Evil Break

Chapter 286: : Big wave of local monsters

"Yes, Mr. Li, this is the way it is. You can't blame me for that, right. I also stepped on horses for the sake of our world, and directly strangled the apocalypse ceremony in the bud."

On the phone, Hu Feng was pouring water with boss Li, and by the way tried his best to clear his responsibilities.

"It's done, I didn't say to pursue you. Monsters like Leviathan can be detected by X-rays, right?"

"Yes, so we have to be more careful in the near future. Important places must be equipped with X-ray scanning, and don't drink the water stored in the reservoir directly, and scan it with X-rays. Boiling water will not kill them."

"The number of Leviathan is estimated to be around 10,000 in hell? They should have completed the disguise, is the water source unsafe?" Li Lao frowned.

"Isn't it just in case, who knows if they have follow-up reinforcements of the second wave and the third wave." Hu Feng reluctantly rubbed his forehead.

"Hu Feng, you must immediately mobilize your hands to find a way to turn off the purgatory channel. This is a time bomb. Our world can no longer continue to come over monsters!"

"It is already being checked. By the way, the deceased must return to this matter. Although the number will not be large and the scale will not be large, it must be discovered and resolved early."

"You don't need to remind you about this, I remember." Li Lao answered angrily. "Okay, don't say anything, hurry up and get things done, solve it early and settle down early."

Hanging up the phone, Hu Feng started busy contacting the people around him, calling them all back urgently.

There has also been news on the side of paradise. Although the new paradise on the ground with Aletoa is in a state of war, although the purifier Rasha and the punitive Morian firmly believe that Aletya is a traitor, they are still clear. Light and slow.

Therefore, the Orthodox Heaven expressed its willingness to temporarily cease the war. When the two angels met, they would no longer be able to survive for the time being, and concentrate on finding signs of the return of the dead and the group of Leviathans hidden in human society.

Heaven ’s thinking is also very simple, and how to talk to Aletoa is the conflict between his own family, and monsters like Leviathan are the problems of endless purification and purification.

As for the temporary truce with Hell Demon, Heaven considered for a long time, and finally reluctantly agreed, just to give boss Hu the face of the ruthless stubborn who also served as the famine knight and the plague knight.

Now no one dares to clamor for purifying the pure demon Hu Feng, but now they are holding two super nuclear bombs in their arms, and even if one of them is detonated, they will not be able to walk around.

Strictly speaking, the word purification is no longer available. From the perspective of the angels, Hu Feng is no longer a pure demon, but a red-winged apocalypse knight, bound to the rules of the world, so he ca n’t kill him. , Can only be sealed and imprisoned.

Moreover, without the power of the Naru Creator, the angels have no hope of sealing Hu Feng. Boss Hu is not a fool, and he stands still and let you arrange the seal cage.

There was also a temporary ceasefire in Hell. Hell Prince Asmodah expressed his willingness to give Hu Feng a face and temporarily let go of Stanley ’s old bastard. Stanley said that he was willing to temporarily let go of Asmodai ’s hybrid traitor. In addition to fighting, they have already begun to search their own territory, looking for the return of the dead and Leviathan.

The first batch of conflicts and casualties also quickly appeared.

The shredded remains of a group of demon search teams were found in a dark alley in Paris, France. Although Leviathan could not pretend to be a demon and could not obtain the devil's ability and knowledge, they could still eat the demon. , Together with the soul essence.

Then the angels were also attacked. Because a group of ordinary angels were unfamiliar with the enemy, Leviathan used brute force to fly directly into the distant world, and before they could get up, the group of Leviathans temporarily transformed into the ontology. When he came up, he opened his fangs and mouth, and bit off the angel soldier's head.

Liang Zi was put on this. For the foreign monsters such as Leviathan, angels and demons that gritted their teeth, a posture that must be settled inside and outside began to die with Leviathan.

The human demon hunter organization that received the news was also angry. How could these groups of monsters killing thousands of swords like to live with humans one by one! Angels and demons are possessed to occupy human beings, and Leviathan directly eats humans, and then turns into eaten prey.

So the X-ray manufacturing industry ushered in the spring in an instant, and the demand surged, and the factory owners were happy to bloom. If they knew what Leviathan was, they would send a thank you banner.

Nice guy! You are the revival of our industry!

At the same time, everyone is also turning over the boxes and looking for ways to completely close the purgatory channel.

Purgatory is equivalent to the home of monsters after their deaths. Monsters like the Duke of Vampire, if they have perseverance and unwillingness after death, their souls will not dissipate, but they will not become the ghost resentment of humans. Spirit, but directly into purgatory.

Their souls will gradually twist in purgatory, and eventually become a Leviathan. The powerful ones during their lifetime can last for a long time. After all, not all local monsters are willing to become another species.

The matter of purgatory also made the Demon Hunters around the world begin to pay attention to the group of local monsters that have been hidden in the dark and act extremely low-key.

Because local monsters are almost indistinguishable from humans, they are also good at disguising themselves, and they do n’t make trouble, so everyone will not take it seriously and let them go.

But because of purgatory, the demon hunting organizations are now looking for the local monsters of their respective countries, trying to get some information about purgatory from their mouths.

Heavenly Dynasty, Mount Tai.

Although it has long been a tourist attraction, some places have been inaccessible because of some mysterious forces.

"Your elder brother came over from Kunlun Mountain just to say this? Like telling the little girl from Li Zhu, I still say that, I also want to close the purgatory channel, I also hate the group of Leviathan , I would like to continue to live an uncontested life, but I really do n’t know anything about purgatory, so go back, Mo, I also advise you that Kirin should not be too busy, the human devil hunting organization will handle all this of."

Looking at the middle-aged uncle floating in front and a black and white tai chi energy pattern floating slowly behind him, the other said with a majestic and cold middle-aged uncle calmly.

Mo Qilin opened his mouth when he heard the words, and finally nodded.

For Ao Zu, the local monsters of the Celestial Dynasty are extremely respected and convinced.

This is Zulong. . . The people of the Tian Dynasty claimed to be the heirs of the dragon and placed it in the seasons hundreds of years ago. Anyone who is optimistic about the ancestral dragon and has a touch of dragon gas is the founder of a great cause.

"Go back and watch the changes and act in a low-key manner."

Ao Zu said nothing, a cloud of mist radiated from his body, and a golden Chinese dragon rose from the cloud.

Horns like deer, heads like camels, eyes like rabbits, items like snakes, belly like phantoms, scales like fishes, claws like eagles, palms like tigers, ears like cows ~ www.readwn.com ~ A cloud of mist on the top of Mount Tai, dragons Tengyun drove the fog, flew down, and returned to his retreat on the mountainside of Taishan. The mortal human eye could not see the body of Zulong, only to see a sudden cloud change on the top of the mountain.

For thousands of years, dragons have been humans, hiding in the mountains and forests, or traveling in the land of Kyushu, acting in a low-key manner, and never provoking the right and wrong, so that even the Tianchao Demon Hunting Society cannot determine whether it really exists.

He was strong and he was strong, and I bounced the hills from the breeze.

This is Eastern philosophy.

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