Evil Break

Chapter 307: : The Son of Treasure and the Lost World of Galosi

"Shut up! I want to do whatever I want! It's your turn!

Sa was angrily angry and shouted at the side.

After a moment. . .

"I said to my avatar, not to you."

Hu Feng heard the quiet explanation of the Titan Spirit, and the volume was still extremely loud.

Elena's projection appeared next to Sargeras, seeing Hu Feng standing blankly in front, waving and waving a greeting.

"Meet again. It seems that after I left, you had a pretty good life. How come you want to spy on your origin? Haven't you already understood?"

"It's all a misunderstanding! I didn't even think about any peeping at all, except that the hexagram whizzes and goes back directly to here, oops ... I'm not interested in the world on your side, let me go back Have you eaten yet? President Sa, please go to dinner too, a misunderstanding. "

At this time, another heavenly projection appeared in the evil flame world, that is another Titan god.

"Mr. Sa, what's the matter, all of me ... um? This is the incarnation of the will that is independent from you? Hello old iron, I am the Lord of the Dawn, Sarodhar, part-time brother, part-time nurse. Lord, how is the earth now? Are the folks okay? "

Sarodal ’s eyes were fixed on Hu Feng. This Titan deity looked golden, but Hu Feng still felt that he was not a good thing. He always felt very evil, half as heavy as Sargeras.

"The folks on the earth are all well. Everyone loves each other and develops harmoniously. The family of angels, demons and humans is so beautiful. Can I go back and eat?"

"Let people go home, Mr. Sa, you are stingy, you accidentally peeped at you, don't be afraid, you originated from him, the Burning Legion is your biggest golden finger and backing, you need to take it directly, Don't be polite to him. "Sarodal finished talking to Mr. Sa, then turned to Hu Feng and said, dare not to be his own thing, and don't feel distressed when he delivers it.

"I've always wanted to borrow the demon engineer named Jinjaros. I've been thinking about making the Galosi annihilator for a long time. The legion has not let people down, and I am also desperate." Boss Hu seized the opportunity , Immediately poured out bitter water.

"Jingarros? Oh, I remember that boy, the demon engineer who made the Garrosi World Destroyer." Sarodal nodded in a sudden realization.

Galoxi World Destroyer? Sounds a lot more powerful than the Garothi Destroyer? The weapons of the Burning Legion have been updated so quickly!

"Yeah, that's him. Now they are all upgraded to the Garoxi World Destroyer? Sa always gave me a chant. I also said that it originated from you. You don't want to see me being hit by someone's fart Face? "

"I can also kill you directly to prevent future troubles." Mr. Sa immediately returned coldly.

"Okay, give someone another one. It's easy to meet each other, and let people go home empty-handed? You can't lose the face of Titan?" Sarodal turned into a treasure boy and began to encourage Sa to give gifts.

"Give him, I'm in charge." Elena made up an overwhelming knife and helped her husband make a decision.

Hu Feng was overjoyed. This time he was forcibly pulled into this strange spiritual world. It was also the right thing. He took a circle to bring back a powerful war machine. He can come a few more times in the future.

"Communicate with the Legion after going back, and I will let Kil'jaeden send you over." Sa was always forced by two people around him, and said with his teeth.

The scene in front of me was twisted and transformed again, and the three projections in front of me were rapidly moving away, as if my own spirit was returning at an incredible speed.

The scene of New Paradise Island appeared again in front of him. The dark green evil flame that was just emerging from his sixty-four hexagram in his hand disappeared at the moment.

"Fortunately, your kid picks up fast, otherwise the old man and you will be broken." Zulong's voice came, which made Hu Feng trance. It seemed that the real world only passed for less than a few seconds.

"I said old man, don't count me when you say that, you have to count ... Don't come again next time."

Returning the Guapan to Zulong, Hu Feng said with a lip.

"I have also noticed that your secrets seem extremely huge, and no one can spy on them, so I will not ask more, just to tell you, do n’t forget where your roots are, the people you care about are where."

Zulong's expression was extremely serious, and he said such a sentence to Hu Feng.

At that moment, he also felt abnormal, and there seemed to be a deep and heavy laughter coming into his ears. The sound seemed to come from thousands of miles or even further away. Earth, it will be an absolute disaster and destruction.

That is the overwhelming evil flame, the tyrannical will to oppress everything, and. . . The ocean is general, and there are countless annihilation legions.

There is no doubt that the earth cannot withstand that kind of disaster.

"Don't ... there will be the next time ..." Before the horror existed, the last whisper came into Zulong's mind.

"You can rest assured, they will never come, and I don't want to be that kind of wicked." Hu Feng nodded and replied.

Ok. . . Only a small part came as a help.

Zulong left and returned to Tianchao again. Of course, he went back alone, and Jiuying was left here by Hu Feng.

"It is forbidden to let her take a step out of this island. Even if you don't go back with me, the necessary punishment will still be there. This is her place of confinement."

Hu Feng immediately agreed with his mouth full. Anyway, Zulong didn't know whether Jiuying was in New Paradise Island or went to the end of the ruins. The operation space is still very large.

"Okay, now you can rest assured. Go back to your cave and continue the ritual. Your current state needs to be stabilized and strengthened. The body just condensed is not stable."

Looking at the fissure cracks that had appeared on Jiuying's body, Hu Feng shook his head, allowing Jiuying to continue to go back to evil energy corruption and stability ~ www.readwn.com ~ Oh roar. . . I'm free, Zulong can't control me anymore! When can I go to another world, I want to burn something. "The nine heads of Nine Infants dangled nonstop, and one of them also sprayed a fiery flame against the sky.

"Hurry up, as you are now, take a few steps and break up, hurry back."

Watching Jiu Ying walk back to his cave staggeringly, Hu Feng exhaled for a long time. His wish to take a few days off had never been realized.

"God! Go back! Go home!" Hu Feng yelled out. After a while, the young Leviathan drilled out of a pile of stones not far away, Zhang With that small mouth of fangs, he flung to Hu Feng's side.

"Who wants to eat the soul essence, it's you, you are you ..." Speaking of the young Leviathan, he teased and walked towards the main building of the company.

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