Evil Break

Chapter 310: : Holy Light Casting Point and Holy Light will go out

The number of human members in Virtue has surged recently, and the mood is high.

An organization called Tianqi Jingjiao suddenly appeared in the town of Virtue and began to help anyone in need without any return.

This faction is also a force under the leadership of their Hu boss. It belongs to the group that has just been established, and it can't get along with other factions under Hu Feng.

Because this is led by Holy Light Narumua.

The top personnel of the Tianqi Jingjiao are all angels made by Mua. They are humanoid, with golden lights in their eyes, wearing white robes swaying around in the town of Virtue, picking what they think is still Humans with good intentions yearn for justice and light.

The human survivors in the last days of the ruins are already extremely familiar with angels, and the old fritters who often ran out to wander among the endless ruins have not seen angels too often.

Will these angels help them so kindly? Don't make trouble, don't believe in killing Lao Tzu! Like demons, they are all pitiful worms who seek life in this ruin together with humans. The difference is that they know how to use that golden light.

Then they found that they were wrong. This group of angels seems to be really different from other angels (bgm: we are different, different, different ... coughing).

What do these angels of the Apocalyptic Jingjiao say, there is a sense of purity that is not contaminated, or that thinking is incompatible with the end of the ruins, as if they have been living in a very normal world.

I do n’t know what kind of thought Naaru Mua is. The angels he made are all females, and there is no one to lead them. Naru does n’t have the job and ca n’t do that. He ca n’t understand why he only made female angels. .

All in all, this group of white-winged female angels in white robes who did not conceal their backs really started to treat any wounded or sick human beings without asking for anything.

They stood at the gate of the town of Virtue. When they saw the wounded soldiers in the ruins being carried in by their companions, they signaled to put them down and then started treatment.

At first, the wounded companions still held extremely distrust of the angels. They preferred to deal with the devil rather than meet the angel. After all, the angels in the end of the ruins became extremely extreme and extreme, sometimes sometimes Without talking to you, you will be killed directly.

"We don't need your treatment, and we have nothing to pay for this treatment."

"I said, the Apocalyptic Jingjiao does not ask for your return. We are just to carry out the will of the Holy Light. We are not the same as the heretic angels gathered there." The female angel said, pointing **** Pressing on the injured person's forehead, the latter's painful expression immediately eased and his breathing became stable.

The golden holy light enveloped the wounded, and within a minute, the unlucky egg, which had been ripped off by the flesh-ghost monster, had recovered as before, except for the scar on the abdomen.

This incident was immediately passed on from ten to hundreds. Human survivors were surprised to find that the angels of the Apocalyptic Jingjia seem to be really different from other angels. They treat people softly and heal any injuries and illnesses. This is in their rescue. After a child infected with Apocalypse malaria was identified.

So the angels of the apocalyptic netizens quickly gained the respect of this group of unruly human survivors. When they met these angels dressed in white robes on the road, they bowed and said, "Hello, Master Priest ".

This respect is sincere, and human survivors are sincerely grateful to the angels who are obviously different from those outside.

Their holy light brought back a large number of wounded people who were near death and residents who had been suffering from ill health for a long time, including their relatives, friends, family, wives and daughters.

Then Mr. Hu, with great kindness, built a Naru-style cathedral for Tianqi Jingjiao. The drawings provided by Mua's friendship were completely constructed according to the shape of the crystal fortress.

The area of ​​Virtue Town expanded to another part instantly. This cathedral, called the Light Casting Point, looks like a towering golden crystal hill in the distance. There is a small square at the door of the church. A small fountain with golden light.

With the entry of Naru and the angels, a sharp beam of holy light was shot from the sharp top of the Crystal Cathedral, rushing towards the sky and staying there for a long time, becoming a landmark building.

The whole church except the angels is located in the upper living area and living area, the entire lower floor is a very spacious hall, rows of rows of crystal benches in the hall, the deepest is a large circular platform, Holy Guangnarumua floated there, the diamond-shaped crystal plates around the core crystal kept turning, and soft and sweet music and whispers filled the hall.

More and more human survivors began to habitually gather here, or just sit and relax in the square, feeling the first feeling that no longer dazzling and burning, but a kind of warm and sacred golden light. .

When the disciplinary light fades away, the divine light will replace it, bringing warmth and healing to the souls.

There are many small vendors around the square, which have evolved into the largest unofficial free market in the town of Virtue, which makes the flow of people here even greater.

Those humans who were rescued by the Holy Light sat quietly in the church, lowered their heads and closed their eyes, listening to Naruna ’s extremely relaxing and peaceful music and whispers.

Many ruin commandos now have a habit that they will come here every time they go out of the city to seek the blessings of angel priests.

Afterwards, the situation began to be somewhat out of control. Did Hu Feng feel that the script was wrong again?

A small number of pious human survivors, they have begun to understand the Holy Light!

The angels are naturally extremely surprised. If humanity, a huge base, can also perceive the Holy Light, then it is a very important progress for the cause of justice.

So the first paladins and priests were born.

The Paladins who had just realized the light of punishment, they gave up their original firearms, picked up the warhammer with golden light, carried a large caliber rifle that received the infusion of the Holy Light on their backs, and put on a golden heavy armor There was a chain of Holy Light slanted on his body, and a thick book hanging at the end of the chain hanging from his waist was filled with the teachings of Holy Light and their own insights.

They began to claim to be the Knights of the Redemption Hand and directly obeyed the Holy Light Narumua, with the same status as the angels.

As for the new group of priests of Holy Light, most of them are women, and few men have successfully realized this extremely soft light of healing ~ www.readwn.com ~ They also put on white robes. Holding a staff inlaid with diamond-shaped holy light crystals, there are many long cloths on the staff wrapped in the wind, embroidered with their respective perceptions and doctrines of holy light, and a light-infused Small pistol.

However, the priests did not form an organization. They were directly incorporated into the team of angel priests of the Apocalyptic Puritanism, and they took care of the Holy Light Casting Cathedral together with them, and wandered around in the town of virtue, giving the grace of the Holy Light.

Hu Feng is extremely painful about this. How did the painting style suddenly become magical?

If this is the case, what will this ruined end of the world look like in the end?

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