Evil Break

Chapter 304: : Black Dragon Doom and Pokemon + One

The black dragon let out a roar, then was hit hard by a deep purple energy arrow, and flew out far away.

Hu Feng, who had ended this charge, rode a famine warhorse and circled in the air. The skull hammer in his hand swung violently. The buzzing apocalypse locust in the sky whistled and began to devour the area. All monster souls and Leviathan on the planet.

Before waiting for the materialized Black Dragon to climb up, he was rushed to the ground again, the wings on both sides could not move.

At this moment, the nine infants who had turned into the body were fierce and evil, no longer the ordinary state of mentally retarded and talkative.

This Central Plains fierce beast was extremely brutal and fierce when fighting. Nine heads glowed red, and nine large mouths covered with sharp fangs were opened, and the fangs were surrounded by flame energy.

Nine infants in this state of nature only have small short legs on both sides and no arms and claws. Her nine heads and flexible tails are the best weapons.

At this moment, Jiuying rushed up and rode directly on the body of the black dragon. The tail was tightly wrapped around his body. The two outermost heads bite the pair of wings of the black dragon, and the other seven heads are right. The black dragon was tearing and biting, or a column of terrifying flames fired from close range.

Looking at her fierce look, Hu Feng once again expressed great doubts. How did the young man kill Jiuying after Hou Yi? With the broken bow and arrow in his hand?

I don't believe in killing Hu Feng. Even if you are an elf archer who crosses the earth, then you can't shoot a beast like Jiuying on your horse!

When asked about this matter, Jiuying just said that Hou Yi had made a shameless attack on her, and what ancient rituals she used to help, she did not know the specifics. Anyway, she was as powerful as a medicine.

There is no suspense in the battle situation at this moment. The black dragon in the soul state could not beat the nine infants. Now, with Hu Feng in the state of a famine knight, there is no chance of winning.

More than a dozen evil energy chains appeared out of thin air, and then firmly bound the black dragon soul. Hu Feng took out a soul crystal that had been prepared and began to extract the soul essence of the black dragon.

This is a great supplement, and it is an excellent powerful fuel. The soul essence of a black dragon is much better than the soul essence of an ordinary human.

According to the simple map provided by Leviathan, the black dragon is the strongest soul closest to him. The divisions of these powerful souls are extremely scattered and act independently.

They did not accept the reality that turned into Leviathan, maintained their state of life, retained their memories of life, and so wandered on the endless wilderness of purgatory, always suffering from burning pain.

Therefore, being forcibly defeated by oneself and extracted into the unconscious soul essence can be regarded as a permanent relief.

A nine baby, a black dragon, there are only three powerful soul places that he can bring out.

Although with his current strength, he does not need to abide by these quota restrictions and can bring as many as he wants, but Hu Feng does not intend to do so.

Trading is trading, not to mention this is the trading contract that you have set. If you take the lead in breaking the contract, although you will not be punished by the rules due to the rebellious constitution, no one will be willing to communicate and trade with yourself in the future.

I don't want to play Long Aotian's play. If people live, some rules and self-restraint are still needed.

One more friend is better than one enemy, isn't it?

After absorbing the soul essence of Black Dragon, watching Jiu Ying change back to her beautiful and beautiful human figure, and then recalling her fierce play just now, Hu Feng said that she had no **** at all. Her little brother did not want to be young Early death.

"Okay, there are three places left on hand. I will wait for some time in the future, or let me come over to catch people. Come again, now ... go home and eat."

Nine babies heard the news and were very excited. After spending thousands of years in this ghostly place where there was nothing, it was just enough to endure.

Turn her into Leviathan? This is unacceptable for nine infants.

Or is that old line of speech, I am a beast of Central Plains, I am a powerful nine infants, want to turn myself into Leviathan like that beast? Go shit!

Nine Infants was very satisfied with the name given to her by humans in ancient times. At that time, she even went to overhear the cry of the little baby, and it was indeed very similar to her roar.

"Oh, besides you, are there any other Central Plains monsters in purgatory?" On the way back to Leviathan's Fang Nest, Hu Feng asked Jiu Ying.

"No, except for the few soul-stirring ones, I came to purgatory one by one, and everything I knew lived well, and then I persevered with the steely will, and nothing could make me tempted. ... ah! A Leviathan that has been singled out! Woo ... "

Nine babies held by Hu Feng stared at Leviathan, who ran and ran fast, and finally did not turn into the body to devour him.

"Okay, I arrived at Leviathan's lair in a while. It is forbidden to swallow Leviathan there. Remember!"

Seeing Jiu Ying nodded reluctantly, Hu Feng put a little light on the snack, but still decided to be optimistic about her. After all, the mad woman didn't care about it.

The stone-spike forest appeared in front of me, and the Leviathans continued to roar into their ears.

Landing directly on the central area of ​​the nest on a famine horse, the hillside with purgatory passage is in front of you.

"Adult is back, it's a lot faster than I expected."

It was still the Leviathan of immense size, leaping from a sharp stone spike not far away, and then transformed into a human form.

Hu Feng nodded, "Take away two souls this time, and the remaining three will have time to come back later, do you need to check it?"

Leviathan laughed a few times, "No, you are honest. We Leviathan is extremely sensitive to the sense of smell of the soul. We are very happy to do transactions with you. You have proven that you are a trustworthy transaction object."

"Oh, trading is trading, this is something that must be followed, well, then I'll go back ... lying down, it's you again!"

Looking down, a young Leviathan was tearing his trouser legs, and now his trouser legs were ragged.

It was still the last one, which made Hu Feng feel quite destined. . . Right?

"It seems that this little guy likes to haunt you. Do you want to take her back with me? I believe you can take care of her." Leviathan, who was in charge of Hu Feng, looked at the young Li who was raised by Hu Feng again. Weitan asked Hu Feng with a smile.

"Lying trough, are you still engaged in the business of adopting small things? Let's do it ... I took it away."

"Very good, oh right, Master Hu Feng. She likes to eat lean **** meat with excellent taste and the soul essence of intelligent creatures. Feed her three or four times a day, which is quite worry-free."

Hu Feng heard a deep pain.

Three or four times a day? Also want to lean lean meat and soul essence? Tama's own food is not as good as hers! Real chicken luxury!

Forget it ~ www.readwn.com ~ is just a bonus after the task is completed.

"You are not allowed to eat her!"

Seeing Jiuying's eyes a little strange, Hu Feng immediately picked up the young Leviathan and stared at Jiuying with vigilance.

"I'm too lazy to open my mouth, so a little bit of stuffing is not enough."

Nine infants who were found to have their intentions turned on the hard mode of the dead duck mouth.

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