Evil Break

Chapter 331: : Heaven and Intelligence

In the office of Supervisor No. 66, a holographic projection screen is suspended in the middle of the office, which shows in detail the endless ruins of the southern part of the heaven.

"Here, such a large area is the range of activities and absolute control of the doomsday angels. Both humans and demons are either expelled or directly killed." Hu Feng stood in front of the holographic projection and stretched out his right hand to draw After a circle, that area is located in Hunan Province, directly above Guangdong Province.

It may also be because the self of the parallel world had experienced all the same things as the self before the assassination of the destroyed Lord Sargeras, but Alettoya had launched the apocalyptic ceremony before he had fallen into the sky. .

So heaven fell, and the place of the fall was in the heavens. The angels wanted to seek revenge from Hu Feng, who was the initiator, and there was Alettoya in the parallel world with her angel wandering in the decisive battle point building. Hu Feng killed him. Dead, holding the essence to resurrect his Aletya.

"Here, in the central area, this crater is the holy light of the angels of the Doomsday, and the remains of heaven are located in this crater. In return, the construction quality of your angels is quack. There is a large part of the building that has not fallen into slag, which is really rare. "

With that said, Hu Feng made a sliding gesture, and the holographic projection immediately transformed into a photo of the area where the Holy Light would extinguish.

ps: The above photos are all from the first artist in the ruins, Karistian.

At this moment, this camera metamorphosis is sitting on his huge tentacles and big eyes, wandering around the endless ruin area, shooting his death artworks, and now the ruin wanderers will be pleasantly surprised to find that one of his companions is trapped in a circle. In the blue light, the action of the moment of death circulates indefinitely. When walking into the blue light, you can hear the background music that Carristian intimately matched for him.

He even went to pluck a few angels in the area where the Holy Light will extinguish. After killing a few ordinary angels and making them into an infinite loop of art, he was madly chased by the furious doomsday angels. This The camera is abnormal and there is no plan to open a double killing. With a large number of photos taken by himself, he began to flee wildly. He was directly chased by the angry angel and cut a dozen streets. Finally, with his excellent escape skills, he succeeded Completed the desperate escape and the achievement of the train king.

Karistian was very angry, so he decided to take revenge, so he found the boss Hu, who was as good as the angel and was capable of launching a large-scale war.

Boss Hu was very pleased and immediately accepted the photos, saying that he would definitely find justice for Caristien ’s perversion, and happily gloat by the way.

The Punisher Morian stared at the photos of the area where the Holy Light would be extinguished, many of which were familiar to him, because that was a paradise he did not know how many times he had seen it. . . Okay, wreckage and ruins of heaven.

"The Fallen ... Apostate traitor ... See what they have done to heaven! Now they still have faces that call it Holy Light will go out? They deserve only the hottest purification!"

"Yeah, that's the kind of spirit you need to go, die with these fallen people, kill them, capture them, as long as they don't let them continue to run out and add chaos, you don't know, this group The birdman came out to fight the autumn wind every three minutes, the people are suffering ... Awkwardly. "Hu Feng immediately nodded his head. Anyway, Heaven is going to fight with the angels of the end to death. He has no opinion at all. There has been no radical and extreme doomsday angels.

"These ... Doom Angels, is their gathering place only here?" Morian, the Punisher, clenched his fists, and the armor on his palm made another sound of friction.

"Yes, the big one is only here, and they don't know how to expand their sphere of influence. This is the end of not integrating into human society. Everyone is also living in this ruined eschatology, and everyone is better than them."

"Thank you for the information, we have got what we want, say goodbye." Morian nodded at Hu Feng and turned to return to his angel soldier.

"Hey, wait for a while, there's one more thing." Hu Feng immediately stopped the fire and said the muscle angel who was doing it.

Seeing Morian turn around, he looked at himself suspiciously. Hu Feng hummed a few times and organized the language in a stride.

"This is the case. My Seven Virtue Hotel, you all know where it is. I am not going to smash this gold signboard. I know that you are hunting down the local monster in front of Yuzao, so ... give a face, Yuzao is coming to my hotel soon. I do n’t want to see that because of a local monster, Heaven will send troops to attack my property, because if this face is torn, some of it will not pay off, right? "

"You can also surrender that native monster, and Heaven will naturally not attack your building." Morian replied immediately.

"Well ... It ’s hard to obey, people have already paid the deposit, and the person will pay the full amount as soon as they arrive, so she is now my guest, so I will not give her to anyone, give up each one, she wo n’t give up The scope of the new paradise island, paradise will not intervene, how? "

The disciples heard silence for a moment and shook their heads.

"I can't give you any answer, but I will tell this matter and my personal opinion to the purifier Rasha. The leader will make the final decision, but what I want to tell you is that your move has been Seriously on the opposite side of heaven, this will ... "

"Oops, I don't know how many times I'm on the opposite side of heaven. I'm willing to take this risk. Thank you. You can report it directly to Rasha." Hu Feng immediately waved his hand and interrupted Morian's words. .

It ’s not a day or two since I have been fighting with Heaven. It ’s not so bad. I ca n’t smash the gold signboard that I have managed to manage.

In addition, before Yuzao, or the Japanese demon hunter group also gave a very satisfactory price, Hu Feng is too lazy to care about who the payer is ~ www.readwn.com ~ Maybe the local monster before Yuzao is in Japan ’s fame is too great to let go of the shelter for a while, so it changed its name and was led by the Japanese demon hunter group, temporarily leaving Japan for the reason of the Japanese people ’s stable life.

Such a face, no matter which country it is placed in, as long as the status is up, it will naturally not be lost.

There is really no way to be hunted down by heaven, but you can't beat it, you can only run out to take refuge. This is a shameful statement.

As for paradise, Hu Feng does not think they will tear their faces with themselves for the sake of a local monster, destroying the cooperative situation that is now easily established. Purifier Rasha is not that kind of stunned angel, and should not be able to do this impulse. Things.

Thinking that he was about to have another large amount of money in his account, Hu Feng felt a rush of grief in his heart. The business of providing refuge services was simply profiteering.

After all, no one will not be willing to give up their own money.

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