Evil Break

Chapter 259: : Supreme Harvest and Young Pioneer Hu Feng

"We will limit all force and suppress it within a controllable range. We will become the guardians of this world, and humans no longer need weapons, angels and demons no longer need their energy, and even the apocalypse knights, they It will also be attributed to normal creatures. "

"Probably understand, your supreme cause is to let everyone disarm weapons, angels and demons give up their innate energies, and then everyone will become unarmed ordinary people, and then live in harmony, live in harmony, after this world It ’s up to you to protect, does that mean? "

There is a row of eight mechanical eyes in front of the squid-like body of the monarch, and the blue light is flashing at the moment.

"Your understanding is roughly correct. The world will reach the highest peace. Everything is like the apocalypse before the disaster. Everything will remain in the state of science and technology before the disaster. There will be no more weapons development, no more conflicts, humans, angels and demons. You can live peacefully forever. "

Hu Feng nodded and heard a strange expression.

"Oh, it means that we can't continue to develop and progress. Forever maintaining the level of technology before the apocalypse, we can live a happy life forever, understand."

"So, are you willing to join our cause and contribute your power to the supreme cause? The ancient creature in the endless road will also be our help. Maybe you are very confident that we cannot teach her, but the fact is, We can really teach her and anyone. "

Hu Feng immediately noticed that something was wrong, and it seemed that he was being educated at this moment, in a secret state that was non-existent, but at all times.

Enlightenment really seems to have an effect on yourself!

Wait for a while! Check yourself first. . .

My name is Hu Feng. I am a glorious successor of communism. I never expose my noble identity. I am also a **** rebellious from the will of the dark **** Sargeras. I have a wife. Called Hu Mingjing, there is a lover named Chen Xiaopin, there is a void prince Zazan, there is an unclear guardian angel Aletya. . .

Ok. . . Well, I am still myself.

So what about enlightenment? What is the impact of enlightenment? Where are the children?

Naturally, they were all plucked by geese and taken away. . .

Shen Ni's physique was very happy, so he generously accepted this new thing.

Hu Feng's eyes began to flash blue violently, like a high-voltage current.

This is the reaction to the successful education, and the monarch is at ease. With the help of Hu Feng, many things will become easy.

"Welcome to join you, a new ally pursuing the supreme cause. Now, please execute your first supreme mission as soon as possible, open the door to the refuge of the endless road, bring the supreme education to the ancient creatures in it, and transform her. Help us. "

A strange memory and knowledge began to flow into Hu Feng's mind.

The memory is naturally the specific location of the refuge of the Endless Road. The monarch helped Hu Feng light up the map. Although it is also in the ruined area in the south, the specific location of the gate is more tricky. It is located on a cliff on the seaside. Among the excavated caves, I don't know how humans discovered an underground space here.

As for knowledge, Hu Feng now knows how to make that kind of steel spiked conversion device. It seems that the monarch wanted Hu Feng to transform all the humans and demons under his command into that kind of modified corpse to strengthen the combat effectiveness.

grass! Fart useless! It might as well let Lao Tzu know how the brain container man was made!

Hu Feng, who was performing his own performance, thought to himself, but at this moment, in order to break into the enemy, he still had to pretend.

"Understand, for the supreme cause, I am willing to give everything, for the peaceful and new world, Ula!" Hu Feng was firm and fanatical in his face, and the blue energy flow in his eyes was like a surging electric light.

"You will be an excellent supreme warrior."

"That is, the old iron of the monarch ... Cough, sir, where is the specific location of our shelter 0? How can I contact you in the future and report progress to you?"

Let's talk, as long as Lao Tzu knows where your home is, when you and the Red Tide Army are dead, just find a nuclear bomb and throw it away.

Sure enough, after becoming a "person", the monarch had questions and answers, and directly passed the real position of Refuge No. 0 into Hu Feng's mind.

It was on the plateau of the frozen soil in the north, where there was an endless prairie, but now it has turned into a cold wasteland that has no grass, and the cold wind of death in Siberia has destroyed it.

Refuge No. 0 is located in the central area of ​​the permafrost plateau, without any ground structure, it is a huge circular refuge gate, covered by the permafrost above.

Here are secretly built by a group of humans who believe in monarchs such as steel harvesters. Before the Apocalypse, a large number of high-level personnel have been secretly educated. They built this giant refuge in accordance with the harvester's order and studied here Some unique technologies create ground harvesters, and successfully summon and teleport the first real cosmic harvesters: the monarch.

No one knows where the steel creature of the reaper came from. The believers only know that the reaper wanders around the universe, looking for one biological planet after another, destroying their super high-tech, and only retaining enough comfort and convenience. The ordinary technology of life, and give up all weapons and lethal energy, let the creatures enter a relatively "peaceful" beautiful and harmonious world environment.

Hu Feng sniffed at it.

Sure enough, the parallel world branch timeline is nonsense. Look at our main world, the earth reserve, there is no fart, and everyone will develop as much as they like, not to mention so many moths.

Listen to the name, the reaper, the reaper, and when you hear it, you do n’t feel like a serious person. Are you so kind?

Oh, we slash all the high-tech, we give up all weapons and equipment ~ www.readwn.com ~ give up all our own energy such as light and evil energy, and then let you be responsible to defend us? Will we live happily in this world protected by you?

Pull the calf! what? Did you put a calf here with us?

Are we all fools with intellectual disabilities? Protected by a group of giant steel creatures named Reaper, he will become an unarmed sheep.

You said that you want to change the name to be a harmonizer, maybe there is a possibility. If you are not allowed to look at you with a sincere attitude, you will be promised.

Now you are under the name of a reaper to protect us, I do n’t think you ’re harvesting like wheat, we are already thankful!

All in all, after I got what I wanted, and I was sure that this monarch would not give me any more benefits, Hu Feng did not have much thought to waste here and ridiculed him.

"Relax, Lord Monarch, I will start to act, open the refuge of the endless road, and release it to higher education, let that ancient existence become the help of our cause, Ula!"

To the monarch in the illusion of the universe, at least a few thousand kilometers, respected a young pioneer's salute, Hu Feng said firmly with his face, the expression was like the oath of joining the young pioneers when he was in elementary school.

"Very good, I am waiting for your good news, peers of the supreme cause."

The illusion began to dissipate slowly, and the monarch's sky-shaped body gradually disappeared.

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