Evil Break

Chapter 257: :red tide! red tide!

Maybe Hu Feng attaches great importance to the kind of supreme education of Refuge No. 0, maybe the kind of supreme education can really brainwash all creatures without a soul contract in his body, but he overlooked one thing, that is, the human spirit and will are falling In an extremely fanatical situation, there is nothing you can do to educate you.

Another new enemy appeared, and he also fought with the enlightenment army of Refuge No. 0. Finally, under the powerful laser sweep of the ground harvester, this new enemy barely retreated.

A caravan traveling far north of the frozen soil brought back this important news for Hu Feng.

Although this new enemy does not deal with Refuge No. 0, it also does not deal with everyone, and they are now coming to the southern ruins with a better overall environment.

"Red tide! Red tide is coming!"

Before the Apocalypse, there was such a special unnumbered refuge, the specifications are like the refuge of the endless road, it has a special name: "Red Tide".

Red Tide Refuges are strictly technical refuges, and their main direction is high-end and practical: human cloning.

Now that they are coming out of the ground, they want to re-stabilize the situation in this ruined country and resurrect their panni.

The frozen ground in the north, a huge underground space in a subway terminal, is a thick and round gate that is at least ten times larger than the ordinary refuge gate. At this moment, it is accompanied by roaring sounds and steam. turn on.

The scarlet five-pointed star printed in the center of the gate was exceptionally conspicuous.

There was a burst of passionate music in the open door, and with the bursts of shouts and speeches from the loudspeakers, everything exuded an extremely fanatical atmosphere.

"For the motherland, we must fight bravely and wipe out any reactionary enemies. We are armed people. We have the same belief that the red tide will definitely win!"

"Comrade Supervisor, the people's army is ready, please give your instructions!"

It was a massive army. They all had the same appearance, wearing the same green military uniform, with a dark gray military coat on the outside, and a scarlet cloak behind them.

The brand new 95-type submachine gun in their hands is inscribed with mass-produced runes on the barrel, which can cause substantial damage to angels and demons.

Large tanks were parked on both sides. Two large-caliber main guns were installed in parallel on the turret of the tank. Four steel tracks were distributed on both sides of the tank. There were more than a dozen small secondary guns that could be turned on the body.

"Today is a sacred moment. Russian comrades also launched a return operation today. We are the saviors of the people. We are the conquerors of all illegal reactionary forces. We will crush them with our iron fists. Long live the Republic Long live the Republic! Long live the Republic !!! "

Behind the red tide regulator is a huge steel five-pointed star floating with a red energy flow.

In front of the eyebrows, a steel sign also floated, which was a sickle and an iron hammer, and within a few seconds they would cross each other and make a crisp sound.

The ocean-like red red tide army began to march, and their giant tanks opened to the ground with a roar, and the endless army lined up neatly behind the tank.

In the refuge, a large number of cultivation tubes are being started day and night, and batches of fanatic soldiers have come out of the transistor to form a new army.

Then the first enemy they encountered was a large army of refuge No. 0 who built steel spikes on the frozen ground in violation of regulations and transformed corpses in batches.

Seeing such a large number of suddenly emerging human troops, the No. 0 traveler was naturally surprised. He was ready to teach the army commander who was standing on the command tank and continuously giving orders.

Then he failed. This was the third failure of the Supreme Education since Hu Feng and Carristian.

The commander of Red Tide was stunned for a while, and then he was furious.

"Evil and stupid reactionaries! How dare you try to use brainwashing to corrode revolutionary soldiers! Soldiers! The enemy is in front, what should our iron fist do?"

"Crush them! Crush them!"


As the big horn erected on the command tank blew a low charge, the endless red tide army began to charge.

The giant tank was full of horsepower, and rushed towards the same large army of transformed corpses in front. Two main guns continuously sprayed the anger of the people, destroying the steel spikes.

The soldiers were full of enthusiasm, and they started rushing under the leadership of the same dead officers, holding the submachine gun in their hands while firing.

The officers raised their pistols and rushed to the front, chanting slogans in their mouths.

Beside him is a flag bearer, who has no weapons. It seems that the red flag he is holding is the most lethal weapon.

In the sky, a strange fleet of aircraft roared, just like a steel flying seat. A five-pointed star with a diameter of more than one meter was suspended behind the mount. The center of the scarlet five-pointed star was a circular device that could emit a Every small tracking high-explosive missile or scarlet laser beam.

The No. 0 agent for the first time saw such a fanatical army, they did not care about casualties, they will charge desperately, and then come to play with you at close range or fight bayonet.

When the officer fell, someone immediately took over, and when the flag bearer fell, someone rushed to fight.

None of them can be taught, as if all the fanatic slogans in their minds.

After a brain container man brandished a high-concentration laser sword and killed more than twenty red tide soldiers around him, he was also swallowed by the red tide. The innumerable bayonet stabbed it into a sieve. Was blown up.


The brain was trampled on, leaving only a pool of mud.

The number of enlightenment troops is indeed huge, but there is still no huge red tide.

Perhaps the transformed demon and angel corpses are extremely powerful, capable of rivaling one hundred, but the red tide is one thousand, ten thousand, and one hundred thousand are waiting for them.


A giant tank that was severely hit was not retreated, but rushed to the place where the body was transformed the most and exploded directly. Scattered steel fragments accompanied by the fire roared.

In the flames, the red flag still stood, and continued to charge across the flames.

"Whistling the ground harvesters, repelling them and retreating temporarily."

The No. 0 traveler still gave orders with Gujing Wubo's electronic sound.

Along with a small earthquake, the giant four-legged mechanical structure broke out of the earth, and the laser eye emitting red light was quickly rotating on the curved body.

Weng. . . Weng. . .

The low-pitched roar came, and then a very thick scarlet laser, the red tide that was charging was instantly injured and killed.

The tank turned into scrap iron and set off a violent explosion.

The soldiers were directly gasified, and no trace of wreckage remained.

The red tide finally retreated, but it did not withdraw far. It seemed to be preparing to reorganize the formation, waiting for the subsequent heavy armored reinforcements to launch the next wave of attack.

The enlightenment army of Refuge No. 0 also began to retreat. They are really retreating, and they are not ready to die like the human army like this group of lunatics.

I looked at the frozen ground in the distance behind me ~ www.readwn.com ~ The red flag was still hunting in the wind.

It is necessary to collect information, analyze data, and look for weaknesses.

Refuge 0 did n’t have any information about the army that appeared to have emerged from the refuge. This is unbelievable.

They have control of almost all shelter locations and materials, including special unnumbered shelters.

But they knew nothing about this red tide refuge.

Must report to the lord.

(Li * fan and uncut version of this book, please join the genuine readers group, as the benefits of genuine readers ~~!)


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