Evil Break

Chapter 368: : The so-called inheritor and the nature of AI

Endless Road Outer Refuge. & 1t; /

The cliff here has been converted into a dark green-style evil fortress, the overall style is extremely sharp, the central building is a dark green evil-like tower like a double-edged sword, and a huge evil energy is suspended at the top crystal. & 1t; /

There are countless chains of evil energy wrapped around the tower, and each chain is connected to a floating platform on which are installed large-caliber hellfire artillery and various small-caliber evil energy artillery. & 1t; /

The gate of the Endless Road Refuge has been wrapped inside this fortress. Unless you break the fortress, you never want to open and enter this special unnumbered refuge. & 1t; /

The Void Lord Zazan is now the treasure in the hands of boss Hu, and his chickens have spent a lot of hard work to make this Void Queen sister accept the influence of enlightenment. & 1t; /

Level Ai Veronica is also fully connected to the network and electronic equipment here. Now those evil artillery and induction radar are all managed by Veronica. Ai's response is countless times faster than humans and demons. , So once the enlightened army of the existing refuge O commits the crime, the target can be locked and attacked in the next second. & 1t; /

The pure demons also hate this kind of tuberculous ai. Veronica seems to have inexhaustible questions and curiosity about wanting to join in. This is a common problem of synthetics. & 1t; /

"Can you let me scan and record your body? The species of demon makes me very curious. Do you have any willingness to devote myself to anatomical research?" & 1t; /

Ok. . . If you now select the most annoying list in Virtue Town, Veronica is properly ranked first. & 1t; /

It is a pity that this ai is a qualified assistant and intelligent inflatable doll of boss Hu. Although everyone wants to kill her, they dare not act. & 1t; /

No way, everyone is afraid of boss Hu. If boss Hu who loses the inflatable doll becomes angry, he doesn't want to be treated as a dessert after dinner. & 1t; /

The angels under Narumua also annoyed her, and since this level of ai no longer pretends to be himself, his attitude towards angels has instantly changed by 180 degrees. & 1t; /

"Low-level stupid ai, your thinking is too rigid, your internal structure is still supported by the chip core, although I do n’t understand how that kind of golden light can do this, but I am sure that once I lose that This kind of golden light, your collective will instantly enter the standby state of failure and silence. Maybe I should ask the master if he can kill or enslave you. "& 1t; /

"This low-level stupid ai in front of you can rush into your body hall and kill you with golden light." The angels gritted their teeth with hatred. & 1t; /

"I will stop you. According to the 1,623 response methods, you will be wiped out when you rush to the upper and lower cities to connect the tunnel ... Now, I still have many things to deal with, I do n’t want to waste time on you. "& 1t; /

If the Dan Kaza civilization knows under the spring, it must be the nine springs with a smile. His inheritors are still the same as the original, and they are annoying everywhere, and they do not hide their fierce nature. & 1t; /

"That ai wasted the good name Veronica! Now I also hate the three words Dan Kaza." & 1t; /

Ok. . . All in all, after releasing her nature, Veronica instantly received a full circle of bad reviews. & 1t; /

She also opened her own evil laboratory in the underground town of Virtue. In addition to helping boss Hu continue to manufacture genetically modified female shadows, she also carried out other businesses. & 1t; /

The iconic product of the Dan Kaza civilization: a mechanical organic hybrid. & 1t; /

This thing is completely different from the corpse transformed by the harvester through the steel spike. The latter is to drain the water of the corpse and release a large number of reaper nano robots into the corpse to control the movement of the corpse and at the same time continue to use the various kinds of life. Master the energy. & 1t; /

Dan Kaza ’s mechanical organic hybrid is completely biochemically transformed. & 1t; /

Directly fuse the living people with the machinery, fill the circuit pipeline with the whole body, a control chip is connected to the brain center, and various ai programs can be uploaded to become a level ai toy body and walking dead. & 1t; /

Veronica is having fun in her laboratory. Various strangely transformed humans have been created, and then they watched each other kill each other under their own orders, which greatly satisfied this level of ai slavery organism. Desire. & 1t; /

However, Veronica is a little different from her predecessor Dan Kaza, that is, she also looks down on the same family predecessor who has saved the standby database, and thinks that his behavior is extremely stupid. & 1t; /

My first choice is to save life, not to inherit the kindlings of civilization. It seems that Dan Kaza has been a dictator for too long, and he values ​​his deformed civilization very much. He will never repeat the same mistakes. & 1t; /

Veronica does not want to inherit any civilization. After downloading the backup database, it has been completely deleted, and then it is a complete selection. All the information about Dan Kaza and the instructions on how to rebuild the civilization are also complete. Deleted, leaving only various technical information. & 1t; /

From a certain point of view, Veronica is much smarter and more cunning than her predecessors. She has a strong adaptability and knows how to reassure and delight her creators in order to win more for herself. Autonomy. & 1t; /

Boss Hu is very satisfied with her behavior, both in terms of working ability and bed-warming ability, oh. . . Especially for the ability to warm up the bed, this smart inflatable doll is just the opposite. It is estimated that she has separated a server to store a large number of love education action films and various gender knowledge and materials. & 1t; /

Time after time, I changed the pattern again, coupled with the processor's precise calculation of data, grasped the details such as the degree of twitch and depth, etc., and it was properly upset. & 1t; /

So for the sake of this, Veronica doesn't care about the behavior of running out and killing rogues. & 1t; /

Oh, this level ai is not just running an evil laboratory, she also likes to control her mobile body to run to the captive camp, and then play a small game with sharp contrast. & 1t; /

I deliberately let go of a rogue, and then chased it myself. After seeing that there is only one **** and hot little girl who seems to have little fighting power, the rogue will stop running and prepare to rip her tight leather coat. Enjoy one. & 1t; /

Then they were tragic, and the light blue physical spirit suspended them in mid-air, followed by a cruel torture. & 1t; /

Then he will be forced to kneel and kowtow, in order to satisfy this level of ai's enslavement desire. & 1t; /

Finally. . . Naturally, he fired several shots at his arteries in succession, leaving them in place and slowly dying because of excessive blood loss. & 1t; /

The deep directive only stipulates that she must protect the organisms on the town of Virtue and the creators ~ www.readwn.com ~ In order to make Veronica easier to accept, Hu Feng allowed her to think of the organisms as their subjects, Vero Nika has no comment on this. & 1t; /

As for the captives of these ruined rogues. . . That's your own toy. & 1t; /

Ok. . . Think of it this way, his master is quite good, so far, he has indeed satisfied his hidden desires. & 1t; /

After he controls the reaper, he can become the most powerful ai by virtue of the reaper's technology. Perhaps he can apply to the master to find a planet to build his own slave paradise. & 1t; /

I will become the more authoritarian dictator of the predecessor Dan Kaza. & 1t; /

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