Evil Break

Chapter 357: : Villain communication and incomplete star chart

The armed airship sailed all the way across the broken mountains and rivers to the east. At this moment, it has entered the territory of Fujian, but now the scenery around the world is the same: ruins, so I ca n’t see any change.

Hu Feng was quite bored along the way. The monarch kept blinding himself in his own spirit, interjecting a few words from time to time. . . Ok. . . Time should pass quite quickly.

"Do you think artificial intelligence rebellion is also necessary?"

"Yes, organisms are born chaotic and imperfect. They don't know why they are born. They will make mistakes in the process of exploring this, they will deviate from the track, and will be affected by their own desires, so harvesting is a necessary behavior."

"So you came to the conclusion that synthetics are king?"

"Yes, mechanical creatures will not make mistakes. The central processor will calculate the perfect coping style. The learning ability of synthetics is much higher than that of organisms. Compared with the evolution of organisms, the upgrading of synthetics is more efficient. I have observed you Tell me if they are better than humans. "

"No matter how good it is, it's artificial. How can you learn that it is also the rigid ability of processors and chips. The genes of organisms are far more complicated than these esoteric."

"Useless genes bring chaos and destruction, so the organisms we used to transform soldiers have removed a lot of useless gene chains, leaving only the necessary genes."

"So you think this is improvement?"


"You cute and evil little villain."

Hu Feng has almost learned about the behavior and thinking of the reaper. In short, this group of super giant intelligent machines is just biting the organisms and will bring chaos to the universe, so this extreme idea must be suppressed.

The villains of the parallel world are all so mentally retarded. This is simply unhealthy than the destruction of the earth. People are swaying around the universe, and they will be harvested when they see advanced civilizations.

"Do you have a soul?"

"The soul is the spiritual body of the organism, and our will is stored in the core."

"So there is nothing, I think so."

Hu Feng shrugged the news and ended the conversation.

Despite the joy of chatting here, the mutual support between the two sides is still continuing. The air forces of Refuge 0 will go to the Endless Road Shelter to launch an attack every three to five, but they are completely overwhelmed by the pure Devil Army. The monarch did not care about this, anyway, the army of enlightenment was cannon fodder, and the harvesters' most powerful means of attack was themselves.

It was just that the monarch, the reaper, was not able to form a space fleet, and it was even more impossible to launch a full-scale attack on the endless road refuge.

Hu Feng flickered from the monarch to a cosmic star map in the hands of the reaper, but the monarch was not stupid, and did not honestly send the complete star map, but only gave the location of the solar system.

The solar system is located on the edge of the entire incomplete star map. In other words, it is a ravine ditch that does not shit. In addition to several adjacent galaxies, the other positions are blank, which was erased by the reaper in advance.

The two nearest neighbors to the solar system are the curtain of Perseus and the curtain of constellation Andromeda, as well as a distant edge of an inanimate galaxy completely covered by the asteroid cluster.

"Who are these names? By the way, thank you for translating me intimately."

"The galaxies and clusters are named after the constellation of stars composed of organisms."

"Oh, the United Nations composed of various alien races? Understand, have they discovered the solar system and the earth?"

"Only the Quillians discovered the solar system and the earth. They are not members of the Star Alliance Council, so they did not report it."

"Brother Monarch, let's take a look at the information. What is this Quillie, is it dangerous?"

"Data retrieval ... Target Quillians, retrieval is complete ... Quillians, the parent star Lenoch, without any colonial planet, Lenoch is currently occupied by the artificial intelligence ai group they made, The Quillians have the largest hybrid fleet in the universe, and all races live in spaceship fleets for interstellar wandering, with a personality that is peaceful, comprehensive assessment, and low threat. "

"Then they discovered the solar system and the earth, why don't they come here to colonize, do they like to wander in the spaceship so much?"

"The sterile environment in the spacecraft has caused their new generation to lose all their immunity. They can only rely on a full-body protective suit and a life-support system to survive. There are too many bacteria on the earth. Humans call it the apocalypse plague, so they have no Grasp of successful colonization. "

Ok. . . It seems that the Four Knights of the Apocalypse did an unintentional good thing. Although they successfully destroyed the earth, at least they also cut off the desire of aliens to come to the earth. People will be interested.

Hu Feng looked at the projection of the Quiri people's spirit.

Males are about the same size as humans, except that their knees are reverse-articulated and bend backwards.

Women are protruding forward and backward, looking very sexy, but the long legs with reverse joints always feel weird when viewed from the human aesthetic.

His face could not be seen clearly, because the Quillians were wearing tight protective clothing and their faces were covered by an opaque mask.

"Are they also harvested?"

"Harvest level: low, although their fleet is huge but the technology content is extremely low, civil ecological spacecraft accounts for 80%, no threat, comprehensive assessment: final harvest."

Okay, is this contempt from the reaper? . . When you make it clear, you think that the Quillians are a group of small garbage, which is not worthy of being the main harvest target. It can only be regarded as a last-hand addition.

"Well ... your ideas are right. Since the universe has not yet recognized the dangers of the reaper, you must act low-key, first harvest some unique and powerful creatures, accumulate strength, and finally give them Come on cruel. "

Hu Feng instantly turned into a villain, temporarily joined the reaper camp, and began to ponder the evil plan, muttering bad water.

"Your proposal has been recorded, comprehensive evaluation: extremely feasible, thank you for your help, accept the education, join us, and withdraw the endless road ..."

"Grass comes again and compares, isn't it! All said, give me the highest authority, otherwise talk!"

Boss Hu has a dream now. He wants to occupy a planet and build a big palace. To be a king of all colors and squeeze cute alien friends, all of them need the reaper's joining.

Of course, the Endless Fel Fleet of the Burning Legion can also be used, but the Lord of Destruction Sargeras is too stingy, and he is reluctant to give his technical demon talents, so there is no shortage of demon killing and killing here ~ www. readwn.com ~ But there are not a few non-combatants such as demon technician engineers, so let alone the manufacturing technology of evil warships, even if the manufacturing technology is obtained, it will not be scale, after all, the warships also need high technology Type demon to control.

Always go to the Burning Legion to borrow, this is not Hu Feng's style, he does not want to give his lifeline to others.

and so. . . It ’s up to you, reaper!

These super-giant steel villains, big squids, are completely an intelligent fleet capable of crossing the universe invincible hands. Then when we study the Void Majesty and the ancient **** tentacle monster under her hand, the harvester's technical reserve will definitely burst again. Soaring.

Oops, it's simply beautiful, and now there is only one question left: how to flicker the reaper on his thief ship.

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