Evil Break

Chapter 264: : The so-called feminist rights and equality

"So ... this international human rights organization, women's rights organization, and environmental protection organization, came to us with a team of people sent by the United Nations to eat leisurely jobs?"

Hu Feng nodded and asked with a lip in his mouth in the office of the president on the top floor of the company's main building.

"Yes, the joint mission is already on the road, and we expect to arrive at our small airport tomorrow."

Hu Minghan, who had just returned from Munich, Germany, was sitting on the sofa at the moment, looking at the information on the tablet in his hand, and holding a letter under the computer.

"Human rights and women's rights organizations believe that Embrera illegally abused blacks and black women in Somalia and Zambia, and claimed that there were bad practices such as slave trade and kidnapping, especially women's rights organizations. They are now very angry and bite Embrera. The company kidnapped black women as female slaves. "

Hu Feng nodded indifferently. In his view, the so-called international human rights organization and the women's rights organization were two virgin organizations that were idle and fed all day long, and they were bullying and afraid of being tough.

Before the Embrera company came, was the situation in Somalia good? Ignoring human rights, kidnapping, abusing and becoming female slaves are rare?

It's just that they don't dare to control it. All they can do is to march in the developed countries in Europe and America, distribute leaflets and condemn, and play tricks.

Now that Embrera is here, they feel that this is a so-called civilized company in a civilized world and civil society. They dare not make the kind of actions of African armed organizations against them, so they come.

Sometimes it is very annoying to hold high human rights while standing on the moral high ground, but women ’s rights are even more annoying. While shouting for equality between men and women, they are always showing the so-called weakness of women, preaching that women are first, men want gentlemen, and care Women, and similar paradoxes.

To put it bluntly, this group of stupid women who are spoiled just wants more privileges and a high degree of public opinion.

You have to be equal, then do the same thing as men, do the same work, do n’t quarrel with a weak woman, men should cherish and pamper women, and be equal and yes First, this group of feminism is simply a model representative of neuropathy.

These two organizations use their **** to know that there must be no demons inside, and the demons will not be idle to participate in such **** stuff, so it is just a pure human ordinary organization outside the two dark worlds.

"Understood, what happened to that environmental protection organization?" Hu Feng nodded and continued to ask.

"Environmental organizations believe that we have severely damaged the ecological environment of this island near the African continent, so they are going to conduct a comprehensive assessment, the reason given is that the island is characterized as a private use rather than a commercial use, we Ambrella This has been seriously violated. "

"So these three organizations ran to the United Nations again, and it was estimated to be the old routine, demonstrations and protests, etc. Then the United Nations was annoyed and couldn't help it. They sent a team of casual people to follow us here. "

Hu Minghan responded, "Almost in this case, I know that you are secretly doing illegal business. This is your decision. I can't control it, but you really kidnapped black people? You also took black women as women. *slave?"

"Well ... there are a few cases like this. The abduction of black people is because the cyborgs need the guinea pigs to study the artificial soul. The female slave is the idea of ​​the **** to inject fresh blood into the industry under the chain of imprisonment. It ’s all for the company ’s development. I, the boss, ca n’t crack down on the enthusiasm and work enthusiasm of the employees. ”Hu Feng explained that he opened the strong-word mode and explained that if he was replaced by someone else, he would n’t even open this model.

"I now think that your **** is getting worse and worse and more and more like a demon." Hu Minghan sighed helplessly.

"Oh, let's put a hundred hearts in mind. I'm good to you. The bad is to outsiders." Hu Feng laughed a few times, and he didn't want to hide anything from the elder sister.

"Okay, in short, I ’ll take care of this matter. You, the chief executive, have just rushed back, take a rest, and give you a few days off. Your room downstairs has been cleaned and cleaned, facing the sea. On the one hand, I added a large terrace to you, so go relax and do n’t stay tight and tired. ”

Hu Minghan heard Hu Feng's words and said, "For the first time, I saw the boss forcing employees to take paid vacations, okay, then I will rest for a few days, and I will return to China after a while. The company is going to be officially operational soon, and has to attend various ceremonies and meetings. "

The domestic branch of Ambrella is naturally divided by two communication giants to occupy the management decision-making layer. The head office on Hu Feng ’s side is only responsible for collecting technology usage fees and sharing income on time. As for domestic quantum communications How to formulate the policy and package, then it must be implemented according to the domestic characteristics, and you ca n’t intervene yourself. Inviting Hu Minghan, the executive officer of the head office, to return to the country to participate in the ceremony and meeting is just a symbolic move. The specific The operation has long been discussed by the two major communication giants.

"I'm back! Hu Feng, you **** ran to another world for several days, I don't care, you have to compensate me!"

Not long after Hu Minghan went downstairs to his room, Hu Mingjing pushed open the door and walked in, holding a small bag in his hand. It seemed that he had just returned from China.

Hu Feng immediately wanted to be crooked.

There are many people who can crack this year, and it may not be a good thing. . . In the future, you must talk to Sister Void, and the frequency and intensity of battles must be well controlled. . .

On a small passenger plane, the atmosphere at the moment is very warm.

Men and women from all over the world (basically all developed countries in Europe and America) are discussing and chatting.

They naturally belonged to this joint inspection mission. Ambrella has done all kinds of bad things that violate human rights and women ’s rights. They must be stopped face-to-face and severely question and rebuke their bosses and a series of authorities. It is a very fair thing in society.

Of course, the propaganda should keep up. This time accompanied by journalists from various countries, they claim to be the guarantors and supervisors of human rights and women ’s rights. the power of.

The last big thing they did was to clearly support the Middle East war refugees in Europe to take refuge in Europe, and even held a march to live in harmony with them in their own country.

But everyone sees the final result. You want the Virgin Mary to be harmonious, and others may not share the same mentality with you. UU reading books www.uukanshu.com

But they don't care, this is justice, this is justice, this is a friendly and beautiful world, we are good people in developed countries in the West, give you peace and a new life.

"Yes! There is a lot of information to prove that those kidnapping incidents and the blatant captive female slaves were approved by the boss Hu Feng. We must stop this atrocities against the African people!" This is the majority of members Mentality.

"Savage Asians have small eyes and treacherousness. I heard that they used to eat human flesh before." Well, this is a racist who is mixed into the organization.

"Yes! The news media exposed them and demonstrated in front of their company!"

At this time, there was a sudden alarm bell in the cabin of the aircraft. It seemed that there was an emergency, and the passenger door was seated immediately.

"what happened?"

"Look out of the window!"

(Li * fan and uncut version of this book, please join the genuine reader group to read, as the benefits of genuine readers ~~!)

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