Evil Break

Chapter 338: : The heart is like water and the demon of Dongying

As for the cost of staying in front of Yuzao, boss Hu had to sigh that the Japanese demon hunter group was also quite rich.

Not only did he pay a large amount of foreign exchange in USD, but he also invited Ambrella to go to Japan to open a branch and promised to give preferential policies.

Oh, Capcom finally stopped under the pressure of the demon hunter, saying that it would no longer send a lawyer's letter to boss Hu and his Ambrella company. Ambrera also borrowed donkeys downhill and gave the card Pukong has a name infringement fee, and both parties have turned it into a jade silk. Kapukong said that boss Hu is a social person, so he is regarded as advertising for the Resident Evil.

Then Yuzao secretly arrived at New Paradise Island with a Japanese freighter, and began her refuge journey. Now the angels of heaven are hunting her from the outside world. As long as you dare to show up, then it is properly a death. How powerful can the angels besiege you?

Heaven naturally knew that Yu Feng had come here before Hu Feng. Although she could not be softened on the bright side, Purifier Rasha still clearly stated that she must die before she tried her best to hunt Yu Zao.

But in private, everyone knows that this is just doing things. After all, Heaven will not come to the new Paradise Island to catch people, but Yuzao temporarily did n’t want to go back to Japan until Heaven lost interest and attention to her.

Ding, the elevator door slipped open, and the top floor arrived.

It has now been renovated by the construction team sent by the Japan Demon Hunting Team, and it has completely changed its appearance.

The current top floor has been turned into an open-air state, and it has been transformed into a small Japanese-style forest garden with a classic Japanese style. The corridor with a roof surrounds the middle pond and small and delicate rockery carvings. The stream flows and seesaws The same small wooden tube will drop a clear drop of water every few seconds.

To be honest, Hu Feng does not have a cold for this style. This kind of majestic atmosphere or the quiet and deep architectural layout style that originated in the heavenly dynasty, after being introduced to Japan, combined with the character and thinking of this nation, gradually produced many Changes in artistic conception.

The majestic atmosphere is gone, and the tranquility and deepness are gone, all turned into a look like Xiaojia Jasper, or Xiaojiaziqi.

This is not going to happen, you can't expect a small island country to achieve the mood and mentality of the vast Kyushu land in your mind.

But Hu Feng does not deny that the Japanese garden's small jasper style also has its own unique charm. It blindly denies others to raise themselves. This kind of old thinking and anger that hinders the elementary school teenager has long been the style of the country. It should be lost.

The sound of streams and the sound of wind chimes hanging on the roof of the corridor constitute a very quiet music sound. Hu Feng also lazily went into the country to follow the custom and took off his shoes like the Japanese, but walked directly down the corridor toward the inside.

The small pond is facing the entrance of the corridor of the mobile wooden house. The wooden door is open. The corridor beside the pond extends out a small platform with a small wooden table and two cushions.

Yuzao sat there now, closing his eyes very quietly, as if listening to all the sounds around him.

Hu Feng walked over without any hassle and observed the biggest local monster in Japan.

Yuzao Qian is very different from those ancient legends and modern Japanese monster games. She wore an ordinary white female kimono with a delicate small pillow tied around her waist, a black waist-length hair spread out, oblique bangs covered Most of the faces on the side can't see the specific appearance.

All in all, her state at the moment is basically the same as human beings. The local monsters of the Eastern world pursue a subtle and low-key Eastern philosophy, which is not publicized and rarely disrupted. Many Eastern local monsters consider themselves as human beings. The guardian of a certain aspect accepts the worship of ancient humans.

This is very different from the personality of Western native monsters, and the ordinary people are intolerant, otherwise the Western world will not produce so many legendary stories like the brave dragons.

"Boss Hu doesn't know how to follow the customs of the village, you trampled the floor."

At this time, Yu Zao said in front of her that the sound of the local monster made up of the nine-tailed demon fox was not very charming, but it was also extremely crisp and sweet.

Hu Feng leaned his lips and didn't answer. He walked directly to the other side of the wooden table opposite Yuzao and sat cross-legged. He didn't have the tiring kneeling posture.

Then Hu Feng saw the appearance in front of Yuzao for a moment.

This should be the best-looking woman she's ever seen, which makes Hu Feng wonder what it looks like when the Phoenix of Heaven turns into a human form.

Her facial features seem to be the perfect state of elaborate carving. On this face, Hu Feng can see different feminine elements such as charming, cold, or pure, etc. It is difficult to believe how Yuzao did these things before It is estimated that the factors of conflict are combined together, it is estimated that the nine-tailed demon fox is born with such a talent.

"Uh ... I got intelligence information before, saying that the Japanese **** of wind is helping you without asking for a glance, and now I voluntarily come to New Paradise Island as your bodyguard. I have some understanding of the reason, the guy estimated I'm in love with you. "

"Is boss Hu praising my appearance? Thank you for your compliment, Fengshen's mood at a glance, I probably know some, and I'm also a little difficult to do this." Yuzao stood up before Hu Feng filled a bowl of tea and poured the whole The tea process looks pleasing.

Japan turned everything into Tao, flower arrangement, tea ceremony, samurai and so on, etc., everything should be played with an artistry, at least boss Hu, a layman, can't see what a lot of tricks are done by drinking tea.

"That's right, I haven't even seen that at a glance." Hu Feng shrugged at random, took a tea bowl and took a sip.

"This is the second time you have launched that kind of kamikaze. For the first time, you have overturned hundreds of thousands of troops in the Yuan Dynasty. This time, a large number of Leviathans have been sunk. The angels have the ability to cause natural disasters to you. Very uncomfortable ~ www.readwn.com ~ After all, people are the guardians of justice in a peaceful world, and they will not let go of potential dangerous elements like you. "

"But boss Hu can prevent these from happening, isn't it." Yuzao still looked calm, and looked like an ancient wave.

"Yeah, but you're going to be prepared for permanent residency. Angels are like you Japanese, they are all stunned, and they insist on turning things down so quickly, so your scope of action is only this island. , And it is forbidden to use all the energy of a wide range of volatility, try to integrate into the society of ordinary people, unless you do not plan to go out of this top-level area. "

"I also don't want to use those innate strengths. I originally lived a low-key and peaceful life in the shrine, and I want to continue to maintain that state in the future, but the angels don't believe me."

Yu Zao's words just fell, and suddenly frowned delicately, as if listening to spiritual information.

At this time Hu Feng also received his own message.

"Hu Feng! I'm going to kill the Japanese **** Fengshen! Even Zulong didn't dare to be called a god, and the monsters in a Japanese country dare to be so arrogant!"

The cry of Nine Infants filled the mind, and Hu Feng suddenly felt a pain.

It seems that there is a conflict between these two local monsters.

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