Evil Break

Chapter 361: : Veronica and the eve of going live

With the joining of Refuges 27, 28 and 29, the scale of the underground town of Virtue Town has expanded dramatically again, and the overall area now exceeds that of the ground town.

It's just that some underground cities are not well-deserved. If it is a city, it is better to say that it is a super-large comprehensive research facility. Various experimental plans and test sites, and most of the residents are also scientific research personnel.

The extension direction of the underground town of Virtue is naturally digging all the way towards the above-ground city, and there is a long distance in the middle. After all, the battle point building is not located together from this refuge subway system. It is only through a track. The train tunnel connects the two together. If you want to enter or leave the underground city, you must take a rail train.

All facilities of Refuges 27, 28 and 29 are integrated into three large underground spaces in a newly excavated corridor, forming a system of its own.

The genetic modification project has assigned a group of researchers to carry out related research. The mothers in Room 27 are also continuing to bear genetically modified children, and then immediately sent to Room 29 for targeted cultivation.

Boss Hu demanded that all genetically modified human beings in the recent period be cultivated as scientific research talents. The perfect soldiers will be put aside first. He does n’t need this stuff at present. It is estimated that the only use in the future is to play with human forces. Secret penetration and the like, after all, they do not lack regular troops.

But there is a shortage of scientific researchers, quack!

There are so many experimental plans in the whole underground town of Virtue, where relevant talents are needed everywhere. The ruins of the end of the world are eaten by people. The high-end talents have been gathered by other forces long ago, or eaten by rogues as food, so until now So far, he has recruited more than 20 elite human survivors with professional knowledge. The main scientific research still depends on the demon scientists in the refuge.

It's even more unrealistic to go fishing in the main world. People in the normal world enjoy a high salary and enjoy life. Why should they come with you to eat the big ruins of people? Isn't this self-abuse?

Therefore, boss Hu is so short that even the German maniac alchemist Macain is used. He is now working with a group of demon researchers to study twisted flesh and blood ghosts.

But now it ’s okay. After the mother in Room 27 has settled down, Gaga gave birth. The first batch of more than 70 genetically modified babies have been sent to Room 29. The central computer will be responsible for brainwashing and then directional training A group of high-end talents specializing in scientific research.

Forbear, the good days are coming soon.

Boss Hu is very busy. He is now in another spacious hall underground in Virtue Town. This hall is completely covered by steel. Various installations and parts are being sent in endlessly. Several robots in Refuge No. 9 The production line has been shut down and turned to support the smart ai program.

"Boss, this thing is incredible. Our Refuge No. 9 specializes in the direction of intelligent cyborgs. However, this blueprint is completely unclear and can only be manufactured based on the gourd painting. The technology and principles in it are completely beyond our current grasp. Technical level. "

"That is, this thing is considered an advanced black technology across the ages, not to mention now, it is estimated that you still can't understand it a hundred years later, but it doesn't matter, as long as it can be made." Hu Feng shrugged, the harvester Given the black technology, he did not expect his scientific research team to understand and understand, after all, the technology gap is too big.

"There is still a problem. The energy supply of this ai is not a conventional ability, nor does it require nuclear energy. What is the core of this element zero fusion? We are very skeptical that there is no such element zero on earth at all." The devil scientist holds his hand Said the tablet, frowning.

"Don't doubt it, it is absolutely not. It is estimated that it must be mined in some alien planet mines. Planets with such zero element deposits should be quite rare." Hu Feng exhaled and looked at the metal skeleton robots. Various parts and components that do not understand the purpose are handled and assembled.

"Then what should we use to power this ai?"

"Evil energy, go directly to the evil energy crystal, I will deal with this matter, as long as you are responsible for making this thing and installing it."

Ok. . . Speaking of energy innovation, boss Hu is considered to be ahead of the times. The tank and armored forces are driven by evil energy crystals, and now smart ai will also use evil energy to make a magic change.

Smart ai corrupted by evil energy? Sounds pretty good.

This idea was derived from the Garrosi World Destroyer, so the giant war machine and the evil energy crystal can be driven, so the ai of the Dan Kaza civilization can also be. . . Right.

Oh, it ’s not called Dan Kaza now. This name is the name of the super ai that was harvested by the reaper. This mechanical dictator named his entire civilization with his own name. All the machinery and organics under his command are organically mixed. The body is called Dan Kaza.

Now Hu Feng has plagiarized again, code-named "Veronica", hoping that Capcom in the main world will not continue to send himself a lawyer's letter once he knows it.

This super-ai in production has a feminine name, I hope its character does not behave like an old man, otherwise the name will be blind.

A simulated body produced in Refuge No. 9 has been prepared for a long time. All materials are of the highest specifications. It is made of steel and human bodies. However, it is still a gray like steel, and it has not been covered with artificial. Human-like simulated skin.

The whole body is protruding forward and back, hot and sexy, and the facial features have reached a perfect ratio. The demon engineers call this simulation body Boss Hu's x * love robot.

Oops, I'm used to it. Boss Hu has to make females no matter what he makes. This is already an old calendar, not big news.

The complete body of angel and demon defense runes is inscribed inside the simulated body, and various spiritual amplification devices are also installed. If this super ai is really so blasted, then she can play a very strong role through this simulated body Fighting power.

As for how to restrain this ai and make her obey her orders, don't come up with an artificial intelligence rebellion, Hu Feng also thought of an extremely feasible countermeasure.

Start from the evil energy crystal as the power source and directly transfer your own evil energy with the variation and cultivation of the source. As long as you ai still want to continue to live, then you have to rely on energy. If you rely on energy, you have to use mine. Well, you ’re right to use mine. Even if you use it, the more you use it, the deeper you will be corrupted by evil energy, and the more serious your influence will be. I do n’t care whether it ’s hardware or software. Cheng Laozi's x * love robot. . . Cough, artificial intelligence assistant.

It ’s just that I do n’t know if this super ai has souls or not ~ www.readwn.com ~ If there are any strange artificial artifacts, it should be possible to sign a soul contract. And deep instructions are much more reliable.

As long as this super ai does not produce moths, then his virtue town is still alive, just like a living city, everything will be under the control of ai, keep abreast of all aspects of the dynamics, and make any desired adjustments.

It's a pity that only one can be built. Even if you go to another place and build another one, it's unrealistic. As long as you connect to the network, then ai will immediately find another kind. Until completely destroyed.

Be careful, exclude the same kind, unique.

This is the characteristic of Veronica ai.

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