Evil Break

Chapter 268: : Two-way public opinion and feminist defenders

"That's the kind of person who supports refugees entering Europe!"

"Our lives are seriously disrupted, our wives and daughters are constantly harassed by refugees, and they are the culprits!"

"A kind of wrong kindness, what are our rulers doing?"

"Europe does not need the Virgin, Europe needs to be stabilized again!"

Various similar titles and comments began to prevail throughout Europe, and immediately received a large number of supporters.

The group of Middle Eastern refugees who fled to Europe because of their own wars has seriously disrupted the lives of various regions and severely affected the economies of various regions. The crime rate remains high, and the frequency of robberies and rapes has risen linearly.

This situation is the most serious in Germany. After all, the region with the largest number of refugees in Europe is Germany, where there is the largest number of Virgin Marys, as well as Prime Minister Merkel.

Some typical news was turned over again. For example, a member of parliament who supported refugees was received. Her daughter was raped by a group of refugees. A good girl in the flower season became crazy. This great virgin not only did not know how to reflect, but also said that she must forgive They (really there is something to do, you can go to see the relevant news at that time).

"Our parliamentarians are such people! Don't be deceived by those poor refugee photos! They have caused us more harm, and why should their pain be imposed on us as well!"

"Let the group of Virgins live with the refugees, they must like to use their bodies to comfort those refugees!"

The media controlled by Xiuli is opening up in full swing, creating a whirlpool of public opinion across Europe.

Especially after receiving the video from Ambrella, and then immediately publishing the video, their supporters were even more.

"Look, this is the so-called human rights and women's rights organization. Do you think they are naive and childish virgins? Wrong! On the contrary, they are good at creating news hotspots and good at guiding people's compassion, but in fact they took this opportunity to pass Better than anyone else! They are just a bunch of clowns who are constantly brushing their presence! "

This public opinion attack by Xiuli was rarely endorsed by the rival Rothschilds. This is the first time that the two sides have stood on the same front, and the guns are consistent.

With the strong admission support of the news media controlled by Rothschild, the vane of public opinion directly changed to present an overwhelming advantage.

This group of low-key Jews do not like Middle Eastern refugees. In their view, Europe has changed back to their world since the end of World War II. Their powerful economic tentacles spread across all walks of life. Naturally, they hope that Europe can develop steadily and peacefully.

They were afraid and hated for the head of state at that time, but they were simply resentful and hated for the current Middle Eastern refugees.

All in all, Germany, which had been caused by refugees for a long time, is now directly exploding, and the Germans are arguing, and this state is spreading to all European countries.

The stubborn and xenophobic old Maozi, who want to escape? Don't even want to come in!

Right now, I haven't seen anything happening in other people's stalls. On the contrary, it is the countries in Europe that claim to be civilized and developed. Because the chickens and dogs that this group of refugees are restless, they just harvested a circle of eggs and praised them.

In this turmoil, the party, Ambrella, jumped out again and released a new product: the female defender robot.

This figure is a magnetic steel robot with a big steel eyeball. The chip stores a large number of female behavior records. Female buyers only need to enter their fingerprints and pupil identification when they are activated for the first time, and they can be used normally.

This defender robot is equipped with various fogs, chains made of fine iron, handcuffs and handcuffs, and the high version has an electric shock function.

Once it is discovered that its owner is being illegally violated, the robot will immediately act, quickly subdue the perpetrator, and record the entire process of the incident for alarm use.

This time, no one wants to attack Ambrera with trampling on women's rights.

Once this latest product was launched in Europe, it immediately caused a frantic panic buying by women to prevent possible personal dangers at any time.

The shape of the robot is also relatively cute. A big eyeball is turning straight, the pupil in front is cute, and there are various colors and patterns to choose from, so the standard version of the defender has been out of stock. Even the high-end version is often out of stock.

Although it is only equipped with extremely basic and backward smart chips, it is an epoch-making progress based on the current technology of the main world.

The defender can understand and analyze the voice of his master, and make a corresponding humanized response instantly, which is not comparable to a fruit mobile phone.

Well, the original trampling on women ’s rights has now become a benchmark and a model for defending women ’s rights, and that feminist observer group has instantly become a joke.

Ambrella once again landed on the cover pages of major European news sites and impurities, especially women-oriented media websites, and it was praising and approving of Ambrella's contribution.

The defender robot does not sell to men, and men cannot be identified and activated. They are completely high-tech products designed for women *.

"For the various suspicions we encountered during this time, and the unjustified slander, Ambrella will not accept it at all. We have never trampled on any human rights, nor have we trampled on women's rights. Those so-called kidnappings and captive female slaves The rumor of is completely a conspiracy against us. "

Hu Minghan, interviewed by a reporter from Xiuli, live broadcasted the whole process in real time. The gender of the chief executive officer has already explained some problems in certain aspects.

Will a company that tramples on women's rights hire a woman as its chief executive?

"I will not participate in any feminist organization. Women ’s rights are not defended by this so-called organization and various demonstrations, and by using presence to create news. I sympathize with them because although they claim to be feminist organizations, they Superficial and childish ideas can never represent feminism. "

Unlike the treatment of members of the Joint Observer Mission, the human reporters sent by the Xiuli Society are called a high standard, full sea view hotel, full reimbursement for consumption, and a car for their shooting around.

"Ambrella, a female defender, is committed to ensuring the personal safety of every female friend. The European market is only the first step, and the defender i-type robot is only the first step."

The title of the new public opinion has been quantified, and there is no possibility of a reversal. The reputation of Ambrella in mainland Europe has skyrocketed. Together with the sales of Ambrella ’s mobile phones, many women who have purchased the defender robot will also be I bought an Ambrella cell phone and opened the quantum communication service after discounts.

Capcom, which is based in Japan, continued to be very moved. While their female employees sent out thank-you letters, they also continued to send out a lawyer letter.

Infringement! You die!

At the same time ~ www.readwn.com ~ African continent, Somalia.

Da da da da da da!

Ambrera's black armed convoy is still domineering, carrying a cart of arms and running towards their customers.

In Mogadishu, a hot, hot white beauty walked on the street, followed by a team of burly men in black suits.

She kept looking from left to right, looking for the black pearls she thought were qualified, but her tuning room had a lot of space.

This world is always unfair, so there is no need to protest or question, because this is an inherent reality.

The Virgin, who is never satisfied, is easily clawed.

(Li * fan and uncut version of this book, please join the genuine reader group to read, as the benefits of genuine readers ~~!)

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