of Virtue.

The humans of this group of ruined commandos are uniformly dressed in black leather, with a black trench coat on the outside, with a variety of weapons in their hands, and they frequently sweep the ruins around the town of Virtue, and the range is getting further and further away.

The caravans drove the rough trucks with metal collision angles, shuttled between the various forces, exchanged goods, and asked for any valuable intelligence messages, especially information about the refuge.

The members of the first elite class soon appeared. Without worrying about his life, this uncle blew up a rogue nest nestled around the town of Virtue, and he was almost buried alive in the rubble.

This is a level 2 member. He was a ruin survivor who still had reason and bottom line. He took his wife and children, a team of more than a dozen survivors, and their respective families to fight for life in the ruins.

After being recruited by the Salvation Army, they formed a ruin commando and began their career of earning points.

After all, they are not alone to feed the whole family and not to be hungry. Each of them still has a wife or child to support, not to mention that because of lack of points, they can only send their wives to slave shops and become female slaves for sale.

When his team members scrambled out the uncle, he found that his legs had been crushed by a crushed stone. He could only use a wheelchair in this life.

Then they applied for joining the elite class for their leader, and the Salvation Army quickly responded. This uncle will join the elite class as a veteran of the battle. All the people on the ground and the ground will be open to him. The family of three can enter at any time. Underground city life.

There is no need for points anymore, all self-help, how much to eat and use is completely arbitrary, but it is strictly forbidden to take more than one's own needs, otherwise direct permanent expulsion.

This incident caused an uproar in the town of Virtue. Every human member stared at the uncle who was sitting in a wheelchair and was pushed into the lower passage of the decisive point building by his wife.

Without the pressure of points, the family of three has never been worried about food and clothing. I heard that there are a series of entertainment facilities in the underground city, bars, cinemas, etc., and they are all free. It is simply heaven.

The most important thing is that this uncle can hang the identification card of the veterans of the battles in the future. Except for some scientific research and military forbidden areas, any other area is open to him, and the status is higher than all the integral classes. Prioritize his requests and opinions.

His wife and children have also become elites. After the children grow up, they can do whatever work they want ~ www.readwn.com ~ Give priority to a full set of sophisticated weapons and equipment.

Oh, of course, when his children are grown, although they still belong to the elite class, they still have to work, otherwise they will be beaten back to the first class.

Want to eat white rice for the rest of your life? Sorry, boss Hu is not so stupid.

Human beings are the most potential races. Under the drive of desire or despair, they can explode their unimaginable potential. This is well proved by the Ruin Commando and Ruin Caravan.

The results they achieved were even greater than those of the devil soldiers of the Black Cross Division.

Bring back a group of captives today, and destroy several rogue strongholds in the surrounding area tomorrow. The humans of the Ruin Commando seem to never tire, earning points frantically and climbing up frantically.

The caravans are not far behind, taking away all kinds of materials in Virtue Town, bringing back the interesting technology, population, and various valuable news of Virtue Town.

Everyone wants to be a noble, everyone wants to be a man.

As for those who are hiding inside a safe high wall, willing to be waiters, construction teams and handymen? Ha, a bunch of softballs!

When the old men have upgraded to level 2 or even level 3 members, you are still worried about buying points for daily necessities, so envy!

Hu Feng's goal was achieved, class differentiation brought desire, desire brought superiority, and superiority brought motivation.

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