Evil Break

Chapter 370: : Cannon Ash Charge and Legion Portal

In this counter-attack battle, Hu Feng also roughly understood the fighting power of the dark forces of all parties in the main world.

Especially the group of Japanese demon hunters surprised Hu Feng a little.

Regardless of the rest, the fighting power of this group of little Japans after the kind of stunned enthusiasm broke out was still terrible.

The leader of their team did not know when they had been replaced by a young woman who was also a spirit guardian. At this moment she rushed to the front with her demon hunter.

Then there was a harsh scream, this scream with a strong mental wave, surging toward the red tide army in the form visible to the naked eye, a large number of red tide clones immediately fell to the ground and twitched, the features kept Bleeding.

Then this group of Japanese demon hunters pulled out the Japanese swords in their waists on the way of the charge, and the energy of the spiritual spirit began to flow on the blade, and behind them emerged a physical manifestation of an ancient Japanese warrior.

Ok. . . This long-lived wave of charge is quite possible, and it is a strong force to die.

The spirit of the two poles of the Japanese Demon Hunting Group won the time for the Allied Forces to cross the river. The artillery unit of the Tianchao Demon Hunting Association was temporarily unmoved, and still fired on the spot, the firepower suppressed the red tide troops.

In the battlefield in the sky, the angels gradually gained an advantage with the support of ai Veronica's firepower, and began to retreat the overwhelming five-pointed star aircraft.

It seems that there is no need to open the legion portal to let the pure demon army come on stage.

Hu Feng stood on the head of the Garoxi dynasty crossing the river and observed the situation. At this moment, the situation had tilted towards the coalition forces.

Then he now estimated that he was wrong.

The coalition forces did successfully cross the river and achieved frontier positions, but they were likely to be forced back.

In the distant red haze, Hu Feng originally thought it was the natural environment, but now he sees that the red earth is all red tide army, and the total number is properly hundreds of millions.

This is a horse. . . Make a feather!

It turned out that the large number of main forces in front of me was not the main force, but still the small forward forces. The main force of the red tide was the endless scarlet ocean in the distance.

"Guarding the frontier position, Lao Tzu is going to open up. The back of the horse is full of red tide clones. That is not the natural terrain. That is human. All horses are human!"

All forces of the Allied Forces were shocked for a long time. When they were on the other side of the Yellow River, they also detected it from afar. They thought it was a special color terrain. The result was very skinny.

"My saboteur will go to your position to protect them and keep the portal of evil energy safe!"

At the forefront, the coalition forces began to defend on the spot and held the land across the Yellow River.

Groups of saboteurs began to appear, and they stood together in twos and threes and began to build and maintain the Legion Portal.

Although the various demon hunting organizations are extremely disgusted by this, they all understand that this is not the time to care about this. They really want to let the red tide attack the endless ruins of the south.

Along with a roar of roar, the first group of vanguards of the Pure Demon successfully landed on 6.

It was an abyss lord with four feet on the ground, holding a giant two-headed spear burning with evil flames. The body of more than 20 meters tall took a heavy step to the front.

"Ha ha ha ha, again a sad world! Destroy them!"

The basic infantry demon guards began to line up and stepped out in batches.

Doomsday guards in the sky are supervising military discipline, waving the burning steel whip to urge the demon troops to advance.

In the dark sky, the dark clouds have been dispelled by the dark green evil energy, filling the sky, flashing a ray of lightning.

Then the meteor shower began to fall in the sky, and countless burning meteorites fell from the sky and crashed into the front of the red tide army. The huge impact formed a large round pit.

Then Hellfire crawled out of the deep pit and roared at the enemy in front of him. Then the war machine, which was burning with evil flames, rushed into the enemy formation for a while.

"Put Galosi annihilator troops, charge, hurry!"

Hu Feng commanded the Garrosi World Destroyer, standing on top of this giant war, yelling at the pure Demon Legion below.

A large number of small Galoxi annihilators stepped out of the portal and followed their big brother Galothi annihilator forward.

Massive **** dogs and scorching hounds ran out in droves, rushing towards the red ocean with bursts of howling, and more massive evil demon, this group of noisy annoying little demons will only release evil Can fireball, but once they form scale, they are definitely excellent cannon fodder.

It is naturally the Eredar demons who act as a long-range force in the rear. This group of high-level demons is not only a war commander, but also masters powerful evil spells.

That kind of living green lightning is called the "legion's grip". Touching the living creature will make it burn, and the more powerful one is the finger of death, which means who died.

Hu Feng looked at his dark green to show that he was thinking about advancing. He quite nodded with satisfaction as the autumn wind swept the fallen leaves.

Isn't it just fighting the number of people, no matter how many of you there are, there are more burning legions.

Silly, I have a backstage!

The portal of the Legion is directly connected to the devil's nest Agus Planet of the Burning Legion of the main world. The portal master Hassabel, who is responsible for the deployment of the Burning Legion, has already greeted himself early. Ruin earth.

You have hundreds of millions of dollars, and Lao Tzu also has hundreds of millions. If necessary, I can have more than one billion! And individual soldiers can crush you clones.

I have to say that Mr. Sa always gave himself a face. It may be that the destroyer did not want to lose face, after all, he originated from him.

As a dark green warship slowly descended from the dark clouds of evil energy and began air-to-ground carpet bombing, Hu Feng immediately struck the cute little baby's idea.

The shape of the battleship is extremely sharp, with a sharp long triangle, three round jets on the buttocks, and the ship is a large-caliber evil ray cannon.

This is an auxiliary cruiser. While providing firepower support, it can also throw live **** fire and overwhelming evil bat troops.

As the size of the Legion ’s teleportation grew larger and larger, the number of demon guards soon became comparable to that of the Red Tide Clone.

Coupled with those sad spires that fell from the sky and slammed into the ground, this kind of turret and portal structure provided powerful fire support and a large number of follow-up reinforcements for the demon troops.

The Minaret of Grief can also cause evil energy pollution to the surrounding ground ~ www.readwn.com ~ Turn the land into pieces of dark green dead waste soil.

Non-demonic creatures standing on the earth corrupted by evil energy must always bear the burning pain of evil flame and the corruption of spirit by evil energy.

"Hahaha, kill the past and kill them. Now I finally understand why the young man of Sargeras is keen to destroy."

Aletya around him was extremely nervous, and his body was stiff.

Originally, the pure demon that wiped out the Burning Legion was often hung in the mouth. Now looking at these endless terror destruction army, can the angels really defeat them?

like. . . Some naive and ignorant.

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